It’s hard to say whether the line-up of awesome-sounding science fiction and fantasy debuts scheduled for release over the next few months is a good thing or a bad thing. On one hand: new authors! new stories! new worlds! new heroes to love! new villains to hate! On the other hand: we also have to pay […]
Warbands offer a unique opportunity for fantasy authors. For one, it’s easy to illustrate the morality (or lack thereof) of a group of characters by having them talk about the orders they’re willing to follow, or the money they’re getting, or why they do their jobs. They also provide an opportunity to gets a bunch of […]
For nearly two decades, Jim Killen has served as the science fiction and fantasy book buyer for Barnes & Noble. Every month on the B&N Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog and, Jim shares his curated list of the month’s can’t-miss new SF/F releases.
Snakewood is not your typical grimdark fantasy. It includes many of the same heady notes—grizzled mercenaries, twisted tortures, world on the brink of collapse, magical conflicts aplenty—but the brew tastes altogether different. Debut novelist Adrian Selby explores what happens when the world no longer needs these old soldiers and has no time for their rivalries. It’s an intoxicating draft […]
A classic of Japanese SF is finally available in English, an engrossing epic fantasy trilogy reaches its end, and a story of mercenaries and strange magic finally hits shelves after 20 years in the making. Here are this week’s new releases in SFF.