Special Features
Audio Commentary with actors Philip Madoc (Eelek), Richard Ireson (Axus) and Gilbert Wynne (Thara), Assistant Floor Manager David Tilley, Make-Up Designer Sylvia James, Costume Designer Bobi Bartlett and Special Sounds Designer Brian Hodgson, moderated by Toby Hadoke; Second Time Around Retrospective documentary on Patrick Troughton's tenure as the Second Doctor (52 minutes); Doctor Who Stories - Frazer Hines (Part 1) From an interview originally recorded in 2003 for BBC's Story of Doctor Who (17 mins); The Doctor's Strange Love Fans' point of view with writers Joseph Lidster and Simon Guerrier (7 mins); Photo Gallery (5 mins); PDF Materials: Radio Times Listings; Production Notes Subtitle Option; Digitally Remastered picture and sound quality