In this fourth installment in the Adam Fletcher Adventure Series, a gypsy family sets up camp on the edge of town peddling tinctures, potions, magic, and fortunetelling. And like a moth to a flame, Adam Fletcher is drawn there. He decides to pay the mysterious Madame Endora a visit, just for fun -- or so he thinks.
Soon after, a series of worrisome circumstances begin to unfold, one after the other, sending the sleepy port town of Beaufort into a hysterical frenzy.
Is there really a curse, or is something more sinister to blame?
Soon after, a series of worrisome circumstances begin to unfold, one after the other, sending the sleepy port town of Beaufort into a hysterical frenzy.
Is there really a curse, or is something more sinister to blame?
The Gypsy's Curse
In this fourth installment in the Adam Fletcher Adventure Series, a gypsy family sets up camp on the edge of town peddling tinctures, potions, magic, and fortunetelling. And like a moth to a flame, Adam Fletcher is drawn there. He decides to pay the mysterious Madame Endora a visit, just for fun -- or so he thinks.
Soon after, a series of worrisome circumstances begin to unfold, one after the other, sending the sleepy port town of Beaufort into a hysterical frenzy.
Is there really a curse, or is something more sinister to blame?
Soon after, a series of worrisome circumstances begin to unfold, one after the other, sending the sleepy port town of Beaufort into a hysterical frenzy.
Is there really a curse, or is something more sinister to blame?
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The Gypsy's Curse
The Gypsy's Curse
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Product Details
BN ID: | 2940156898725 |
Publisher: | Seaport Publishing |
Publication date: | 09/25/2016 |
Sold by: | Barnes & Noble |
Format: | eBook |
Sales rank: | 829,938 |
File size: | 2 MB |
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