Welcome back to another edition of YAs That Get it Right, in which pros weigh in on YA books they think nailed an aspect of the human experience. Since May is Mental Health Awareness Month, I asked some of my favorite authors of mental health YA, as well as (and including) authors who are also […]
It’s an overwhelming and amazing thing, how many great young adult lit books come out every year, but it also means no one can possibly get to all of them. So often the books we reach for are the ones we see everywhere, whether through ads or Best Of lists or nominations. But then there […]
Publishing is a competitive industry, let’s face it—and as with any other, sometimes the big guys get all the glory, while the little guys have a tendency to slip under the radar. But just because a book isn’t on every list doesn’t mean it can’t be great. Of course, with the huge number of smaller publishers and […]