A Brief History of Sunday: From the New Testament to the New Creation
In this accessible historical overview of Sunday, noted scholar Justo González tells the story of how and why Christians have worshiped on Sunday from the earliest days of the church to the present.

After discussing the views and practices relating to Sunday in the ancient church, González turns to Constantine and how his policies affected Sunday observances. He then recounts the long process, beginning in the Middle Ages and culminating with Puritanism, whereby Christians came to think of and strictly observe Sunday as the Sabbath. Finally, González looks at the current state of things, exploring especially how the explosive growth of the church in the Majority World has affected the observance of Sunday worldwide.

Readers of this book will rediscover the joy and excitement of Sunday as early Christians celebrated it and will find fresh, inspiring perspectives on Sunday amid our current culture of indifference and even hostility to Christianity.
A Brief History of Sunday: From the New Testament to the New Creation
In this accessible historical overview of Sunday, noted scholar Justo González tells the story of how and why Christians have worshiped on Sunday from the earliest days of the church to the present.

After discussing the views and practices relating to Sunday in the ancient church, González turns to Constantine and how his policies affected Sunday observances. He then recounts the long process, beginning in the Middle Ages and culminating with Puritanism, whereby Christians came to think of and strictly observe Sunday as the Sabbath. Finally, González looks at the current state of things, exploring especially how the explosive growth of the church in the Majority World has affected the observance of Sunday worldwide.

Readers of this book will rediscover the joy and excitement of Sunday as early Christians celebrated it and will find fresh, inspiring perspectives on Sunday amid our current culture of indifference and even hostility to Christianity.
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A Brief History of Sunday: From the New Testament to the New Creation

A Brief History of Sunday: From the New Testament to the New Creation

by Justo L. González
A Brief History of Sunday: From the New Testament to the New Creation

A Brief History of Sunday: From the New Testament to the New Creation

by Justo L. González



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In this accessible historical overview of Sunday, noted scholar Justo González tells the story of how and why Christians have worshiped on Sunday from the earliest days of the church to the present.

After discussing the views and practices relating to Sunday in the ancient church, González turns to Constantine and how his policies affected Sunday observances. He then recounts the long process, beginning in the Middle Ages and culminating with Puritanism, whereby Christians came to think of and strictly observe Sunday as the Sabbath. Finally, González looks at the current state of things, exploring especially how the explosive growth of the church in the Majority World has affected the observance of Sunday worldwide.

Readers of this book will rediscover the joy and excitement of Sunday as early Christians celebrated it and will find fresh, inspiring perspectives on Sunday amid our current culture of indifference and even hostility to Christianity.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781467446525
Publisher: Eerdmans, William B. Publishing Company
Publication date: 05/23/2017
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 176
File size: 265 KB

About the Author

Justo L. González is a retired professor of historical theology and United Methodist minister. His more than one hundred books, published in ten languages, include the acclaimed three-volume History of Christian Thoughtand The Story Luke Tells.

Table of Contents

Abbreviations vii

Introduction viii

1 The Background: Pre-Christian Calendars 1

Part 1 Before Constantine 7

2 Naming the Days 9

3 When to Meet 18

4 The Significance of the First Day of the Week 24

5 Christian Practices on the First Day of the Week 32

Part 2 From Constantine to the End of Antiquity 41

6 Constantine and the New Imperial Policy 43

7 Changes in Christian Worship 48

8 Laws Regarding the Lord's Day 53

9 Christian Views on the Sabbath 57

Part 3 The Middle Ages 67

10 A New Sunday Piety: From Feast to Funeral 70

11 A Day to Pray and to Play 83

12 Aquinas on Sunday and Sabbath 92

Part 4 The Reformation and Beyond 97

13 The Reformation 99

14 British Puritanism and the Sabbath 115

15 Seventh-Day Sabbatarianism 128

16 The Continuation of Puritan Sabbatarianism 133

17 Secularization and Renewal 139

Epilogue 153

Notes 154

For Further Reading 161

Index 163

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