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Seller Profile

  • Strand Bookstore
  • |
  • In Business Since: 2005
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  • Overall Rating: 4.9 (204 reviews)
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  • Ships From: New York, NY


Feedback Summary

Rating Last 3 months (0) Last 6 months (0) Total (204)
0% 0% 92%
0% 0% 4%
0% 0% 0%
0% 0% 0%
0% 0% 1%
184 B&N.com customers have left 204 ratings for this seller.

Seller's Previous Name

The following is a list of names that this seller has used since becoming one of Barnes & Noble.com's Authorized Sellers.
Date Changed Seller Name
10/05/2005 Strand Bookstore
Note that if this seller has used more than nine names on B&N.com since becoming an Authorized Seller, only the nine most recent names used will be displayed here.

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