Title: Building Realistic Model Railroad Scenery, Author: Kathy Millatt
Title: LEGO Train Projects: 7 Creative Models, Author: Charles Pritchett
Title: The Model Railroader's Guide to Freight Yards, Author: Andy Sperandeo
Title: A Little Book of Model Trains - Dealing with the Construction of Trains, Stations, and Accessories, Author: Various Authors
Title: The Model Railroader's Guide to Grain, Author: Jeff Wilson
Title: Steam & Diesel Locomotive Servicing Terminals, Author: Tony Koester
Title: The Model Railroader's Guide to Coal Railroading, Author: Tony Koester
Title: Basic DCC Wiring for Your Model Railroad: A Beginner's Guide to Decoders, DCC Systems, and Layout Wiring, Author: Mike Polsgrove
Title: Wiring Your Model Railroad, Author: Larry Puckett
Title: The Allegheny Midland: Lessons Learnedl, Author: Tony Koester
Title: The LEGO Trains Book, Author: Holger Matthes
Title: The Model Railroader's Guide to Locomotive Servicing Terminals, Author: Marty McGuirk
Title: How to Design a Model Railroad, Author: Lance Mindheim
Title: DCC Projects & Applications V4, Author: Larry Puckett
Title: Track Planning for Realistic Operation, 3rd Edition: Prototype Railroad Concepts for Your Model Railroad, Author: John Armstrong
Title: Modeling the '50s: The Glory Years of Rail, Author: Model Railroader Magazine
Title: The Model Railroader's Guide to Bridges, Trestles and Tunnels, Author: Jeff Wilson
Title: Basic Painting & Weathering for Model Railroaders, Author:
Title: Basic Trackwork for Model Railroaders: The Complete Photo Guide, Author: Jeff Wilson
Title: Model Railroading in Small Spaces, 2nd Edition, Author: Mat Chibbaro

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