2017: the year that became an adjective. A year during which the only status quo became the lack of one, and the only thing stranger than the day’s trending Twitter topics was the next day’s trending Twitter topics. Wherever you come down on the merits of the past 12 months, there’s no denying the fact […]
As six-month periods go, the first half of 2017 has certainly been, shall we say, interesting. But even as the real world works ever harder to convince us that we’re all living inside a genre novel (though what kind will depend on your particular point of view: sci-fi? Alt-history? Dystopian thriller? Grimdark fantasy?), the authors […]
For nearly two decades, Jim Killen has served as the science fiction and fantasy book buyer for Barnes & Noble. Every month on Tor.com and the B&N Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog, Jim shares his curated list of the month’s can’t-miss new SFF releases.
Much of literature is conversation with others: when I’m writing, I’m drawing on the genre books I read and loved—from Kate Elliott’s Black Wolves to Ursula Le Guin’s A Wizard of Earthsea, from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld to David Gemmell’s King Beyond the Gate.