From the Publisher
My son has found his confidence again and learned how to manage his anxiety when it does arise. The Guidance Counsellors at the High School which he started this year have been very impressed with how he has put his action plan to work particularly at the start of the year when he was settling in to a new routine — he loves school again and we are very thankful to have our happy and confident little man back. Parent of 12 year old boy attending a clinic group
Every day I see my son becoming more confident when faced with new and challenging tasks or activities. It's been beautiful to watch. Thank you so much to the Take Action program! Parent of 7 year old boy seen individually in private practice
We practice the Take Action strategies all the time now. My daughter loves the deep breathing and strength cards. She is feeling less worried about going to school and she is making more friends. I have seen the "weight of worry" lifted from her shoulders, and she can be a "kid" again. Parent of 8 year old girl seen individually in private practice
My daughter is doing great since undertaking the Take Action program! It is so wonderful seeing her progress. She is thriving in the school setting now. We all have more strategies to assist her in future situations. Parent of 6 year old girl
Liked learning how to take action against my worries, making new friends. I saw I wasn’t the only one who has anxiety and worries. Do classes before or after school so we don’t miss out on things 10 year old child attending school-based group
I liked that it helped me get over my nightmares. 9 year old child attending school-based group
I am more confident when I do exams at school now. I use my strategies of deep breathing and strong thoughts before the exam. I take my strength card in my pocket. The Take Action program has helped me to believe in myself more and face my fears. 12 year old boy seen individually in private practice
I don't worry anymore about my mum being late when she is picking me up from school. I sit and play with my friends. I have more fun now I don't worry as much. I like thinking strong thoughts. 8 year old girl seen individually in private practice
The program is very user-friendly, and I have been able to teach the anxiety management strategies to a number of students already with great success. School psychologist
Children love the sea animals which provide a reference for different emotions. The accompanying parent manual assists parents to better understand and respond to their child's anxiety. For therapists, the program is easy to follow and is easily adaptable to an individual or group format. Third year clinical psychology postgraduate student