American Economic Development since 1945: Growth, Decline and Rejuvenation / Edition 1

American Economic Development since 1945: Growth, Decline and Rejuvenation / Edition 1

by S. Rosenberg
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Bloombury Academic
American Economic Development since 1945: Growth, Decline and Rejuvenation / Edition 1

American Economic Development since 1945: Growth, Decline and Rejuvenation / Edition 1

by S. Rosenberg
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This ambitious, clearly-written study provides an historical analysis of the economic development of the United States since 1945, helping the reader to understand the nation's current economic position. In his approachable, chronologically-based narrative, Samuel Rosenberg examines three postwar phases: the creation of an institutional framework which set the stage for prosperity in the United States after the Second World War. the forces which undermined this framework at the end of the 1960s and the resulting stagflation of the 1970s. the recreation of a new institutional structure in the 1980s, based on free market conservatism and the restoration of American international hegemony, which paved the way for the economic expansion of the following decade. Rosenberg addresses key issues such as macroeconomic trends and policies, the development of business-labor relations, the evolution of social and labor policies, and the changing role of America in the world economy. Basic economic concepts are also introduced and explained throughout, making this essential reading for all those with an interest in the postwar economic history of the United States.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 2900333345343
Publisher: Bloombury Academic
Publication date: 02/22/2003
Series: The Contemporary United States
Edition description: 2002
Pages: 339
Product dimensions: 6.00(w) x 1.25(h) x 9.00(d)

About the Author

SAMUEL ROSENBERG is Professor of Economics and Director of the Honors Program at Roosevelt University, Chicago.

Table of Contents

Editors' Prefacexii
Part IIntroduction
1Economic Mobilization for Survival, 1940-4519
Part IIThe Making of an Institutional Framework, 1945-60
2Macroeconomic Policy, Economic Instability and Economic Growth43
3Business-Labor Relations: Conflict Amidst Stability64
4From Dollar Shortage to Dollar Glut83
Part IIIStrains Developing within the Institutional Framework, 1960-71
5From Guideposts to Controls: The Rise and Fall of Keynesian Demand Management Policy103
6Standoff at the Workplace124
7The Persistence of Inequality and the Limits of Liberal Policy141
8The Dollar: No Longer as Good as Gold161
Part IVThe Unmaking of an Institutional Framework and the Recreation of Another, 1971-2000
9Stagflation, 1971-80183
10The Economic and Political Stalemate, 1971-80208
11Restructuring the Economy: The Market-Based Conservative Strategy, 1981-92234
12Toward the Twenty-First Century: A Reinvigorated Economy, 1993-2000279

What People are Saying About This

From the Publisher

This clear, well-organized work belongs in any library. Summing up: Highly recommended.' - M Perelman, Choice

' outstanding summary statement of more than fifty-five years of American economic history and policy.' - Michael Meeropol, Challenge

'Interesting, thought-provoking reading.' - Louis P Cain, EH-Net'

Rosenberg has produced a valuable volume for anybody who wants an overview of the postwar US economy. It would be useful as a textbook for college-level courses on US history, for people interested in materials for noncurricular political economy education seminars, as well as for the interested general reader.' - Michael Perelman, Review of Radical Political Economics

'...among the best introductory surveys of modern US economic history.' - Iwan Morgan, The Economic History Review

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