Dear Clementina
Dear Clementina is a collection of humorous letters from Stanley, a bemused, and at times bewildered, puppy to his pal Clementina. In each missive, Stanley strives to explain and interpret the complexities of life as he encounters them during his first year, and does so with a comic insight which is reserved for the innocent observer, an insight which will be appreciated by anyone with a sense of humour, or a dog, or preferably both.
Dear Clementina
Dear Clementina is a collection of humorous letters from Stanley, a bemused, and at times bewildered, puppy to his pal Clementina. In each missive, Stanley strives to explain and interpret the complexities of life as he encounters them during his first year, and does so with a comic insight which is reserved for the innocent observer, an insight which will be appreciated by anyone with a sense of humour, or a dog, or preferably both.
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Dear Clementina

Dear Clementina

by Colin Burke

Narrated by Jimmy Hibbert

Unabridged — 3 hours, 15 minutes

Dear Clementina

Dear Clementina

by Colin Burke

Narrated by Jimmy Hibbert

Unabridged — 3 hours, 15 minutes

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Dear Clementina is a collection of humorous letters from Stanley, a bemused, and at times bewildered, puppy to his pal Clementina. In each missive, Stanley strives to explain and interpret the complexities of life as he encounters them during his first year, and does so with a comic insight which is reserved for the innocent observer, an insight which will be appreciated by anyone with a sense of humour, or a dog, or preferably both.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940169799996
Publisher: Author's Republic
Publication date: 04/05/2017
Edition description: Unabridged
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