Title: The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage, Author: Jonathan Turley
Title: The Paradox of Democracy: Free Speech, Open Media, and Perilous Persuasion, Author: Zac Gershberg
Title: Don't Burn This Book: Thinking for Yourself in an Age of Unreason, Author: Dave Rubin
Title: On Faith: Lessons from an American Believer, Author: Antonin Scalia
Title: Speechless: Controlling Words, Controlling Minds, Author: Michael Knowles
Title: The Case Against Socialism, Author: Rand Paul
Title: Fight of the Century: Writers Reflect on 100 Years of Landmark ACLU Cases, Author: Michael Chabon
Title: Genghis Khan and the Quest for God: How the World's Greatest Conqueror Gave Us Religious Freedom, Author: Jack Weatherford
Title: Truth in Our Times: Inside the Fight for Press Freedom in the Age of Alternative Facts, Author: David E. McCraw
Title: Religious Freedom: The Contested History of an American Ideal, Author: Tisa Wenger
Title: The Case Against Free Speech: The First Amendment, Fascism, and the Future of Dissent, Author: PE Moskowitz
Title: The Great Dissent: How Oliver Wendell Holmes Changed His Mind-and Changed the History of Free Speech in America, Author: Thomas Healy
Title: American Jezebel: The Uncommon Life of Anne Hutchinson, the Woman Who Defied the Puritans, Author: Eve LaPlante
Title: Make No Law: The Sullivan Case and the First Amendment, Author: Anthony Lewis
Title: The Intimidation Game: How the Left Is Silencing Free Speech, Author: Kimberley Strassel
Title: Beyond Tolerance: How People Across America Are Building Bridges Between Faiths, Author: Gustav Niebuhr
Title: Free Speech: A Very Short Introduction, Author: Nigel Warburton
Title: Earnestly Contending: Religious Freedom and Pluralism in Antebellum America, Author: Dickson D. Bruce Jr.
Title: Religious Liberty: Catholic Struggles with Pluralism / Edition 1, Author: John Courtney Murray
Title: What Snowflakes Get Right: Free Speech, Truth, and Equality on Campus, Author: Ulrich Baer

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