| Introduction | xi |
9 | Spirit and Sacred Geometry | 225 |
| The Third Informational System in the Fruit of Life | 225 |
| The Circles and Squares of Human Consciousness | 225 |
| Finding Near-Perfect Phi Ratios | 226 |
| The First and Third Levels of Consciousness | 227 |
| Locating the Second Level | 228 |
| Geometric Lenses to Interpret Reality | 229 |
| Superimposing the Fruit of Life | 230 |
| Lucie's Genius | 230 |
| Lucie's Ladder | 231 |
| Side Note: Sacred Geometry Is a Do-It-Yourself Project | 233 |
| A Snag in the Ladder | 234 |
| The Three Lenses | 235 |
| Square Roots and 3-4-5 Triangles | 236 |
| Leonardo's and CBS's Eye | 237 |
| Vitruvius' 10 by 12 | 238 |
| 10,000 Years to Figure Out | 239 |
| Vitruvius and the Great Pyramid | 240 |
| The Search for a 14 by 18 | 241 |
| The Unknown Leonardo | 242 |
| A Great Synchronicity | 245 |
| Earth-Moon Proportions | 246 |
| Earth, Moon and Pyramid Proportions | 248 |
| Rooms in the Great Pyramid | 248 |
| More Rooms | 250 |
| The Initiation Process | 250 |
| Light Reflectors and Absorbers above the King's Chamber | 251 |
| Comparing the Levels of Consciousness | 252 |
| Catching the White Light | 252 |
| Proof of the Initiation Chamber | 254 |
| Catching the Dark Light | 255 |
| The Halls of Amenti and the Face of Jesus | 256 |
| Summary of the Initiation Process | 256 |
10 | The Left Eye of Horus Mystery School | 259 |
| Egyptian Initiations | 262 |
| Crocodile Initiation at Kom Ombo | 262 |
| The Well under the Great Pyramid | 267 |
| The Tunnel beneath the Pyramid | 268 |
| The Hathors | 278 |
| Dendera | 280 |
| An Immaculate Conception | 282 |
| The World's Virgin Births | 282 |
| Parthenogenesis | 283 |
| Conception on a Different Dimension | 284 |
| Thoth's Genesis and Family Tree | 285 |
| An Earth Lineage Travels into Space | 285 |
| The Flower of Life Seen from the Feminine Side | 287 |
| Wheels on the Ceiling | 292 |
| The Geometry of the Egyptian Wheels | 293 |
11 | Ancient Influences on Our Modern World | 297 |
| The Heliacal Rising of Sirius | 303 |
| Virgo and Leo, Aquarius and Pisces | 304 |
| The Four Corners Implication | 304 |
| The Philadelphia Experiment | 305 |
12 | The Mer-Ka-Ba, the Human Lightbody | 309 |
| The Geometries of the Human Chakra System | 310 |
| The Unfolded Egg of Life and the Musical Scale | 311 |
| The Human Chakras and the Musical Scale | 314 |
| The Wall with a Hidden Doorway | 315 |
| Ways to Find the Doorway | 317 |
| Chakras on Our Star Tetrahedrons | 319 |
| The Egyptian 13-Chakra System | 320 |
| Discovering the True Chakra Locations | 321 |
| A Body-Surface Chakra Map | 322 |
| A Different Movement on the Star Tetrahedron | 323 |
| The Five Spiraling Light Channels | 324 |
| Let There Be Light | 324 |
| Egyptian Sexual Energy and the Orgasm | 330 |
| The 64 Sexual/Personality Configurations | 332 |
| Instructions for the Orgasm | 333 |
| Beyond the Fifth Chakra | 334 |
| Through the Final Half Step | 335 |
| The Energy Fields around the Body | 337 |
| How to See Auras | 338 |
| The Rest of the Human Lightbody | 340 |
13 | The Mer-Ka-Ba Geometries and Meditation | 343 |
| The Star Tetrahedron, Source of All Geometric Fields around the Body | 344 |
| Spherical Breathing and the Remembrance of the Mer-Ka-Ba | 346 |
| An Overview of the Meditation | 347 |
Part 1 | The First Six Breaths | 347 |
Part 2 | The Next Seven Breaths, Re-creating Spherical Breathing | 350 |
Part 3 | The Fourteenth Breath | 352 |
Part 4 | The Last Three Breaths, Creating the Vehicle of Ascension | 353 |
| Additional Information, and Problems That People Sometimes Experience | 356 |
| Minor Problems and Misunderstandings | 359 |
| The Acceleration of Spirit in Matter | 360 |
| An Overview of the Human Energy Field beyond the Mer-Ka-Ba | 361 |
14 | The Mer-Ka-Ba and the Siddhis | 367 |
| Further Uses for the Mer-Ka-Ba | 367 |
| Meditation | 368 |
| Siddhis, or Psychic Powers | 369 |
| Programming Crystals | 370 |
| Mer-Ka-Ba Programs | 371 |
| Ways to Manifest Wine | 371 |
| The Gas Can | 372 |
| The Stack of Money | 373 |
| The Second Stack | 374 |
| Four Ways to Program the Mer-Ka-Ba | 375 |
| Male Programming | 375 |
| Female Programming | 377 |
| Both Programming | 377 |
| Neither Programming | 377 |
| The Surrogate Mer-Ka-Ba | 378 |
| Conclusion | 378 |
15 | Love and Healing | 379 |
| Love Is Creation | 379 |
| "Heal Thyself" | 382 |
| Healing Others | 384 |
| A Final Message and a Story | 390 |
16 | The Three Levels of the Self | 393 |
| The Lower Self--Mother Earth | 396 |
| The Higher Self--All That Is | 399 |
| From My Old Writings--Living as a Child | 399 |
| How Life Works When You're Connected with the Higher Self | 401 |
| Communicating with Everything Everywhere | 403 |
| Foretelling the Future | 404 |
| The Lessons of the Seven Angels | 406 |
| Testing the Reality of Your Connection with Your Higher Self | 407 |
17 | Duality Transcended | 411 |
| Judging | 411 |
| The Lucifer Experiment: Duality | 411 |
| The Bright and Shining One | 412 |
| Creating a Dualistic Reality | 414 |
| Earth Humans as the Focus of the Experiment | 417 |
| Using the Intellect without Love | 418 |
| The Third, Integrated Way | 419 |
| The Sirian Experiment | 419 |
| My Three Days in Space | 419 |
| Technology Reconsidered | 421 |
| The History of the Sirian Experiment | 422 |
| August 7, 1972, and the Successful Aftermath | 425 |
| The Return of Free Will and Unexpected Positive Consequences | 426 |
18 | The Dimensional Shift | 429 |
| The Great Change | 429 |
| An Overview of a Dimensional Shift | 429 |
| The First Signs | 430 |
| The Phase before the Shift | 431 |
| Five to Six Hours before the Shift | 432 |
| Synthetic Objects and Lucifer-Reality Thought Forms | 433 |
| Planetary Shifts | 434 |
| The Experience of an Actual Planetary Shift | 435 |
| Six Hours before the Shift | 435 |
| The Void--Three Days of Blackness | 436 |
| The New Birth | 437 |
| Your Thoughts and Survival | 438 |
| How to Prepare: The Secret of Everyday Life | 440 |
| This Unique Transition | 442 |
19 | The New Children | 443 |
| The Current Growth of Knowledge | 443 |
| Human Mutations, Historical and Recent | 445 |
| DNA Changes in Blood Types | 445 |
| The Indigo Children | 446 |
| The Children of AIDS | 448 |
| The Bible Code and AIDS | 449 |
| The Superpsychic Children | 450 |
| The Fourth-Dimensional Shift and the Superkids | 454 |
| Life Is Great, an Epilogue | 455 |
| References | 459 |
| Index | 463 |
| Template for a Star Tetrahedron | |