Say It in Spanish: New Edition

Say It in Spanish: New Edition

by Joyce Puebla
Say It in Spanish: New Edition

Say It in Spanish: New Edition

by Joyce Puebla



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Compact and comprehensive, this convenient reference contains more than 1,300 numbered entries for every occasion. Completely updated contents include vocabulary and phrases for modern technology, transportation, and communications, plus essential information for travelers and points of interest about language and culture. Contains a pronunciation guide, native food and drink list, and a 2,500-word English-Spanish dictionary. "Gets quickly to the heart of communication."—The New York Times.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780486173856
Publisher: Dover Publications
Publication date: 12/26/2012
Series: Dover Language Guides Say It Series
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 272
File size: 836 KB

Read an Excerpt

Say It In Spanish

By Joyce Puebla

Dover Publications, Inc.

Copyright © 2011 Joyce Puebla
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-0-486-17385-6


Quick & to the Point/Sidebars

Throughout the book, you will notice two types of shaded boxes. The "Quick & to the Point" sections summarize the most important words and phrases contained in the chapter. These essential and handy phrases provide the easiest and simplest communication that a traveler may need on any given topic. The sidebars, also appearing in tinted boxes, contain an interesting fact for the traveler. Pertinent to the theme of each chapter, the sidebars may inform readers about a unique aspect of the culture, feature special details about the language, or offer a bit of entertaining trivia.

Scheme of Pronunciation

The difficulty of pronunciation of Spanish for an American arises mainly from the difference in the pronunciation of the vowels. English vowels can be pronounced several different ways. In Spanish vowels have only one sound. Vowel sounds are shorter than in English and are never drawn out.

The pronunciation in this book should be read simply as in English with the stress placed upon the syllables in capital letters. In this book we are using the following letters to represent the Spanish pronunciation.

aah as in

eeh as in set

iee as in bee

ooh as in no

uoo as in moon

ai, ayi as in pie

auow as in cow

oi, oyoy as in toy

ueweh as in went

uiwee as in we

Spanish consonants are mostly similar to English with the following exceptions.

b and v sound alike in Spanish—like a soft b.

c followed by i or e sounds like the th in thin in Spain and like the s in say elsewhere. Followed by aou it has a hard k sound.

d is much softer than the English d. It is close to the th sound in English.

h is always silent; it is never pronounced.

j and g (when followed by i or e ) is like a spitty, guttural h.

ll is pronounced like the y in yellow. (This varies in some Spanish-speaking countries.)

ñ is pronounced like the ny in canyon.

qu is always a hard k sound as in key.

rr and r at the beginning of a word is trilled or rolled. It isn't a sound we have in English, so it requires some practice.

x is pronounced like x in taxi when it appears between two vowels and like the s in say when it is followed by a consonant.

z sounds like the th in thin in Spain and like the s in say in many other Spanish-speaking countries.

Quick & to the Point

Yes. No. Perhaps. Sí. No. Puede ser. see. noh.

PWEH-deh sehr.

Please. Porfavor. pohrfah-BOHR.

Excuse me. (To get someone's attention if I have a question) Disculpe. dehs-KOOL-peh.

Excuse me. (If someone is in my way or I need to squeeze through) Con permiso. kohn pehr-MEE-soh.

Excuse me. (If I bump into someone) Perdón. pehr-DOHN.

Thanks (very much). (Muchas)gracias.

(MOO-chahs) GRAH-see-ahs.

You're welcome. No hay de que or De nada.

noh I deh keh or deh NAH-dah.

Don't mention it! ¡No faltaba más! noh fahl-TAH-bah mahs.

Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos! bee-ehn-beh-NEE-dohs!

Restrooms. Los servicios or los aseos.

lohs sehr-BEE-see-ohs or lohs ah-SEH-ohs.

Ladies'room. Damas or Señoras or Mujeres.

DAH-mahss or seh- NYO-rahss or moo-HEH-rehs.

Men's room. Caballeros or Señores or Hombres.

kah-bah-YEH-rohss or seh-NYOH-rehs or OHM-brehs.


Useful Expressions/Expresiones Útiles

1. Do you speak (a little) English?

¿Habla usted (un poco de) inglés?

AH-blah oos-TEHD (oon POH-koh deh) een-GLEHS?

2. I speak only English (French).

Sólo hablo inglés (francés).

SOH-loh AH-bloh een-GLEHS (frahn-SEHS).

3. German, Italian. Alemán, italiano.

ah-leh-MAHN, ee-tah-lee-AH-noh.

4. I am from the United States.

Soy de los Estados Unidos.

soy deh lohs eys-TAH-dohs oo-NEE-dohs.

5. My mailing address is_____.

Mi dirección (postal) es _____.

mee dee-rehk-see-OHN (pohs-TAHL) ehs _____.

6. My email address is Mary@(at)abc. (dot) com

Mi dirección de correo electrónico es Mary @ (arroba) abc. (punto) com.

mee dee-rehk-see-OHN deh koh-REH-oh eh-lehk-TROH-nee-koh ehs Mary ah-RROHbah ah beh seh POON-toh kohm.

7. He (she) is from_____. Él (ella) es de _____.

ehl (EH-yah) ehs deh _____.

8. Could you please speak a little slower?

¿Puede hablar un poco más despacio, por favor?

PWEH-deh ah-BLAHR oon POH-koh mahs dehs-PAH-SEE-OH, pohr fah-BOHR?

9. I (don't) understand. (No) comprendo.

(noh) kohm-PREHN-doh.

10. Could you repeat it, please?

¿Puede repetirlo, por favor?

PWEH-deh rreh-peh-TEER-loh, pohr fah-BOHR.

11. Again. Otra vez. OH-trah behs.

12. Write it down, please. Escríbalo, por favor.

ehs-KREE-bah-loh, pohr fah-BOHR.

13. What do you wish? ¿Qué desea usted?

keh de-SEH-ah oos-TED?

14. How much is it? ¿Cuánto es? KWAHN-toh ehs?

15. Come here. Come in. Venga acá. Pase usted.

BEHN-gah ah-KAH. PAH-seh oos-TEHD.

16. Wait a moment. Espere un momento.

ehs-PEH-reh oon moh-MEHN-toh.

17. Why? When? ¿Por qué? ¿Cuándo?

por KEH, KWAHN-doh?

18. How? How long? ¿Cómo? ¿Cuánto tiempo?

KOH-moh? KWAHN-toh tee-EHM-poh?

19. Who? What? ¿Quién? ¿Qué? kee-EHN? keh?

20. Where is _____? ¿Dónde está?

DOHN-deh ehs-TAH?

21. Here, there. Aquí, allí. ah-KEE, ah-YEE.

22. It is (not) all right. (No) está bien.

(noh) ehss-TA bee-EHN.

23. It is old (new). Es viejo (nuevo).

ehs bee-EH-hoh (NWEH-boh).

24. Empty, full. Vacío, lleno. bah-SEE-oh, YEH-noh.

25. That is (not) all. Eso (no) es todo.

EH-so (noh) ehs TOH-doh.

26. To, from, with. A, de, con . ah, deh, kohn.

27. In, on, near, far. En, sobre, cerca de, lejos de.

ehn, SOH-breh, SEHR-kah deh, LEH-hohs deh.

28. In front of, behind. Enfrente de, detrás de.

en-FREHN-teh deh, DEH-trahs deh.

29. Beside, inside, outside .

Al lado de, dentro de, fuera de.

ahl LAH-doh deh, DEHN-troh deh, FWEH-rah deh.

30. Something, nothing. Algo, nada. AHL-goh, NAH-dah.

31. Several, few. Algunos, pocos.

ahl-GOO-nohs, POH-kohs.

32. More or less. Más o menos. mahs oh MEH-nohs.

33. A little. Un poquito. oon poh-KEE-toh.

34. Enough, too much. Suficiente, demasiado.

soo-fee-see-EHN-teh, deh-mah-see-AH-doh.

35. Much, many. Mucho, muchos.

MOO-choh, MOO-chohs.

36. Good, better (than). Bueno, mejor (que).

BWEH-noh, meh-HOHR (keh).

37. Bad, worse (than). Malo, peor (que).

MAH-lo, peh-OHR (keh).

38. Now, immediately. Ahora, en seguida.

ah-OH-rah, ehn seh-GHEE-dah.

39. Soon, later. Pronto, más tarde.

PROHN-toh, mahs TAHR-deh.

40. As soon as possible. Lo más pronto posible.

loh mahs PROHN-toh poh-SEE-bleh.

41. At the latest. A más tardar. ah mahss tahr-DAHR.

42. At least. Por los menos. pohr loh MEH-nohs.

43. It is (very) late. Es (muy) tarde.

ehs (mwee) TAHR-deh.

44. It is early. Es temprano. ehss tehm-PRAH-noh

45. Slowly, slower. Despacio, más despacio.

dehs-PAH-see-oh, mahs dehss-PAH-see-oh.

46. Quickly, faster. Aprisa, más aprisa.

ah-PREE-sah, mahs ah PREE-sah.

47. I am (not) in a hurry. (No) tengo prisa.

(noh) TEN-goh PREE-sah.

48. I am warm (cold ). Tengo calor (frío).

TEHN-goh kah-LOHR (FREE-oh).

49. Hungry, thirsty, sleepy. Hambre, sed, sueño.

AHM-breh, sehd, SWEH-nyoh.

50. I am busy (tired, ill).

Estoy ocupado (cansado, enfermo). ehs-TOY oh-koo-PAH-doh (kahn-SAHdoh, ehn-FEHR-moh ).

51. What is the matter here? ¿Qué pasa aquí?

keh PAH-sah ah-KEE?

52. Help! Fire! Thief! ¡Socorro! ¡Fuego! ¡Ladrón!

soh-KOH-rroh! FWEH-goh! lah-DROHN!

53. Look out! ¡Cuidado! kwee-DAH-doh!

54. Listen. Look here. Oiga. Mire. OY-gah. MEE-reh.

55. Can you help (tell) me?

¿Puede usted ayudarme (decirme) _____?

PWEH-deh oos-TEHD ah-yoo-DAHR-meh (deh-SEER-MEH) _____?

56. I'm looking for _____. Busco _____. BOOS-koh.

57. I would like _____. Quisiera _____.

kee-see-EHR-ah _____.

58. Can you recommend a _____?

¿Puede usted recomendar un _____? PWEH-deh

oos-TEHD rreh-koh-mehn-DAHR oon _____.

59. Do you want _____? ¿Desea usted _____?

deh-SEH-ah oos-TEHD _____?

60. I am (very) glad. Me alegro (mucho).

meh ah-LEH-groh (MOO-choh)

61. I am sorry. Lo siento. loh see-EHN-toh.

62. It is (not) my fault. (No) es mi culpa.

(noh) ehs mee KOOL-pah.

63. Whose fault is it? ¿Quién tiene la culpa?

kee-EHN tee-EH-neh lah KOOL-pah?

64. I (don't) know. (No) sé. (no) seh.

65. I (don't) think so. Creo que sí. (no).

KREH-oh keh see (noh).


Excerpted from Say It In Spanish by Joyce Puebla. Copyright © 2011 Joyce Puebla. Excerpted by permission of Dover Publications, Inc..
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents

Scheme of Pronunciation Useful Expressions Difficulties Greetings, Introductions, etc. Travel General Expressions Airplane At customs Ticket Baggage Train Bus Boat Bicycles Metro Taxi Streetcar and Local Bus Automobiles Help on the Road Parts of the Car Tools and Equipment Road Signs and Public Notices Lodging: Hotel and Inn In the Room Signs Checking Out Apartment Restaurant Getting Seated and Ordering Leaving the Restaurant Cafe Food Church Entertainment and Recreation Sightseeing Amusements Movies and Television Newspaper Shopping and Personal Services Post Office Bank Electronics and Email Internet Vocabulary ATMs Bookstore and Office Supply Store Cigar Store Barber Shop and Hair salon Photography Laundry and Dry Cleaning Clothing Health: Accidents, Illness, etc. Parts and Organs of the Body Illness Dentist Drugstore Communications: Telephone Telephone Cell Phones Social Networking Useful Information Days of the Week Months, Seasons, and Weather Time and Time Expressions Numbers Measurements Colors Common Objects Metric Conversion Tables Native Food and Drink List Tapas, Soup, and Appetizers Fish and Shellfish Meat and Specialties Salad Desserts Cheeses Drinks Beverages: non-alcoholic English-Spanish Dictionary Index
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