In A Tale of Love and Darkness, the veil between the supernatural and human worlds grows perilously thin as a series of unsettling disappearances and attacks escalate. Chiara Medici, still torn between her expected role as Marco's future wife and her undeniable attraction to the enigmatic Nikolai, finds herself at the heart of an ancient struggle that threatens to shatter the delicate balance between two worlds. As Nikolai and his vampire kin delve further into a web of intrigue involving a rogue vampire coven, their only chance at unraveling the mystery and averting looming disaster lies in awakening the ancient beings, Celestina and Gabriel. Venture into a world where love intertwines with destiny, ancient folklore bleeds into reality, and choices made in the shadows could illuminate--or extinguish--any hope of a future.
In A Tale of Love and Darkness, the veil between the supernatural and human worlds grows perilously thin as a series of unsettling disappearances and attacks escalate. Chiara Medici, still torn between her expected role as Marco's future wife and her undeniable attraction to the enigmatic Nikolai, finds herself at the heart of an ancient struggle that threatens to shatter the delicate balance between two worlds. As Nikolai and his vampire kin delve further into a web of intrigue involving a rogue vampire coven, their only chance at unraveling the mystery and averting looming disaster lies in awakening the ancient beings, Celestina and Gabriel. Venture into a world where love intertwines with destiny, ancient folklore bleeds into reality, and choices made in the shadows could illuminate--or extinguish--any hope of a future.
A Tale of Love and Darkness
188A Tale of Love and Darkness
188Product Details
ISBN-13: | 9798890615657 |
Publisher: | Newman Springs |
Publication date: | 06/17/2024 |
Pages: | 188 |
Product dimensions: | 6.00(w) x 9.00(h) x 0.43(d) |