Title: Love & Whiskey: The Remarkable True Story of Jack Daniel, His Master Distiller Nearest Green, and the Improbable Rise of Uncle Nearest, Author: Fawn Weaver
Hardcover $25.20 $28.00 Current price is $25.20, Original price is $28.00.
Title: The Drunken Botanist: The Plants That Create the World's Great Drinks, Author: Amy Stewart
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Title: Bourbon: The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of an American Whiskey, Author: Fred Minnick
Title: American History Through a Whiskey Glass: How Distilled Spirits, Domestic Cuisine, and Popular Music Helped Shape a Nation, Author: Harris Cooper Ph.D.
Hardcover $26.95 $29.95 Current price is $26.95, Original price is $29.95.
Title: The Manhattan: The Story of the First Modern Cocktail with Recipes, Author: Philip Greene
Title: Bourbon Empire: The Past and Future of America's Whiskey, Author: Reid Mitenbuler
Title: The Kings County Distillery Guide to Urban Moonshining: How to Make and Drink Whiskey, Author: David Haskell
eBook $16.99 $22.46 Current price is $16.99, Original price is $22.46.
Title: Kentucky Bourbon Country: The Essential Travel Guide, Author: Susan Reigler
Title: Blood and Whiskey: The Life and Times of Jack Daniel, Author: Peter Krass
Title: Kentucky Bourbon: The Early Years of Whiskeymaking, Author: Henry G. Crowgey
Title: Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey: An American Heritage, Author: Michael R. Veach
Title: The Curious Bartender: An Odyssey of Malt, Bourbon & Rye Whiskies, Author: Tristan Stephenson
Title: The Little Book of Whiskey: Sip, Eat, Drink, Author: Lynda Balslev
eBook $8.99 $9.99 Current price is $8.99, Original price is $9.99.
Title: The Evolution of the Bourbon Whiskey Industry in Kentucky, Author: Sam K. Cecil