Title: A Dictionary Of Yiddish Slang & Idioms, Author: Fred Kogos
Title: The New Joys of Yiddish: Completely Updated, Author: Leo Rosten
Title: If You Can't Say Anything Nice, Say It in Yiddish: The Book of Yiddish Insults and Curses, Author: Lita Epstein MBA
Title: Just Say Nu: Yiddish for Every Occasion (When English Just Won't Do), Author: Michael Wex
Title: English-Yiddish/Yiddish-English Practical Dictionary (Expanded Romanized Edition), Author: David Gross
Title: Dirty Yiddish: Everyday Slang from
Title: Born to Kvetch: Yiddish Language and Culture in All Its Moods, Author: Michael Wex
Title: Conversational Yiddish Quick and Easy: The Most Innovative Technique to Learn the Yiddish Language, Author: Yatir Nitzany
Title: Yiddish-English/English-Yiddish Dictionary & Phrasebook, Author: Vera Szabo
Title: Drek!: The Real Yiddish Your Bubbe Never Taught You, Author: Yetta Emmes
Title: Yiddish with Dick and Jane, Author: Ellis Weiner
Title: Learn to Speak Spanish for Yiddish Speakers, Author: Nam Nguyen
Title: Gemeinsam gegen Deutschland: Warschaus jiddische Presse im Kampf gegen den Nationalsozialismus (1930-1941), Author: Anne-Christin Klotz
Title: Fremde flantsungen oyf yidishn bodn / Fremde Pflanzen auf jiddischem Boden / Foreign Plants on Yiddish Soil: Yidishe makhshoves vegn iberzetsn / Jiddische Reflexionen zum Übersetzen / Yiddish Reflections on Translation, Author: Efrat Gal-Ed Pre-Order Now
Title: Jida gramatiko, Author: Ludoviko Lazaro Zamenhof
Title: In shkheynes mit der gorer velt / Der ganzen Welt benachbart / Neighbors to All the World: Antologye fun yidishe esseyen / Anthologie jiddischer Essays / An Anthology of Yiddish Essays, Author: Efrat Gal-Ed
Title: The Travels of Benjamin Zuskin, Author: Ala Zuskin Perelman
Title: Kadya Molodowsky: The Life of a Yiddish Woman Writer, Author: Zelda Kahan Newman
Title: Learn to Speak Mandarin Chinese for Yiddish Speakers, Author: Nam Nguyen
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