Title: The King of Oil: The Secret Lives of Marc Rich, Author: Daniel Ammann
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Title: The Speech: On Corporate Greed and the Decline of Our Middle Class, Author: Bernie Sanders
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Title: Federal Tax Treat Income, Author: Bloomsbury Academic
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Title: Transfer Pricing and Valuation in Corporate Taxation: Federal Legislation vs. Administrative Practice / Edition 1, Author: Elizabeth King
Title: Federal Fumbles: Ways the Federal Government Dropped the Ball Vol. 4 Senator James Lankford 2019:, Author: United States Government Us Senate
Title: Protecting Your Organization's Tax-Exempt Status: A Guide for Nonprofit Managers / Edition 1, Author: Mark Bookman
Title: The Taxing Power: A Reference Guide to the United States Constitution, Author: Erik M. Jensen
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Title: Federal Income Taxation: Cases and Materials / Edition 6, Author: Paul McDaniel
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Title: Markets in Vice, Markets in Virtue / Edition 1, Author: John Braithwaite
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