Title: The Economic System and Income Distribution in Yugoslavia / Edition 1, Author: Henryk Flakierski
Title: Adam Smith Goes to Moscow: A Dialogue on Radical Reform, Author: Walter Adams
Title: Privatization Processes in Eastern Europe: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Results, Author: Mario Baldassarri
Title: International Socialization in Europe: European Organizations, Political Conditionality and Democratic Change, Author: F. Schimmelfennig
Title: Financial Sector Reform and Privatization in Transition Economies / Edition 1, Author: John A. Doukas
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Title: Building Capitalism: The Transformation of the Former Soviet Bloc / Edition 1, Author: Anders Aslund
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Title: The Europeanization of Central and Eastern Europe / Edition 1, Author: Frank Schimmelfennig
Title: The Economics of Transformation: Theory and Practice in the New Market Economies, Author: Alfred Schipke
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Title: Economic Interdependence and Cooperation in Europe, Author: Nicholas C. Baltas
Title: Socialist Economic Integration: Aspects of Contemporary Economic Problems in Eastern Europe, Author: Jozef M. van van Brabant
Title: Direct Foreign Investment in Yugoslavia: A Microeconomic Model, Author: Misha Sarkovic
Title: Adjusting to EU Enlargement: Recurring Issues in a New Setting, Author: Constantine A. Stephanou
Title: Transnational Capitalism in East Central Europe's Heavy Industry: From Flagship Enterprises to Subsidiaries, Author: Aleksandra Sznajder Lee
Title: The Transition in Eastern Europe, Volume 1, Author: Olivier Jean Blanchard

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