Bullying in North American Schools / Edition 2

Bullying in North American Schools / Edition 2

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Taylor & Francis
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Taylor & Francis
Bullying in North American Schools / Edition 2

Bullying in North American Schools / Edition 2

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Bullying in North American Schools is an exciting compilation of research on bullying in school-aged youth by a representative group of researchers, including developmental, social, counseling, school, and clinical psychologists across North America.

This new edition:

  • illustrates the complexity of bullying behaviors and offers suggestions for decision-making to intervene and work to reduce bullying behaviors
  • provides empirical guidance for school personnel as they develop bullying prevention and intervention programs or evaluate existing programs
  • uses a social-ecological perspective in which bullying is examined across multiple contexts including individual characteristics, peer and family influences, and classroom dynamics
  • includes basic research data from leaders in the field of bullying and victimization in the United States and Canada
  • teaches practical implications of various types of programs and how to choose and implement one that fits their school ecology.
  • This text will help your students understand how to prevent bullying behavior and how to select and manage intervention efforts in schools and school districts.

    Product Details

    ISBN-13: 9780415806558
    Publisher: Taylor & Francis
    Publication date: 10/18/2010
    Edition description: New Edition
    Pages: 336
    Product dimensions: 7.00(w) x 9.90(h) x 0.70(d)

    About the Author

    Dorothy L. Espelage is Professor in the Child Development Division of the Educational Psychology department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

    Susan M. Swearer is Associate Professor of School Psychology in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

    Table of Contents

    1. Expanding the Social-Ecological Framework of Bullying Among Youth, Espelage, D. L., & Swearer, S.M.

    Part I: Individual Characteristics Associated With Bullying

    2. Gender and Bullying: Moving Beyond Mean Level Differences to Consider Conceptions of Bullying, Processes by which Bullying Unfolds, and Cyber Bullying, Underwood, M. K., & Rosen, L. H.

    3. Why Does Being Bullied Hurt So Much?: Insights from Neuroscience, Vaillancourt, T., Hymel, S., & McDougall, P.

    4. Bullying among Students with Disabilities: Impact and Implications, Rose, C. A.

    5. Internalizing Problems in Students Involved in Bullying and Victimization: Implications for Intervention, Swearer, S.M., Collins, A., Haye-Radliff, K., & Wang, C.

    6. Unwanted sexual and harassing experiences: From School to Text Messaging, Ybarra, M. L., Espelage, D. L., Martin, S.

    Part II: Peer Characteristics Associated With Bullying

    7. Teaching Practices, Classroom Peer Ecologies, and Bullying Behaviors among Schoolchildren, Rodkin, P.C., & Gest, S.D.

    8. Part of the Problem and Part of the Solution: The Role of Peers in Bullying, Dominance, and Victimization During the Transition From Primary School to Secondary School, Pellegrini, A.D., Van Ryzin, M.J.

    9. Sidestepping the Jingle Fallacy: Bullying, Aggression, and the Importance of Knowing the Difference, Hawley, P.H., Stump, K.N., & Ratliff, J.

    Part III: Classroom Characteristics Associated With Bullying

    10. Teachers' Attitudes Toward Bullying, Holt, M.K., Keyes, M., & Koenig, B.

    11. Girls, Boys, and Bullying in Preschool: The Role of Gender in the Development of Bullying, Hanish, L.D., Hill, A., Gosney, S., Fabes, R.A., & Martin, C.L.

    12. Classroom Ecologies that Support or Discourage Bullying, Doll, B., Song, S., Champion, A., & Jones, K.

    Part IV: Beyond the Classroom: Considering School Climate, Family Relationships, Social Support, and Innovative School Partnerships

    13. School Climate and Change in Personality Disorder Symptom Trajectories Related to Bullying: A Prospective Study, Kasen, S., Johnson, J.G., Chen, H., Crawford, T.N., & Cohen, P.

    14. The Role of Social Support in the Lives of Students Involved in Bullying, Demaray, M.K., & Malecki, C.K.

    15. Family Relationships of Bullies and Victims, Duncan, R.C.

    16. Considerations when Measuring Outcomes to Assess for the Effectiveness of Bullying- and Aggression-Prevention Programs in the Schools, Leff, S.S., Freedman, M.A., MacEvoy, J.P., & Power, T.P.

    Part V: Effective Prevention and Intervention Programs

    17. Bully Busters: A Resource for Schools and Parents to Prevent and Respond to Bullying, Horne, A.M., Bell, C.D., Raczynski, K.A., & Whitford, J.L.

    18. Integrating Strategies for Bullying, Sexual Harassment, and Dating Violence Prevention: The Expect Respect Elementary School Project 6/24/09, Rosenbluth, B., Whitaker, D.J., Valle, L.A., & Ball, B.

    19. Overview of Bully-Proofing your School, Plog, A., Porter, B., et al.

    20. Teacher Support of Bullying Prevention: The good, the bad, and the promising, Frey, K.S., Jones, D.C., Hirschstein, M.K., & Edstrom, L.V.

    21. Design and Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Steps to Respect: A School-Based Bullying Prevention Program, Low, S.M., Smith, B.H., Fernandez, K., Hanson, K., & Haggerty, K.P.

    22. Implementation of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program in American Schools: Lessons Learned From the Field, Limber, S. P.

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