Title: The Triumph of Injustice: How the Rich Dodge Taxes and How to Make Them Pay, Author: Emmanuel Saez
Title: The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich, Author: Daniel Ammann
Title: The Fall of the Duke of Duval: A Prosecutor's Journal, Author: John E Clark PH.D
Title: The Speech: On Corporate Greed and the Decline of Our Middle Class, Author: Bernie Sanders
Title: Innocent Spouse: A Memoir, Author: Carol Ross Joynt
Title: Politics, Taxation, and the Rule of Law: The Power to Tax in Constitutional Perspective, Author: Donald P. Racheter
Title: Challenge Your Taxes: Homeowner's Guide to Reducing Property Taxes, Author: James E. A. Lumley
Title: Federal Tax Research / Edition 8, Author: William A. Raabe
Title: Federal Income Taxation, Fifteenth Edition / Edition 15, Author: William A. Klein
Title: Federal Income Taxation: Cases and Materials / Edition 6, Author: Paul McDaniel
Title: Transfer Spending, Taxes, and the American Welfare State / Edition 1, Author: Wallace C. Peterson
Title: Taxpayer Compliance, Volume 1: An Agenda for Research, Author: Jeffrey A. Roth
Title: Tax Progressivity and Income Inequality, Author: Joel Slemrod
Title: The Rich, The Poor, And The Taxes They Pay, Author: Joseph A. Pechman
Title: Property-Tax Exemption for Charities: Mapping the Battlefield, Author: Evelyn Brody
Title: The Causes and Consequences of Income Tax Noncompliance, Author: Jeffrey A. Dubin
Title: Federal Tax Treat Income, Author: Bloomsbury Academic
Title: Ill-Gotten Gains: Evasion, Blackmail, Fraud, and Kindred Puzzles of the Law, Author: Leo Katz
Title: America: Who Really Pays the Taxes?, Author: Donald L. Barlett
Title: Distributional Analysis of Tax Policy, Author: David F. Bradford

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