Cetus Wedge
After investigation came retribution, vindictive and indiscriminate.

It's the early 1980s and the height of the Cold War when Steve Donovan, despite a checkered past, troubled marriage, and no prospects, lands a job at the very bottom of the intelligence world. He finds a kind of happiness being involved with shady people in unsavory activities until he is suddenly promoted over the heads of fifty-nine colleagues by his Section chief, who is himself being promoted.

Steve's boss, Frank, is handing him responsibility for Charlemagne, the premier freelance specialist team used by Western governments for black operations conducted without fingerprints. The deadly team has filled several drawers at a Chicago morgue and Steve and Frank fly out to investigate why.

With three days left until Christmas, their investigation uncovers tragedies, past, present, and perhaps, yet to come into their futures. Frank appears to be the next target, but is Steve also? It is difficult to tell because truth is hard to come by and deception obscures everything and everyone they speak to. Loyalties are hidden, moral codes nonexistent.

Cetus Wedge is the second novel in K.A. Bachus's fast-paced Charlemagne Files series chronicling the lives of a team of deadly Cold War intelligence operatives over three decades.

Cetus Wedge
After investigation came retribution, vindictive and indiscriminate.

It's the early 1980s and the height of the Cold War when Steve Donovan, despite a checkered past, troubled marriage, and no prospects, lands a job at the very bottom of the intelligence world. He finds a kind of happiness being involved with shady people in unsavory activities until he is suddenly promoted over the heads of fifty-nine colleagues by his Section chief, who is himself being promoted.

Steve's boss, Frank, is handing him responsibility for Charlemagne, the premier freelance specialist team used by Western governments for black operations conducted without fingerprints. The deadly team has filled several drawers at a Chicago morgue and Steve and Frank fly out to investigate why.

With three days left until Christmas, their investigation uncovers tragedies, past, present, and perhaps, yet to come into their futures. Frank appears to be the next target, but is Steve also? It is difficult to tell because truth is hard to come by and deception obscures everything and everyone they speak to. Loyalties are hidden, moral codes nonexistent.

Cetus Wedge is the second novel in K.A. Bachus's fast-paced Charlemagne Files series chronicling the lives of a team of deadly Cold War intelligence operatives over three decades.

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Cetus Wedge

Cetus Wedge

by K.A. Bachus

Narrated by K.A. Bachus

Unabridged — 5 hours, 39 minutes

Cetus Wedge

Cetus Wedge

by K.A. Bachus

Narrated by K.A. Bachus

Unabridged — 5 hours, 39 minutes

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After investigation came retribution, vindictive and indiscriminate.

It's the early 1980s and the height of the Cold War when Steve Donovan, despite a checkered past, troubled marriage, and no prospects, lands a job at the very bottom of the intelligence world. He finds a kind of happiness being involved with shady people in unsavory activities until he is suddenly promoted over the heads of fifty-nine colleagues by his Section chief, who is himself being promoted.

Steve's boss, Frank, is handing him responsibility for Charlemagne, the premier freelance specialist team used by Western governments for black operations conducted without fingerprints. The deadly team has filled several drawers at a Chicago morgue and Steve and Frank fly out to investigate why.

With three days left until Christmas, their investigation uncovers tragedies, past, present, and perhaps, yet to come into their futures. Frank appears to be the next target, but is Steve also? It is difficult to tell because truth is hard to come by and deception obscures everything and everyone they speak to. Loyalties are hidden, moral codes nonexistent.

Cetus Wedge is the second novel in K.A. Bachus's fast-paced Charlemagne Files series chronicling the lives of a team of deadly Cold War intelligence operatives over three decades.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940192075821
Publisher: Independently Published
Publication date: 07/24/2024
Series: The Charlemagne Files
Edition description: Unabridged
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