The best novels of 2014 delve into the recent past, the near future, and faraway worlds. Encompassing late-career epics and ambitious debuts, they consider the after-effects of everything from apocalypse to adultery, and reckon with religion and war using dreams, magic, science fiction, and occasionally nothing but the power of prose. Sometimes, in the grand […]
In an interview last month with the B&N Podcast, Hugo-winning author John Scalzi posited that we are currently in a new Golden Age of science fiction and fantasy, and it’s hard to disagree with him. Never before within the genres have their been so many excellent books on offer to so many different types of […]
Amberlough, the first novel in Lara Elena Donnelly’s Amberlough Dossier series (and a 2017 Nebula Award nominee), ends on a down note that seems sure to slide lower, with no bottom in sight. In the sequel, Armistice, that prediction at first looks optimistic, then, blessedly, perhaps less so. Armistice picks up three years after the […]