The Laws of the Universe and the Bible: A Practical Guide to Abundant Living

To know and understand the energy laws of the universe is to know and understand a little more of the mind of our Creator. My purpose in penning this book is to share with you what our family has learned of this metaphysical bridge that connects the spiritual with the mental and physical sides of our lives - a fusion that completes our whole being. We all have the power, through faith, to raise our consciousness to new elevated heights where liberty, love, peace, health, and joy reign. You will learn what practical steps to take in a normal day that will increase your faith so that fear turns into trust, depression into liberation, anxiety and stress into rest, lack and limitations into abundance on all levels. What would it mean to you if you could have power over your negative thoughts, or to actualize what you desire in your reality? You will learn how to tap into this universal flow that our Creator has provided for our every day health, healing, and living. You will come to understand that you have a measure of power over your external world by learning how to tap into your internal world.

The Laws of the Universe and the Bible: A Practical Guide to Abundant Living

To know and understand the energy laws of the universe is to know and understand a little more of the mind of our Creator. My purpose in penning this book is to share with you what our family has learned of this metaphysical bridge that connects the spiritual with the mental and physical sides of our lives - a fusion that completes our whole being. We all have the power, through faith, to raise our consciousness to new elevated heights where liberty, love, peace, health, and joy reign. You will learn what practical steps to take in a normal day that will increase your faith so that fear turns into trust, depression into liberation, anxiety and stress into rest, lack and limitations into abundance on all levels. What would it mean to you if you could have power over your negative thoughts, or to actualize what you desire in your reality? You will learn how to tap into this universal flow that our Creator has provided for our every day health, healing, and living. You will come to understand that you have a measure of power over your external world by learning how to tap into your internal world.

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The Laws of the Universe and the Bible: A Practical Guide to Abundant Living

The Laws of the Universe and the Bible: A Practical Guide to Abundant Living

by Lori Kostenuk
The Laws of the Universe and the Bible: A Practical Guide to Abundant Living

The Laws of the Universe and the Bible: A Practical Guide to Abundant Living

by Lori Kostenuk


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To know and understand the energy laws of the universe is to know and understand a little more of the mind of our Creator. My purpose in penning this book is to share with you what our family has learned of this metaphysical bridge that connects the spiritual with the mental and physical sides of our lives - a fusion that completes our whole being. We all have the power, through faith, to raise our consciousness to new elevated heights where liberty, love, peace, health, and joy reign. You will learn what practical steps to take in a normal day that will increase your faith so that fear turns into trust, depression into liberation, anxiety and stress into rest, lack and limitations into abundance on all levels. What would it mean to you if you could have power over your negative thoughts, or to actualize what you desire in your reality? You will learn how to tap into this universal flow that our Creator has provided for our every day health, healing, and living. You will come to understand that you have a measure of power over your external world by learning how to tap into your internal world.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781504356107
Publisher: Balboa Press
Publication date: 05/21/2016
Pages: 172
Sales rank: 675,236
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.40(d)

Read an Excerpt

The Laws of the Universe and the Bible

A Practical Guide to Abundant Living

By Lori Kostenuk

Balboa Press

Copyright © 2016 Lori Kostenuk
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-5043-5610-7


Law of Vibration

The law of vibration states that, because of our connection with a universal energy force, our thoughts and feelings have the ability to manipulate this vibrating energy force to our liking. Our thoughts and feelings attract a corresponding energy to us. If our thoughts and feelings are negative, then we attract negative experiences. If our feelings are positive, then we attract more positive experiences. The essential message of the law of vibration is that we all have the power to determine our own reality. Through fully and consistently applying this law and shifting our energy accordingly, we can be who we want to be and attract what we want into our reality.

Everything that exists in the universe (whether seen or unseen), when broken down and analyzed in its most basic form, consists of pure energy of vibrating atoms.

Newtonian physics held that atoms were of a solid nature. Albert Einstein's world-changing discovery proved that atoms could be broken down and analyzed further, and that the subatomic particles that collectively form the atoms are pure energy. Einstein believed that the energy he had discovered was in the form of particles even though it had an appearance of being solid. Although he was partially correct, his theory differed from that of another noted physicist of that day. Thomas Young believed that energy was not particles at all but, rather, that it existed as a wave form.

The two scientists disagreed over whether subatomic energies were in wave or particle form. Based on these two theories, everything in the universe — the moon, your kitchen sink, a stool, your car, you — can be broken down into its simplest component of vibrating energy. The only difference between the two theories is the rate of speed at which the particles are vibrating. Like vibrations attract each other and will appear as one particular object.

In 1922 a scientist by the name of Niels Bohr suggested that energy can appear in both particle and wave form, but never in both forms at the same time. He suggested that energy has the potential to take various forms. In 1927, Bohr and other scientists got together in Brussels to perform an experiment, the famous Copenhagen Interpretation, which proved that subatomic particles could exist either as waves or as particles of energy — but not at the same time.

The fact of the matter is that subatomic particles are wave energy. However, when attention is placed on them, they collapse, and particle matter is formed. As observed in the Copenhagen Interpretation, energy took form based on the thoughts and beliefs of the scientist observing it. If he expected to see waves, then he saw waves. If he expected to see particles (i.e., matter), then he saw particles.

What is the conclusion? Whatever thoughts you intensely focus on (wave form) will come into existence (particle form or matter), based on your level of belief. In other words, you see what you believe.

Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC, a researcher specializing in neuroscience, explains it this way: "When you are truly focused on an intention for some future outcome, and if you can make inner thought more real than the outer environment during the process, the brain will not know the difference between the two. Then your body, as the unconscious mind, will begin to experience the new future event in the present moment. You will signal new genes, in new ways, to prepare for this imagined future event."

What does this mean for healing the body of disease or sickness?

Dr. Dispenza states that if you can experience a healing over and over again in the inner world of thoughts and feelings, then healing should, in time, manifest as an outer experience. If you make a thought as real as the experience in the external environment, then sooner or later you should find evidence in your body and brain. In other words, if you repeatedly mentally rehearse the unknown future with a clear intention and an elevated feeling, then you should experience real neuroplastic changes in your brain and epigenetic changes in your body. This latest research supports the notion that we have a natural ability to change the brain and body by thought alone so that it looks biologically like some future event has already happened.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that we attract and become what we send out via our thoughts and beliefs. What if you have negative or fearful thoughts and limiting beliefs? Fortunately, you can begin to overpower these harmful thoughts and beliefs with spoken words and the mind-set that you already are who you want to be. Your language must confirm this new, positive mind-set. The more you speak with positive undertones (even if you do not believe them at first), the sooner your thoughts and brain paths will change. Our subconscious does not know the difference between true and false. It believes what it hears most frequently, which becomes ingrained in the brain paths.

All matter, thoughts, and feelings have their own vibration frequency. Thoughts and feelings of love, peace, and joy have a high vibrating frequency. In contrast, feelings of anger, fear, guilt, apathy, hate, or shame have a low, dense frequency. In other words, your thoughts are inseparably connected to the rest of the universe. As you choose good thoughts, more good thoughts of the same nature will follow, and you will also be in vibration harmony with others who have like thoughts. Your feeling at the present moment dictates your vibration.

The most common unit of measure for vibration frequency is the hertz, which is one vibration cycle per second. A frequency of 460 Hz means that there are 460 cycles of vibration occurring every second. If a frequency is vibrating fast enough, it is emitted as a color of light. If we wanted to convert sound to light, we would simply raise the sound's frequency forty octaves. This results in a vibration in the trillions of cycles per second. If a pianist could press a key far above the eighty-eight keys that exist on a piano, that key would produce light. A chord of light could be created in the same way as a chord of sound. It would be seen as colors of light because it would be moving at the speed of light. Hence Einstein's theory of relativity, where energy is related to matter and the speed of light, resulting in his famous equation E = mc2.

How does this relate to us and our thoughts? What would it mean to you if you could increase your level of consciousness or vibration frequency so as to create your world instead of reacting to it, to go from depression to liberation, from fear to love, from misery to joy, from guilt to trust, from lack to abundance? This all begins with a thought reinforced with a belief.

This vibration law is working throughout the universe all the time, whether we understand it or not. Look around you and within you to see what it is you are attracting into your world. In practical terms, this law is not about attracting what you want but about attracting what you are. Therefore, if you would like something different from what you have around you in your physical world to show up, then you must adjust your mental energy to match what you want to attract.

Applying this law means to desire, visualize, and feel what it is you want to attract into your life as if you have already received it. Like energy will attract the same energy.

Following is an example of how to apply this law in a practical situation. After searching out various universities, our second son felt the lightest about attending the highly regarded engineering program at McGill University in Montreal, even though he had submitted his application four months past the deadline. One day in mid-July, he put his arm around me and said with his usual charm and delight, "Mom, did you know that I am going to McGill?"

I was thrilled and asked, "You received their letter of acceptance?"

He said, "No, not yet, but I will." He had a knowing. He had set his intention, familiarized himself with the McGill website, and visualized himself walking down the school hallway and playing the grand piano in the atrium. In his mind, he was already going there. He had sent out the question into the unknown, "What would it take for me to get accepted into McGill?" He was certainly qualified, but so were hundreds of other students on the waiting list. Then, he left it with God, knowing that it was taken care of because it felt so right and light. And it was. He received the acceptance letter a few weeks later.

We all have a unique path and purpose in life. If our requests can contribute to God's purpose for our lives, then it will be granted in support of our freewill choices and according to our faith. If a choice we make is not right for us overall, then we will hit resistance, time and time again. We will know that we are on the right path if there is flow and space.

To be clear, applying the law of vibration on the physical plane is not about slacking in life and making demands. It is more about attracting what is right for you, getting clear direction, and then acting on inspiration, trust, and faith. It may mean applying to a school, picking up a pen and paper, choosing the right partner, making a phone call, applying for the right job, or something else. It is not about sitting on a couch and making demands with an attitude of entitlement. In fact, the higher our level of consciousness, the less our ego is involved.

Law of Faith

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1).

Ultimate faith is a high-vibrating energy partnered with other fruit of the Spirit, such as love, peace, joy, serenity, compassion, appreciation, and humility. Without faith or belief, perpetual abundance is unachievable on all planes. I will talk more about this in the section on the law of abundance.

How does faith relate to the law of vibration? Let us start at the beginning.

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness" (Genesis 1:26).

God willed creation into being through word and thought. He gave that same power to humanity. We have the power to will our own reality into being through our thoughts and through the spoken word, but only as much as our faith or belief will allow.

Do you think your thoughts are private? They are not. Our thoughts emit an energy that is sent out to the universe (God).

Hebrews 4:12 reads, "For the word of God is quick ... and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."

Be extra careful with what you say after speaking the phrase I am, such as, "I am sad," "I am mad," or "I am poor," because you are empowering those words. Whenever you say "I am," add the word that you wish to be. "I am strong"; "I am creative"; "I am full of life"; "I am abundant"; "I am loved"; "I am happy"; etc.

"Let the weak say, I am strong" (Joel 3:10).

Our spoken words and thoughts culminate in belief, which then solidifies into our reality. Jesus confirms this power of belief. He said, "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them" (Mark 11:24).

This magical and powerful verse is the secret to bringing into being what you desire (manifestation) on all planes. These words describe the law of vibration (attraction) in its entirety. If we can truly comprehend what Jesus is saying here, then we know that how we ask or pray is critical. When we pray to God, He receives far more from us than just our words. The level of faith or belief that radiates from us is more powerful than any words we can utter. "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." (Hebrews 11:6)

If we make a petition to God but do not really believe that He is, that He can, or that He will, then our prayer will be ineffectual.

In Mark 11:23, Jesus says, "For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith."

These words of Jesus are not just a figure of speech to illustrate his point. If we truly have the same level of faith that Jesus had, then we would believe that the mountain could be moved, and so it would be, according to our faith. It is difficult for the human mind to even comprehend this.

How do we pray effectively? Jesus prayed in many different ways. However, I love how he prayed before some of the more profound miracles took place. He thanked God for the miracle before it even happened! We read of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead in John 11. He did not say, "Father, please raise Lazarus from the dead." Instead, he prayed, "Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me." This is concerning Lazarus, as if the miracle had already taken place. Jesus had faith that Lazarus would rise, and so Lazarus rose. Belief must come before the miracle. The real miracle here was not that Lazarus rose from the dead. The real miracle was that Jesus believed that Lazarus would rise from the dead.

Another example of this type of prayer is when Jesus fed the four thousand men, beside women and children, with only seven loaves of bread and a few fishes (as recounted in Matthew 15). Again, Jesus, never doubting, gave thanks to God for the food that was going to feed the multitude before this miracle took place. And so it was. Everyone was fed and satisfied. In fact, there were seven baskets of food left over. If Jesus had said, "This is not enough food," then the loaves and fishes would not have been enough.

We read in 2 Kings 4 of the widow woman who was going to lose her two sons to her late husband's creditor. All she had left of monetary value in her house was a small pot of oil. Elisha, a man of God, told her to go and gather jars from the neighbors to pour the oil into. We do not know how many the widow gathered and poured oil into, but we do know that each jar was filled. The oil increased to fill each jar and then it stopped when the jars stopped. She gathered as many jars as she believed would be filled. I believe that if she had gathered more jars, then there would have been more oil. If she had gathered fewer jars, then there would have been less oil. This is a beautiful picture of how faith works. God responds to our requests based on what our faith will allow, nothing more and nothing less.

I thought of Moses and the great miracles that God performed for the Israelites. God performed the miracles, but Moses's belief came first. Prior to the manifestation of the two miracles below, Moses acted first in faith by stretching or raising his hand as God requested, which signified his belief.

• Exodus 14:21: "And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided."

• Exodus 17:11: "And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed."

All that is required for the impossible to occur is belief on our part. Our words and actions signify our faith. God takes care of the rest. As is said in Luke 1:37, "For with God nothing shall be impossible."

In John 2, we read of there being no wine at a marriage supper. Jesus asked the servants to fill six stone pots with water (approximately twenty gallons each). They not only filled the pots, but filled them to the brim. Jesus then asked them to draw out from the water pots and give what they drew to the governor of the feast. So they did. Then a miracle took place.

John 2:9–10 reads, "When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom, And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now."

This miracle of water being changed to wine took place after the servants acted in faith by drawing out from the water pots. Their obedient action signified their belief, and their faith contributed to this great miracle.

If believing is what is required, then can I receive anything at all that I ask for on this physical plane as long as I believe on the mental plane that it will be mine? In Psalms 106, we are told that the Israelites tempted God in the desert by their request. Psalms 106:15 reads, "He gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul."

There was another time when Moses performed an action that signified his faith; however, it was not in accordance to the will of God. God asked Moses to take the rod (not to use it) and speak to the rock so it would yield water for the thirsty nation. Instead, Moses struck the rod twice on the rock in anger and then lectured the nation with a bitter heart. He then overmagnified his own partnership with God when he said, "Hear now, you rebels! Must we bring water for you out of this rock?"

Numbers 20:11: "And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also."

In spite of Moses's disobedience, God still honored his faith. Water came out of the rock abundantly. However, Moses's actions brought leanness to his soul. After forty years of leading the people toward the Promised Land, Moses was only permitted to view it from a distance and was not permitted to enter. He died and was buried this side of the border.


Excerpted from The Laws of the Universe and the Bible by Lori Kostenuk. Copyright © 2016 Lori Kostenuk. Excerpted by permission of Balboa Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Foreword, vii,
Chapter 1 Law of Vibration, 1,
Chapter 2 Application of the Law of Faith, 17,
Chapter 3 What Hinders the Law of Faith, 71,
Chapter 4 Law of Love, 88,
Chapter 5 Law of Circulation (Flow), 97,
Chapter 6 Law of Abundance, 113,
Chapter 7 Law of Cause and Effect, 130,
Chapter 8 Law of Detachment, 137,
Afterword, 147,
Bibliography, 153,
About the Author, 157,

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