The Untold Story: Revised Edition
THE UNTOLD STORY is a depiction of a chosen people who civilized the continents of Africa and Asia. These chosen people were Ethiopians. There are five central characters in this book: Enoch, Noah, Moses, Abraham and Jesus Christ. The Untold Story provides a vivid and accurate account of a chosen people who were specifically selected by God to be his people, to live accordantly to his will, but failed to live up to his expectations. This eventually caused a deportation out of their land in Israel and parts of Africa. They are now scattered throughout the world. This book also provides a history of the many nationalities that make up the world as you see it today, the history of religions and who started them, and lastly the Anti-Christ. You will find that this book will challenge the mind to know more of man's origin and one's family tree. This book will be helpful in both churches and schools.
The Untold Story: Revised Edition
THE UNTOLD STORY is a depiction of a chosen people who civilized the continents of Africa and Asia. These chosen people were Ethiopians. There are five central characters in this book: Enoch, Noah, Moses, Abraham and Jesus Christ. The Untold Story provides a vivid and accurate account of a chosen people who were specifically selected by God to be his people, to live accordantly to his will, but failed to live up to his expectations. This eventually caused a deportation out of their land in Israel and parts of Africa. They are now scattered throughout the world. This book also provides a history of the many nationalities that make up the world as you see it today, the history of religions and who started them, and lastly the Anti-Christ. You will find that this book will challenge the mind to know more of man's origin and one's family tree. This book will be helpful in both churches and schools.
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The Untold Story: Revised Edition

The Untold Story: Revised Edition

by Edgar Shaw
The Untold Story: Revised Edition

The Untold Story: Revised Edition

by Edgar Shaw


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THE UNTOLD STORY is a depiction of a chosen people who civilized the continents of Africa and Asia. These chosen people were Ethiopians. There are five central characters in this book: Enoch, Noah, Moses, Abraham and Jesus Christ. The Untold Story provides a vivid and accurate account of a chosen people who were specifically selected by God to be his people, to live accordantly to his will, but failed to live up to his expectations. This eventually caused a deportation out of their land in Israel and parts of Africa. They are now scattered throughout the world. This book also provides a history of the many nationalities that make up the world as you see it today, the history of religions and who started them, and lastly the Anti-Christ. You will find that this book will challenge the mind to know more of man's origin and one's family tree. This book will be helpful in both churches and schools.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781452003016
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Publication date: 04/28/2010
Pages: 112
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.27(d)

Read an Excerpt

The Untold Story

By Edgar Shaw


Copyright © 2010 Edgar Shaw
All right reserved.

ISBN: 978-1-4520-0301-6

Chapter One

The First Continent

In the beginning ... The Bible, the foundational book from which information for this book has been gathered, depicts a history of a chosen people who are people of color, and who established civilization. According to Genesis 2:13, the first man, Adam, settled in the land of Ethiopia. Land and region are key components of where man lived. The Bible is broken down by geography, not race,. Lineage, ancestry, and family stock were the second determinants of where man lived.

The ancestry of the Black man begins with the Ethiopian who established Ethiopia and Egypt, countries in Africa, the first continent of the world. Cush, an Ethiopian, founded Ethiopia while his son Nimrod founded Asia, the second continent to exist on the planet. The Book of Genesis will show how man traveled from Ethiopia to Asia and later to Egypt.

In the beginning ... The ancient empire of Ethiopia was at one time remote, with the richest heritage in history. The Greeks considered Ethiopia to be the home of the gods and the retreat of the Muses. It was a land of fertile fields with riverbeds of diamonds and mountains of gold. Ethiopia was commonly considered the Isles of the Blessed. Ethiopia was also the land of the setting sun where the giant Atlas was compelled by the Olympian Jove to prop up the heavens upon his head and shoulders. The Moors called the vast desert, which lies south of the Atlas, the Sahara.

The word "Ethiopia" was originally pronounced "Aethiopia" meaning sunburnt faces (Ethiopia and the Missing Link in African History). Pliny, the Roman historian, says the original Ethiopia was called Aetheria or Aeria. These names were derived from Aether, the son of the god Valcan, which means "heat" (valcanised). Pliny says that the whole country of Africa was called Aetheria or Aeria and later Atlantia. The Greek writer concluded that the term "Atheria" meant Ethiopia while another Roman writer (Aulus Cellus) used the term Aeria for both Africa and Crete. Rome converted the term "Aeria" to the name "Africa" (Ethiopia and the Missing Link in African History). Many renown men in Roman history who had exercised heroic deeds in Africa were often surnamed Africanus. According to tradition, the wife of the giant Atlas was called Atheria. Tradition speaks that Atlas, the great king, founded the Atlantean Empire, whose enormous terrain ruled over two-thirds of the earth, including Africa, Asia, Europe, Mexico, Central and South America.

Both ancient and modern writers, following tradition, placed Ethiopia in Atlantis. The term Atlantis was the name of a continent or part of Africa according to Greek mythology and the ancient Egyptian records. Leo Frobenius, a scientist, said that Atlantis was part of Nigeria (western side) in the Yoruba country and the African Atlantis was the fragment that survived. Colonel A. Brighane, in his book, The Shadow of the Atlantis on page 214 says "Other ancient authors are even more explicit and associated Ethiopia with Atlantis."

The land of Ethiopia, which is also considered the seat of civilization, housed Adam and Eve, the first generation of mankind according to the Book of Genesis. Not only was Adam the first man, one could say he was the first king because he was in charge of the earth and every living thing on the earth. It is safe to say that Adam was a man of color having lived in the land of Ethiopia (Genesis 2:13).

In The Sacred Annals by Smith, a Hebrew commentator quotes, "Our Rabbis assert that Adam, our father of blessed memory, composed a book of precepts which was delivered by God in Paradise." Ancient records now in possession of King Halie Selassie say that Aram or Ori, the 35th son of Adam, was the first king of Ethiopia. In Josephus, History of the Jews, William Whiston says, "That there is an old tradition which says that Adam was the father of thirty-three sons and twenty- three daughters."

Over this vast span of time, much speculation has occurred concerning where man first settled. Evolutionists theorized that man evolved from biological evolution. It must be acknowledged that man did not create himself, nor did he originate through evolution. Man came into being by virtue of a Supreme Being who created heaven and earth, and who positioned the moon and the stars in the firmament (Genesis 1). This particular Supreme Being was able to turn night into day, and create man and woman. Not only is it important to know where man started civilization, but it is also important to know the truth. The truth has not been taught simply because the adversary (Satan) has distorted the truth due to fear, jealously, greed and power.

This book will open your eyes to many things, but you must be willing to accept the truth. People have lived lies for centuries due to keeping the truth away. This book will demonstrate how the original" people; settled in Ethiopia and Mesopotamia.

It is recorded that God kept two copies of historic records and accounts. The first one dealt with revelation to man, which is the Bible. The other was destroyed-written remains written in a strange language of those lands from whence the Bible first came. Currently, man has access to the Bible.

Man, as we discovered, lived in the land of Ethiopia, which is the first continent of the world as well as Asia. Historically, the Ethiopians were in the land of Mesopotamia, which is in the center of Babylon, currently called Iraq. This civilization was in the southern part of Mesopotamia. There were two Ethiopian nations in ancient times, one on the eastern region of Africa, and the other on the southern part of Asia. The people that migrated to the region were called Sumerians. They established a number of cities in Asia. At that time, Ethiopians were not called "Ethiopians," they were named after the cities they lived in or conquered.

Hence, the Ethiopians were really the Sumerians who developed the first major civilization of the ancient Near East called Sumer, which was later known as Babylonia. Ur, Erech, Accad, and Calneh were major cities of Sumer. Genesis10:8, "And Cush begat Nimrod," implies that Cush was Ethiopian. The name Cush means Ethiopia (Harper's Bible Dictionary). The inspired word of God points out that Cush's son, Nimrod, founded a number of cities. I recommend reading From Babylon to Timbuktu by Reverend Rudolph R. Windsor for more insight into the history and genealogy of Ethiopia.

Havilah was another son of Cush. The word Havilah in Genesis 2:11 became the name of a tribe and region known as the land of Havilah and the Havilites (Ethiopians) lived in the land of Havilah. Scholars have located this land near the Persian Gulf. Race was never an issue as it is in our day. People that lived in a central area spoke one language; one part of the area was situated in Africa and the other in Asia, established by Ethiopians. Both Semitic and Hamitic language were the same language.

Ethiopians and Sumerians were related. The Sumerians founded cities that existed more than 4,000 years B.C., such as Eridu, Lagash, Nippur Kish, and Ur (From Babylon to Timbuktu) The damaged written remains refer to these cities.

Archeologists have found skeletons of ancient Dravidian and Nedda types in Ur and Kish (Webster's Dictionary). Sumerian, the pre-Semitic population, is of the lower Euphrates Valley. The pre-Semitic population means that the Black Sumerians were first or Ethiopians and their kin appeared to have settled from Mesopotamia to India. This area now includes Southern Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Northwest India.

The Chinese derived the blue print of their culture from a Chaldean who was a Kushite or of Ethiopian nature, the founders of the Babylonian Empire. Another reason for saying that the Chinese culture came from the Chaldee is because of such names as China, Chung King and Chang, which are similar to Chaldee according to Professor Willis Broughton in History of Ancient People. It says the inhabitants of China are of the yellow race type, but no doubt built upon a Black foundation. The ethnologist found the evidence of remote pigmy or Negroid population The Aborigines (refer to Sterling M. Mecus, D. Hakin) of Cochin, China are called Mays and are people which inhabit the chain of mountains that separate it from Cambodia. They are a race of people very black and resemble the features of the Kaffir (South Africa), the Cochin-Chinese; they resemble them in their features and customs.

Indo-China anthropologists say there is some reason to believe that Southern China during the Old Stone Age in Europe was occupied by Negroid or black curly haired pygmies that even exist in the Philippines, New Guinea and elsewhere.

Chinese culture, according to Dr. Charles Gutzlaff, in History of China was founded in 2205 B.C., according to the Bible . This would have occurred right after the dispersion, which was in Genesis 11:9. (Refer to "Ethiopia and the Missing Link in African History)" by D. Hakim.

Chapter Two

Adam And Eve In The Land Of Ethiopia

The Bible reads that God made man (woman from the rib of man) and placed them - Adam and Eve - in a garden. A river went out of Eden to water the garden, and that river was parted and became four headwaters (Genesis 2:10-14). The name of the second river is Gihon, which passes through the whole land of Ethiopia. From the location of this river, it implies that Adam and Eve lived in the land of Ethiopia. The third and fourth rivers center around Asia. These rivers confirm that man was situated in Africa and Asia due to the locations of the land and the rivers. Ethiopian chronologists say that Aram, the thirty-fifth son of Adam, ascended the throne of Ethiopia before Christ, 4,470 years, and twenty-one kings had ascended the throne before the flood. However, according to Ethiopian historians, there is another record of the long list of kings that was probably more accurate, but was carried to Egypt when the Ethiopian kings ruled that country and was eventually destroyed when her power was overthrown.

In Genesis 2:7-14, following the creation of the first man, the Pishon River compasseth "Havilah" (the area Havilah was located in Africa). It attained its name from the black man named Havilah, the second son of Cush, who founded Ethiopia (Genesis 10:7), therefore making it affiliated to Adam's environment. The great Jewish historian, Flarius Josephus, a highly respected scholar, offers keen insight in this area, Josephus also acknowledged that the Gihon River which departed from Eden was the Nile River in Africa.

Biblical geography in this area of study revealed that the Pishon and Gihon Rivers at one time were associated with the Hiddekel and Euphrates Rivers prior to the Global Deluge. After a long period of time, there occurred a territorial change with the help of many volcanoes, floods, and earthquakes long after the great flood, which separated these rivers from Africa, where Eden was located. The Greeks called the Nile the River of Ham. Sepia Magazine published that Africa was the site of the Garden of Eden because of its vast resources and archaeological findings of the oldest prehistoric bones and artifacts in West and East Africa. Before man existed, God and His Son decided to make man in their image (Genesis 1:26),. "And God said, let us make a man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth." Let's understand that God is a Spirit, and when He made man, He gave him a body, soul, and a spirit. Therefore, the first man, Adam, and woman, Eve, looked like Him. Many contemporary Biblicists are in error by titling Adam and the Antediluvian people as Semitics (Hebrews or Jewish;, Japheth, Caucasian;, Hamitic, Blacks or Africans). Such name classification prior to the flood was unheard of,. There existed neither Jew, African nor Caucasian by name. Instead, one people, having one regional language, living in proximity, most certainly bore no other racial title than Adamics. The Lord God sent Adam out of the Garden of Eden to attend the ground from which he was taken. He drove out the man and placed Cherubim at the Garden of Eden with a flaming sword which turned every way to safeguard the entrance to the tree of life. Adam lived to be nine hundred and thirty years old, and during that span he had sons and daughters who multiplied the earth until the days of Noah.

Chapter Three

Enoch The Chosen Ethiopian

Enoch, who is mentioned in Genesis, Chapter 5:21-24, has very little said about him. However, the history of the Ethiopians and the writings of this book confirm that he is Ethiopian. The Dead Sea Scrolls confirm that his writing is in Ethiopic language. He wrote the Book of Enoch and the Book of the Giants. All but one of the major components of the Ethiopic anthology have turned up among the scrolls. Enoch lived before the Flood during a time when the world was very different. Human beings lived much longer. Enoch's son, Methuselah, lived 969 years. One of the five books, entitled, "The Book of Jubilees," has survived and can be read in versions of Ethiopic and Greek. Among Ethiopian Christians, "The Book of Jubilees" was so treasured that it actually became a part of the Old Testament. Fifteen fragmentary exemplars of the Jubilees have turned up among the scrolls, establishing the work as one of the most common among those concealed landmarks, clearly testifying to its importance for those who hid the texts. Like the Ethiopian Christians, they may have considered the book as being the Bible.

According to the words of Enoch, in his manuscript, he starts out as saying, "wherewith he blessed the elect." During Enoch's time on earth, he saw visions dating back to Adam and Eve, and future visions of how man would be judged for sins in the world, and how the fallen angels were put away for their sins (Genesis 6:2 and II Peter 2:4). Now Enoch describes how the sin became so wicked before the sight of God through the fallen angels. "The Book of the Giants" describes how two hundred angels lost their original estate, which was in heaven, by deciding to have children with human women. Through this change of events, their children became giants and grew 430 feet in stature. This caused the world to sin more. These giants dominated the world. The angels not only had intercourse with women, but with animals, therefore causing monstrous beings on the face of the earth. As the land became more wicked, the giants began to receive dreams, but could not interpret them. So, they asked Enoch to interpret them. The interpretation was that these giants would die in a flood, and that only one man and his family would live through this flood. Due to the horrible sin on the earth, God brought Enoch to heaven.

Enoch also received visions which he describes. In those days shall the elect and holy race descend from the upper heavens, and their seed shall then be with the sons of men. Enoch received books of indignation and wrath. Never shall they obtain mercy, saith the Lord of Spirits. He said a cloud then snatched him up, and the wind raised him above the surface of the earth, placing him at the extremity of the heavens. He said, "I saw another vision; I saw the habitations and the couches of the saints. There my eyes beheld their habitations with the angels, and their couches with the holy ones. They were entreating, supplicating, and praying for the sons of men while righteousness like water flowed before them, and mercy like dew was scattered over the earth. And thus shall it be with them forever and forever. At that time my eyes beheld the dwelling of the elect, of truth, faith, and righteousness.

Countless shall be the number of the holy and the elect in the presence of God forever and forever" (Genesis 5:18-24). Jared lived one hundred and sixty-two years, and begat Enoch. After he begat Enoch, Jared lived eight hundred years, and had sons and daughters: and all the days of Jared were nine hundred sixty and two years; and he died. And Enoch lived sixty and five years and begot Methuselah: And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: And Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.

Hebrews 11:5 confirms that by faith Enoch was taken that he should not see death and was not found because God had taken him, for before his transcendance, he had this testimony that he pleased God.


Excerpted from The Untold Story by Edgar Shaw Copyright © 2010 by Edgar Shaw. Excerpted by permission.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. The First Continent....................1
Chapter 2. Adam And Eve In The Land Of Ethiopia....................7
Chapter 3. Enoch The Chosen Ethiopian....................9
Chapter 4. Noah And His Son Ham....................23
Chapter 5. Abraham The Righteous One....................31
Chapter 6. The Hebrew Race....................35
Chapter 7. Moses And Zipporah....................37
Chapter 8. The Separated And The Original Hebrews....................41
Chapter 9. The Coming Of The Lord....................43
Chapter 10. The Dominance Of The Europeans....................47
Chapter 11. There's No Black Or White....................55
Chapter 12. There's Only One Religion....................61
Chapter 13. The Scattered Lost Tribes....................71
Chapter 14. The Last Pharaoh....................91
List Of Sources....................105
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