Ghosthouse This Italian haunted-house outing begins with strange, paranormal emanations being picked up as radio signals by a group of Boston youths, who trace the signal to an abandoned estate. When they enter to investigate, they are attacked by the malevolent spectre of a young girl and her sinister-looking clown doll, who manages to decimate nearly the entire cast. The ensuing mayhem incorporates some of the goriest effects ever to grace a haunted house film, including axe murders, acid baths, impalements, and decapitations -- the nastiest of which features an unfortunate teen bisected by a falling pane of glass. Despite a fairly rich atmosphere and an ominous mood, this is really just a prolonged excuse for gruesome (though, admittedly, well-staged) giallo-style death scenes. After a spooky initial setup, the endlessly repeating musical ghost-message becomes profoundly annoying. Witchery In this horror film, a group of people travel to an old hotel in a remote part of New England, where they incur the wrath of an evil witch (Hildegarde Knef). As the hotel guests begin to die off in gruesome ways, a young photographer and his girlfriend struggle to find a way to defeat the witch. David Hasselhoff and Linda Blair star.