Title: My Life in Dog Years, Author: Gary Paulsen
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Title: The Bravest Dog Ever: The True Story of Balto (Step into Reading Book Series: A Step 3 Book), Author: Natalie Standiford
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Title: Paint by Sticker Kids: Pets: Create 10 Pictures One Sticker at a Time!, Author: Workman Publishing
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Title: Mooshie Mix Up: A True Tail, Author: Ellen Nathanson
Title: No Better Friend: Young Readers Edition: A Man, a Dog, and Their Incredible True Story of Friendship and Survival in World War II, Author: Robert Weintraub
Title: Dogs: From Predator to Protector (Science Comics Series), Author: Andy Hirsch
Title: Finding Gobi: Young Reader's Edition: The True Story of One Little Dog's Big Journey, Author: Dion Leonard
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Title: Wild, Wild Wolves (Step into Reading Book Series: A Step 3 Book), Author: Joyce Milton
Title: Let's Find Momo!: A Hide-and-Seek Board Book, Author: Andrew Knapp
Title: National Geographic Kids Look and Learn: Dogs, Author: National Geographic Kids
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Title: Los Gatos vs. Los Perros (Cats vs. Dogs) (National Geographic Readers Series), Author: Elizabeth  Carney

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