A Miracle by Friday: 36 Ways to Raise Your Vibration and Bring Your Heaven to Earth

A Miracle by Friday: 36 Ways to Raise Your Vibration and Bring Your Heaven to Earth

by Chris Hince
A Miracle by Friday: 36 Ways to Raise Your Vibration and Bring Your Heaven to Earth

A Miracle by Friday: 36 Ways to Raise Your Vibration and Bring Your Heaven to Earth

by Chris Hince


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“When you clear the blocked energy in your life, the universe has a way of making a miracle look easy.”
—from the preface to A Miracle by Friday

“Chris has given us a map full of life, light, love, energy, and practical wisdom. We all need a life GPS.”
—Harrison Klein, transformational coach

(Insert graphic arrow here)

A Miracle by Friday reveals:

 How to easily raise your vibration to be able to create more of what you want
 A three-step process that will dissolve any negative belief that is blocking you
 How to use forgiveness to create rapid miracles
 Fine points that will bring you closer to your Source
 Essential knowing of how to bring more joy, harmony, and peace into your life

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781452581613
Publisher: Balboa Press
Publication date: 10/30/2014
Pages: 200
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.46(d)

Read an Excerpt

A Miracle by Friday

36 Ways to Raise Your Vibration and Bring Your Heaven to Earth

By Chris Hince

Balboa Press

Copyright © 2014 Chris Hince
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-4525-8161-3


Be One with What You Want. It Already Exists

Many people wonder why they cannot manifest what they want. The answer is very simple. In order to manifest what you want, you need to be vibrating at the same frequency as the thing you desire. If we talk about the Law of Attraction, then there must be some basis for this principle. The basis for the law is vibration. There are fancy scientific names for this because physicists need to use big words to describe what is almost indescribable, and who can blame them? The Power and Presence of All That Is calls for big words.

But the only word that you need to know in order to manifest—one that has pointedly been left out of almost all of the metaphysical books written before the year 2000—is the word "vibration." Maybe publishers don't like the word "vibration" because it is ephemeral, or hard to pin down in "reality." And, how many of you have had the reality of that word elude you? Well, no more. If the world is made up of an electromagnetic field, which it is, then that is the basis for everything that you are trying to accomplish.

How do you align with the specific composition of what you are manifesting? By feeling it, visualizing it, affirming it, smelling it, tasting it, and knowing it. How else? There are some fine points to this that many people miss due to their blocked belief systems and unworthiness issues. Since it is so simple, they don't believe that they can do it because they believe that they don't deserve what they are asking for (or they have some other unconscious reason for repelling it).

The bottom line is that you must imagine that you are already one with the thing that you are manifesting. What does that mean? Let's translate it into practical terms, and then we will teach you how to do it in metaphysical terms.

What would it look like to be in oneness with what you seek? Would you be running down the block, chasing the love of your life, and trying to catch him or her? Would you be slaving in a coal mine to earn your living? Would you be lying in bed ill when you want to be healthy? Of course not.

The point here is that you get what you are focusing on. If you focus on not having that relationship, how lonely and alone you are, how broke and unemployed you are, and how sick and bedridden you are, that is what you will get more of.

"That's not true!" you say. "I have been focusing on what I want!" Indeed, and does the vibration of wanting feel very good to you? Do you still feel as though you "want" something, or do you feel as if it is already yours? If the latter, then it is on its way to you. If the former, then it may not come to fruition.

Note the two key points here. First, when you focus on what you want as if you already have it, then you have already set up the vibration of its presence in your life. Thus you are attracting it. If you focus on it as still wanting it, you are actually pushing it away. You are telling the Universe that you don't have it, and so the Universe continues to meet that vibration of lack.

The second point has to do with time. This is a mistake that our little friend here still makes on occasion. It has to do with seeing your good in the future instead of in present time. In Chapter 4 we will talk about the power of the present moment. But, for now, you must focus on what you want in present time and not in the future. This is, indeed, where the magic lies.

I had a friend who received a notice in the mail for some tickets for a local athletic team. He tossed the notice into his in–box with the thought, "Oh I would like to get some of those tickets for my son when I have some time. He would enjoy them." He then went out to the mall to do some shopping. While he was in line to buy something, a person behind him in the line asked him if he knew anyone who would like some tickets to a game that night as he had two tickets he couldn't use. These tickets were to the same athletic team that he had received a notice about that day. My friend realized that the reason those tickets came to him so quickly was because he wasn't at all attached to having them. It had just been a pleasant passing thought.

If you don't have any "stuff" about what it is that you are manifesting it can come to you much more rapidly. If you fear not having it, worry about it, think it is going to be difficult, or believe that you are not worthy of it then it may be difficult to receive it.

The point is: The lighter you hold something the easier it is for it to come to you.

If you are not attached sometimes things can manifest instantly. I was driving home one time and had been thinking about what I wanted to do with my life. It occurred to me with great clarity that one of the things I wanted to do most was to affect parenting on the planet in a positive manner. When I got home, which was only about ten minutes later, there was a piece of mail about teaching parenting and a phone call from someone informing me about a parenting training. Until that time, I had no contacts or mail on that subject at all. This manifestation took ten minutes.

So the third point we want to make has to do with clarity. In order to be at one with that which you are manifesting, you must be very, very clear about it. If you are muddled, then the manifestation will be muddled and you will have to "re-manifest" it.

You may have had this experience when you were working on creating a relationship in your life. First, you just dated whoever came along. Then you started to get clear about what kind of person you wanted, but you forgot to mention that maybe you didn't want to be around smoking or drinking. The next person you dated may have had many more of the qualities that you wanted.

If this is not your experience and you keep manifesting the wrong thing over and over again, perhaps you need to stop and look at the quality of your expectations and your clarity about what you want. Then make sure that you are vibrating with the love of what you want in your life instead of resisting what you don't want.


I am clear, focused in the present, and at one with what I want.

It is mine now.

Visualization: Become aware that there is a field of consciousness around you that is everywhere present, all knowing, and all powerful. As you practice this awareness, begin to visualize what you are manifesting. See it. Hear it. Feel it. Taste it. Know it. Smell it. Experience it in present time—not in the future. Allow yourself to know that it is already here. Be crystal clear in defining it. Once you create it in your mind, it does indeed begin to manifest in the formless. Holding steady to knowing it is here allows it to pop into physical reality when you and it are ready. Give thanks in advance, for it is already so. Make sure that you have room for it in your life. If you don't, then make space and get ready!

Time: Twenty minutes. As long as it takes you to know that you have your miracle.

Action Step: Do the visualization. Take any action step that occurs to you from your guidance. If none does, then just keep visualizing and let it go.


Affirmations – Why They Only Work Some of the Time

Throughout this book, in every chapter, we provide affirmations for you related to the section's particular subject. Let us explain what an affirmation is and how to use it.

An affirmation is a statement of truth. It is stated in present tense as if it were already so. Stating things in present tense gives them the power of the present moment and thus brings them into present time. If you were to state an affirmation as if it were true in the future, then the truth of it would remain in the future. For example, if you repeat the affirmation, "I will get rich!" what do you think will happen? Yes, somewhere in the future is this fantasy of you experiencing richness, but does it ever come true in the now?

What you need to understand is that words have power and a vibration of their own. When you state an affirmation aloud, you send out a certain vibration that will go out into the Universal Field and bring back to you that which you affirm. Affirmations stated with clarity and purpose can act quickly and powerfully, so be careful what you ask for (affirm). Stating an affirmation can clear what is in the way, but you need to be ready for the results.

When you state an affirmation, you should take a moment and tune into the Power and Presence of All That Is. Call that Power and Presence into your affirmation. Then state your affirmation aloud if possible. If you do this in a group of like-minded people, it multiplies the effect. You can create miracles by doing this. I will give you an example of how someone saved lives by calling in the Power and Presence.

A woman in Los Angeles just happened to be at the right place at the right time for those involved in a car accident on a highway overpass. As a consequence of the accident, one of the cars veered off the edge of the overpass and actually began to fall toward the highway below. The woman observing this did not have time to state an affirmation or even say a prayer; she merely shouted the word, "God!" as she stared at the falling car. Instead of the car disintegrating on impact and everyone being killed, the car landed on its tires and bounced.

Here's another example. A woman noticed that her child had begun to look as though she had contracted polio. On the way to the hospital, the mother absolutely refused to allow the idea that her daughter could contract the disease, repeating over and over while calling in the Presence, "My daughter is healthy and whole. My daughter is protected." While many other children at that time did contract polio, her daughter's symptoms disappeared and she recovered her health.

There are many stories like this, particularly where someone else has said an affirmation for an ailing friend or loved one and that person survived against all odds. There is an even more powerful form of affirmation called Affirmative Prayer which takes this idea one step further. (See Chapter 14 on Prayer Treatment.)

However, just focusing on your affirmation with clarity and focus can produce amazing results. In chapter 35, "Clear Negative Beliefs," we talk about how to clear away any subconscious blocks to your affirmation. If your affirmation calls up a lot of emotion for you or has been blocked in some way, then we recommend doing that process. In some cases the affirmation will be sufficient to help raise your vibration without too much additional work.

Remember, when you create an affirmation, make sure to put it in present tense, stated as if it is already so. You can use the affirmations in this book as examples of how to do them. Feel free to change the words to ones that you feel more comfortable with, so long as you follow the present-tense format.


I now create affirmations that are powerful and effective.

I create my life through my word.

Visualization: Choose an affirmation for something you want to change in your life. In your visualization, imagine yourself stating your word as if your statement is already so. Then imagine the desired outcome. As your outcome shows up in your vision, continue to state the affirmation, seeing and hearing yourself saying it to your friends. Feel the feelings as if your affirmation were true now. Bring that feeling into present time reality and proceed with your day, knowing that what you have affirmed is already so.

Time: Seconds to do an affirmation. Minutes to do the visualization. Minutes to change your state through your affirmation.

Action Step: Whenever something negative comes up in your thinking, such as a worry or concern, turn your thought around to an affirmation of how you want it to be, as if it has already changed. Start doing this on a regular basis and your life will change.


Visualize – There's a Little More to It than Just Seeing Things

You are constantly visualizing, whether you are aware of it or not. By visualizing, you are not limited to just seeing things in your mind's eye. You also talk to yourself and run feelings through your body all day long. You are also experiencing what is going on around you through your various senses, including touch, taste, and smell. So with visualizing, we are addressing it in broad terms. It's important to differentiate here between this type of visualization and "conscious visualizing," which we advocate a great deal more of in this book. If you can consciously visualize using all of your senses, you will have a much better chance of creating what you want instead of creating what you don't want.

You create what you don't want by focusing on and worrying about a situation. Instead, you need to accept it the way it is, bless it, "let it go" and put your attention elsewhere. (Breathe.) Let's repeat these steps one more time.

Allow your feelings and fully experience them. Don't deny them or tune them out with your addictions.

Accept the situation the way it is.

Bless it and appreciate it.

Visualize – There's a Little More to It than Just Seeing Things See what the lesson might be, but don't dwell on it endlessly.

Let it go or take your attention off it.

Put your attention on God, nature, beauty, love, or something else equally wonderful.

Visualize that which you want, with feeling, as if it is already so.

Bless that which you want more of.

Give thanks that you already have it.

When you prepare to visualize, know what it is that you want to create.

It is a good idea to write it down ahead of time. You may write a story or dialogue about it as if it were already so. Writing something on paper is the first step of its manifestation. Then do the visualization using all of your senses.

"See" what you want to have happen as if it is already so. "Hear" people congratulating you, or hear the conversations that would be happening if it were already so. "Feel" the sun or wind on your skin as if it were real. "Feel" the feelings that you would have if it were happening. "Smell" the smells and "taste" the tastes that you would actually experience. Get into your gratitude for this incredible thing/person/situation that you have manifested.

You can let pictures flash through your mind like a slide show or in slow motion like a video. Don't worry if one or more of the senses are missing. If you are not a good visualizer, then focus on that sense that you are good at, perhaps auditory or kinesthetic. The more senses you can use, the faster you will pull your manifestation to you.

When I was manifesting my property, I wrote it out in great detail: three acres close to town with two houses, an orchard with fruit and nut trees, flowers, pastures for horses, a barn, etc. I got pretty much everything that I asked for, and it didn't take that long. I sat and imagined it every day for a while. I think it was one of the most specific visualizations I've ever done. I still live on that property.

I had manifested another property thirty years ago about which I was very specific, but I had neglected to put in lots of sunshine, and the property ended up being on the wrong side of a mountain for a good portion of the winter. So you might want to add the general desired location for your manifestation. You might not want to manifest a long-distance relationship, or a house that is perfect except that it's an hour commute from where you work. Be specific and then let it remain open at the top.

The most important statement of all to add to your visualization is: "This or something better is now manifest for the highest and best good of all concerned." And so it is.

As you get closer to Source, things begin to manifest without your asking. If you align yourself with your highest good, then that is what shows up. The Universe knows what is in your heart and what you most want, and it starts lining that up for you. This is especially true if you have surrendered your ego and put yourself into service by asking to be used for the highest and best good of all concerned. If you are serving the highest and best good of all, then your needs will be taken care of (as long as you don't have a martyr complex of some sort).

When you are first starting out on the path and until you have done some major clearing work on your unconscious issues, you need to be fairly clear and specific in your requests and write them down as if they already exist. Ask for help in changing your self-destructive and unconscious patterns. If you request that, help will be rapidly forthcoming.

Also ask to be shown what you most need to know or learn in a gentle fashion. I know people who wanted to speed up their process, and so they would make some kind of dramatic declaration, such as "Give me all my lessons now and get it over with." This is a big mistake. The Universe will always oblige your requests, but you won't like it.


Excerpted from A Miracle by Friday by Chris Hince. Copyright © 2014 Chris Hince. Excerpted by permission of Balboa Press.
All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.
Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.

Table of Contents


Dedication, v,
Acknowledgments, xi,
Preface, xiii,
How to Use This Book, xvii,
Introduction, xix,
1. Be One with What You Want. It Already Exists, 1,
2. Affirmations – Why They Only Work Some of the Time, 5,
3. Visualize – There's a Little More to It than Just Seeing Things, 9,
4. Bring Your Attention Back to the Present Moment, 15,
5. Clean Out Your Stuff and Watch What Happens, 19,
6. Eliminate Negative Beliefs Quickly - Learn Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), 25,
7. Find the Blessings in Your Current Situation, 31,
8. Focus on What You Want the Most, Knowing That You Already Have It, 35,
9. Laugh, 39,
10. Forgive, 43,
11. Be Grateful Now, 51,
12. Be Patient, 59,
13. Ground Yourself, 63,
14. Pray in a Way that Gets Results for the Highest Good, 67,
15. Let Go of Judgment, 71,
16. Set Your Intentions, 75,
17. Stop Worrying, 79,
18. Make a List of the Things that Are Incomplete in Your Life - Start Completing Them, 83,
19. Stop Watching TV and Reading the News, 87,
20. Make Amends to Experience More Peace, 91,
21. Go Inside to the Quiet within You, 95,
22. Praise Everything, 99,
23. Release Guilt, 105,
24. Surrender, 109,
25. Protect Yourself from Negative Energy, 115,
26. Call on Your Angels, 119,
27. Listen to Your Intuition, 123,
28. Make an Intention Card, 127,
29. Tune In to the Source, 133,
30. Trust, 137,
31. Meet Braco, 141,
32. Practice the Presence, 145,
33. Learn about the Chakras, 149,
34. Use the Golden Key, 153,
35. Clear Your Beliefs, 157,
36. Let the Violet Flame Dissolve Negativity, 163,
A Closing Statement from the Guides, 167,
In Conclusion, 171,
About the Author, 173,
Resources, 175,

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