Title: The Only Pirate at the Party, Author: Lindsey Stirling
Title: The Intimate Act Of Choreography, Author: Lynne Anne Blom
Title: Ginger: My Story, Author: Ginger Rogers
Title: Dancers Among Us: A Celebration of Joy in the Everyday, Author: Jordan Matter
Title: The Style of Movement: Fashion & Dance, Author: Ken Browar
Title: And Then We Danced: A Voyage into the Groove, Author: Henry Alford
Title: The Dance Experience: Insights into History, Culture and Creativity / Edition 3, Author: Myron Howard Nadel MA
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Title: Dance and Its Audience: Appreciating the Art of Movement, Author: Tami White
Title: The Aging Body in Dance: A cross-cultural perspective / Edition 1, Author: Nanako Nakajima
Title: Kilgore Rangerettes, Author: O. Rufus Lovett
Title: Keeping Together in Time: Dance and Drill in Human History / Edition 1, Author: William H. McNeill
Title: Dance Theatre of Harlem: A History, A Movement, A Celebration, Author: Judy Tyrus
Title: Diet for Dancers: A Complete Guide to Nutrition and Weight Control / Edition 1, Author: Robin D. Chmelar
Title: 101 Dance Games for Children: Fun and Creativity with Movement, Author: Paul Rooyackers
Title: The Prophetic Dancer and Mime, Author: David Brown
Title: Dance Anecdotes: Stories from the Worlds of Ballet, Broadway, the Ballroom, and Modern Dance, Author: Mindy Aloff
Title: Dance and Gender: An Evidence-Based Approach, Author: Wendy Oliver
Title: Teaching Dance as Art in Education / Edition 1, Author: Brenda Pugh McCutchen
Title: Dance Pedagogy for a Diverse World: Culturally Relevant Teaching in Theory, Research and Practice, Author: Nyama McCarthy-Brown
Title: American Dance: The Complete Illustrated History, Author: Margaret Fuhrer

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