Title: El Nino y el Oso: El libro de la relajacion infantil que ensena a los ninos pequenos a respirar profundamente, Author: Lori Lite
Title: My Sister is Special, My Sister Has Down Syndrome: A Story About Acceptance, Author: Andreea Mironiuc
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Title: David is Different: Explaining Aspergers to Young Children, Author: Cindy Cook
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Title: hi, My nAMe is MArtiN, Author: Heather Zeissler
Title: Disneyland: A Planet Explorers Travel Guide for Kids, Author: Laura Schaefer
Title: El Nino y la Tortuga: Una historia para la relajacion disenada para ayudar a los ninos incrementar su creatividad mientr, Author: Lori Lite
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Title: Incredible Adam and a Day with Autism: An Illustrated Story Inspired by Social Narratives (The ORP Library), Author: Jeff Krukar
Title: Planet Explorers Las Vegas: A Travel Guide for Kids, Author: Laura Schaefer
Title: Hattie's Journey, Author: Dr. Felicia Williams-McGowan
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Title: Montando Burbujas: Un cuento con ejercicios de relajaci�n para ni�os, dise�ada para ense�ar a los ni�os t�cnicas de visualizaci�n para aumentar la creatividad mientras disminuyen sus niveles de ansiedad y de estr�s, Author: Lori Lite
Title: Planet Explorers Chicago: A Travel Guide for Kids, Author: Laura Schaefer
Title: Hansel and Gretel: A Fairy Tale with a Down Syndrome Twist, Author: Jewel Kats
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Title: The Princess and the Ruby: An Autism Fairy Tale, Author: Jewel Kats
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Title: Buenas Noches Oruga: Una historia para la relajacion que ayuda a los ninos a controlar la ira y el estres para que se queden dormidos sosegadamente, Author: Lori Lite
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