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Seller Profile

  • AllAmericanTextbooks
  • |
  • In Business Since:
  • |
  • Overall Rating: 4.9 (38 reviews)
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  • Ships From: Ypsilanti, MI


Feedback Summary

Rating Last 3 months (0) Last 6 months (0) Total (38)
0% 0% 89%
0% 0% 5%
0% 0% 2%
0% 0% 2%
0% 0% 0%
36 B&N.com customers have left 38 ratings for this seller.

Seller's Previous Name

The following is a list of names that this seller has used since becoming one of Barnes & Noble.com's Authorized Sellers.
Date Changed Seller Name
01/10/2008 AllAmericanTextbooks_com
01/10/2007 Superior Text
01/10/2007 AllAmericanTextbooks
01/10/2007 AllAmericanTextbooks
Note that if this seller has used more than nine names on B&N.com since becoming an Authorized Seller, only the nine most recent names used will be displayed here.

Seller Feedback

  Seller Response March 14, 2018 Great to hear! Thank you for the feedback!
  Seller Response February 15, 2018 We're so glad to hear that! Thank you for the feedback.