Title: After the Hunt: Louisiana's Authoritative Collection of Wild Game Recipes, Author: John D. Folse
Title: The Feather Thief: Beauty, Obsession, and the Natural History Heist of the Century, Author: Kirk Wallace Johnson
Title: The History of Fly-Fishing in Fifty Flies, Author: Ian Whitelaw
Title: American Buffalo: In Search of a Lost Icon, Author: Steven Rinella
Title: Meat Eater: Adventures from the Life of an American Hunter, Author: Steven Rinella
Title: Shooter's Bible 116th Edition: The World's Bestselling Firearms Reference, Author: Jay Cassell
Title: H Is for Hawk, Author: Helen Macdonald
Title: Casting Forward: Fishing Tales from the Texas Hill Country, Author: Steve Ramirez
Title: Endure: How to Work Hard, Outlast, and Keep Hammering, Author: Cameron Hanes
Title: The Little Red Book of Fly Fishing, Author: Kirk Deeter
Title: The Optimist: A Case for the Fly Fishing Life, Author: David Coggins
Title: The Longest Silence: A Life in Fishing, Author: Thomas McGuane
Title: Gun Trader's Guide, Forty-Sixth Edition: A Comprehensive, Fully Illustrated Guide to Modern Collectible Firearms with Current Market Values, Author: Robert A. Sadowski
Title: How to Think Like a Fish: And Other Lessons from a Lifetime in Angling, Author: Jeremy Wade
Title: Death, Taxes, and Leaky Waders: A John Gierach Fly-Fishing Treasury, Author: John Gierach
Title: The Night the Bear Ate Goombaw, Author: Patrick F. McManus
Title: Incredible--and True!--Fishing Stories: Hilarious Feats of Bravery, Tales of Disaster and Revenge, Shocking Acts of Fish Aggression, Stories of Impossible Victories and Crushing Defeats, Author: Shaun Morey
Title: They Shoot Canoes, Don't They?, Author: Patrick F. McManus
Title: Animal Tracks: A Folding Pocket Guide to the Tracks & Signs of Familiar North American Species, Author: James Kavanagh Waterford Press
Title: Fishing (Visual Reference Guides Series), Author: Henry Gilbey

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