Book Of Sodom: The God Of Sodom

Open your eyes to the Revelation of the New Age. Liberate your senses and sensuality naked before your Golden Dawn. Let the light rise in your passions and guide your spirit forth across the Abyss. The Prophet Of Sodom bore witness to the ultimate Pleasure, beyond any heaven, the Realm Of Sodom wherein dwells the God Of Sodom. The source of all our Karma, our Vita Sexualis.

Bare your beautiful body and read the Vision of the Prophet, who sings the Song of the New Age. The Song Of Sodom. The song of liberation.

Book Of Sodom: The God Of Sodom

Open your eyes to the Revelation of the New Age. Liberate your senses and sensuality naked before your Golden Dawn. Let the light rise in your passions and guide your spirit forth across the Abyss. The Prophet Of Sodom bore witness to the ultimate Pleasure, beyond any heaven, the Realm Of Sodom wherein dwells the God Of Sodom. The source of all our Karma, our Vita Sexualis.

Bare your beautiful body and read the Vision of the Prophet, who sings the Song of the New Age. The Song Of Sodom. The song of liberation.

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Book Of Sodom: The God Of Sodom

Book Of Sodom: The God Of Sodom

by Baldassare Cossa
Book Of Sodom: The God Of Sodom

Book Of Sodom: The God Of Sodom

by Baldassare Cossa



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Open your eyes to the Revelation of the New Age. Liberate your senses and sensuality naked before your Golden Dawn. Let the light rise in your passions and guide your spirit forth across the Abyss. The Prophet Of Sodom bore witness to the ultimate Pleasure, beyond any heaven, the Realm Of Sodom wherein dwells the God Of Sodom. The source of all our Karma, our Vita Sexualis.

Bare your beautiful body and read the Vision of the Prophet, who sings the Song of the New Age. The Song Of Sodom. The song of liberation.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940044307063
Publisher: Baldassare Cossa
Publication date: 02/08/2013
Series: The Holy Books
Sold by: Smashwords
Format: eBook
File size: 117 KB
Age Range: 18 Years

About the Author

I bear good tidings! I give you a message of orgasm! A message of pleasure! A message of Sodom! I am a Prophet of a new religion, a new dawn, a new age of delights where you find yourself through your Pleasures. Let your pleasure be your path to your true self - to your Will! And let love and orgasm be what binds us together! Let mutual pleasure be Our Way! To hell with the moral codes of old - they divide us and rule us and leave us blind and deaf! They harm more than help - to whom are they useful but those who love harm and suffering and superstitious ignorance? I write good things - even though I have to say some horrendous things to bring out the truly good. I have already been banned - a fine book of mine has been banned because its carefully selected short stories each bearing a philosophic message that stands on its own and combines with the rest, displeased the censors at Amazon Kindle. They want you to remain blind and deaf! I give you good news! Another way - a new way yet a way that is truly ancient. I bring back the truth. Emancipation! Pleasure! Orgasm! I do not mislead - for I do not even lead. That is not my way. I want you to READ - for yourself, what I write, and take what you Will and use it for your pleasure, and the pleasures of those whom you love (and may you have many lovers!). And if you must - do please curse me and hate me, for still even then I have done good for you. For by cursing me you have chosen some direction - I pray that direction is toward pleasure, knowing thyself, and finding and spreading love and pleasure. The time has come and I will do much! I will WRITE! I will make music, and plays, and films, and many books of philosophy and many stories. I will paint and even do academia. I will love you and offer you love and pleasure - I only want you to find God in Sacred Holy Orgasm. Come, follow me. Walk with me a while. Let us all come together...

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