Title: El alquimista / The Alchemist, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: The Pilgrimage, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: The Valkyries, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: A orillas del río Piedra me senté y lloré / By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: Manual del guerrero de la luz / Warrior of the Light: A Manual, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: La quinta montaña / The Fifth Mountain, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: El demonio y la señorita Prym (The Devil and Miss Prym), Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: El peregrino (Edición conmemorativa 35 aniversario) / The Pilgrimage, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: O Alquimista, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: L'alchimiste (The Alchemist), Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: Veronika decide morir / Veronika Decides to Die, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: Paulo Coelho: A Warrior's Life: The Authorized Biography, Author: Fernando Morais
Title: Na Margem do rio Piedra eu sentei e chorei, Author: Paulo Coelho
Title: Self-Initiation: secrets of spiritual enlightenment, Author: Mike Bhangu
Title: O Monte Cinco, Author: Paulo Coelho