Destructora de reinos (Realm Breaker)
Corayne vive en el confín del mundo. Año tras año, ve a su madre zarpar en el barco pirata que ella misma capitanea hacia aventuras que nunca compartirá con Corayne. Cuando piensa que nunca saldrá de ese lugar, recibe la visita de un misterioso asesino inmortal que le revela su verdadero linaje y la misión a la que está llamada para salvar el mundo. Pero el mundo está en un peligro mayor de lo que jamás habían imaginado; Corayne y su grupo de aliados se hallan solos en una tierra que se desmorona con poco más que una esperanza incierta como guía. La era de los héroes ya ha pasado, pero el valor puede surgir incluso en los rincones más oscuros. Y quizá sea lo único que pueda salvarlo todo.
Corayne lives on the edge of the world. Year after year, she watches her mother set sail on the pirate ship that she captains herself on adventures she will never share with Corayne. When she thinks that she will never leave that place, she is visited by a mysterious immortal assassin who reveals her true lineage and the mission to which she is called to save the world. But the world is in greater danger than they ever imagined; Corayne and her group of allies find themselves alone in a crumbling land with little more than uncertain hope to guide them. The age of heroes is over, but courage can emerge even in the darkest corners. And maybe it's the only thing that can save everything.
Corayne lives on the edge of the world. Year after year, she watches her mother set sail on the pirate ship that she captains herself on adventures she will never share with Corayne. When she thinks that she will never leave that place, she is visited by a mysterious immortal assassin who reveals her true lineage and the mission to which she is called to save the world. But the world is in greater danger than they ever imagined; Corayne and her group of allies find themselves alone in a crumbling land with little more than uncertain hope to guide them. The age of heroes is over, but courage can emerge even in the darkest corners. And maybe it's the only thing that can save everything.
Destructora de reinos (Realm Breaker)
Corayne vive en el confín del mundo. Año tras año, ve a su madre zarpar en el barco pirata que ella misma capitanea hacia aventuras que nunca compartirá con Corayne. Cuando piensa que nunca saldrá de ese lugar, recibe la visita de un misterioso asesino inmortal que le revela su verdadero linaje y la misión a la que está llamada para salvar el mundo. Pero el mundo está en un peligro mayor de lo que jamás habían imaginado; Corayne y su grupo de aliados se hallan solos en una tierra que se desmorona con poco más que una esperanza incierta como guía. La era de los héroes ya ha pasado, pero el valor puede surgir incluso en los rincones más oscuros. Y quizá sea lo único que pueda salvarlo todo.
Corayne lives on the edge of the world. Year after year, she watches her mother set sail on the pirate ship that she captains herself on adventures she will never share with Corayne. When she thinks that she will never leave that place, she is visited by a mysterious immortal assassin who reveals her true lineage and the mission to which she is called to save the world. But the world is in greater danger than they ever imagined; Corayne and her group of allies find themselves alone in a crumbling land with little more than uncertain hope to guide them. The age of heroes is over, but courage can emerge even in the darkest corners. And maybe it's the only thing that can save everything.
Corayne lives on the edge of the world. Year after year, she watches her mother set sail on the pirate ship that she captains herself on adventures she will never share with Corayne. When she thinks that she will never leave that place, she is visited by a mysterious immortal assassin who reveals her true lineage and the mission to which she is called to save the world. But the world is in greater danger than they ever imagined; Corayne and her group of allies find themselves alone in a crumbling land with little more than uncertain hope to guide them. The age of heroes is over, but courage can emerge even in the darkest corners. And maybe it's the only thing that can save everything.
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Destructora de reinos (Realm Breaker)
Destructora de reinos (Realm Breaker)
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Product Details
ISBN-13: | 9786075574523 |
Publisher: | Editorial Oceano de Mexico |
Publication date: | 06/01/2022 |
Series: | Destructora de reinos , #1 |
Pages: | 620 |
Product dimensions: | 5.50(w) x 8.70(h) x 1.40(d) |
Language: | Spanish |
Age Range: | 9 - 18 Years |
About the Author

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