![Heist [Blu-ray]](http://img.images-bn.com/static/redesign/srcs/images/grey-box.png?v12.2.4)
Heist [Blu-ray]
![Heist [Blu-ray]](http://img.images-bn.com/static/redesign/srcs/images/grey-box.png?v12.2.4)
Heist [Blu-ray]
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Product Details
Release Date: | 12/17/2019 |
UPC: | 0043396563650 |
Original Release: | 2001 |
Rating: | R |
Source: | Sony Mod |
Region Code: | ABC |
Presentation: | [Wide Screen] |
Sound: | [Dolby Digital Stereo, Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround] |
Language: | English |
Time: | 1:49:00 |
Sales rank: | 20,497 |
Special Features
Theatrical trailer; 1080p High Definition; English SDH Subtitles
Cast & Crew
Gene Hackman | Joe Moore |
Danny DeVito | Bergman |
Delroy Lindo | Bobby Blane |
Sam Rockwell | Jimmy Silk |
Rebecca Pidgeon | Fran Moore |
Ricky Jay | Don `Pinky' Pincus |
Patti LuPone | Betty Croft |
Alan Bilzerian | Fast Food Customer |
Richard L. Freidman | Counterman |
Robert Lussier | Fast Food Cook |
Mark Camacho | Jewelry Store Guard |
Michelle Sweeney | Waitress |
Christopher Kaldor | Laszlo |
Jim Frangione | D.A. Freccia |
Richard Friedman | Actor |
Elyzabeth Walling | Actor |
Mike Tsar | Actor |
Danny Blanco Hall | Bartender |
Zodia McLean | Pool Player at Bar |
Andreas Apergis | State Trooper |
Tony Calabretta | Coffee Man |
Ted Whittall | Customs Officer |
Guy Sprung | Pilot |
Richard Zeman | Co-Pilot |
Don Jordan | Supervisor in Tower |
Pierre LeBlanc | Controller in Tower |
Richard Robitaille | Officer #2 |
Greg Goossen | Officer #1 |
Theodore Shapiro | Composer |
Technical Credits
David Mamet | Director,Screenwriter |
Don Carmody | Executive Producer,Producer |
James Holt | Executive Producer |
Art Linson | Producer |
Elie Samaha | Producer |
Tracee Stanley | Executive Producer |
Andrew Stevens | Executive Producer,Producer |
Cas Donovan | Producer |
Scott Ferguson | Producer |
Carol Ashley | Special Effects |
Michael Barry | Sound Effects |
Richard P. Cirincione | Sound Effects |
Laura Civiello | Sound Effects |
Maxime Ferland | Sound Effects |
Carl Glanville | Sound Effects |
Scene Index
Editor's Preface xi
Abbreviations xv
Translator's Preface xvii
Petrus van Mastricht (1630-1706): Life and Work xxv
Funeral Oration for Petrus van Mastricht lxv
The Best Method of Preaching
I Preface 3
II The parts of preaching 5
III Twofold invention 5
IV The arrangement of a sermon and its laws 6
V An inquiry into the introduction 7
VI The content of the text 9
VII The analysis and the exposition of the text 9
VIII Five parts of the doctrinal argument 11
IX The informatory use 16
X The elenctic use 16
XI The consolatory use 18
XII The rebuking use 20
XIII The exploratory use 22
XIV The hortatory use 25
XV Some cautions 28
XVI How the more lengthy texts should be handled 29
XVII Delivery 29
XVIII The reasons why this is the best method 30
Part 1 Prolegomena and Faith
Book 1 Prolegomena of Theoretical-Practical Theology 1699 Dedication 39
1699 Preface 43
Methodical Arrangement of the Whole Work 47
Chapter 1 The Nature of Theology 63
I Introduction 63
The Exegetical Part
II Exegesis of 1 Timothy 6:2-3 64
First Theorem-The Method of Geology
The Dogmatic Part
III Theology must be taught in a certain order 67
IV The need for method in theology 68
V The sort of method that must be employed 69
The Elenctic Part
VI Must theology be taught according to a certain method? 70
The Practical Part
VII The first use is for censuring 71
VIII The second use is for exhortation 71
Second Theorem-The Definitum of Theology
The Dogmatic Part
IX Only a theoretical-practical Christian theology must be pursued 73
X It is proved from the Scriptures 73
XI It is confirmed by three reasons 73
XII That theology is given 74
XIII Its name 74
XIV Its synonyms 76
XV Homonyms 76
XVI Christian theology 77
XVII Natural theology: A. Its parts 77
XVIII B. Its fourfold use 78
XIX C. A threefold abuse 78
XX Theoretical-practical theology 78
XXI The distribution of false religions 79
The Elenctic Part
XXII 1. Is the theology of the pagans true? 80
XXIII 2. Is any kind of natural theology allowed? 82
XXIV 3. Is natural theology sufficient for salvation? 83
XXV 4. What should we think about scholastic theology? 85
The Practical Part
XXVI The first point of practice, examination 86
XXVII Second: shunning any false theology 88
XXVIII Third: the study of true theology 89
XXIX Motives for the study of Christian theology 90
XXX The means of obtaining theology 92
XXXI Eleven rules of academic study 94
XXXII Fourth: the study of practical theology 95
XXXIII Its marks 95
XXXIV Its motives 96
XXXV The means of obtaining a practical theology 97
Third Theorem-The Definition of Theology
The Dogmatic Part
XXXVI Theology is the doctrine of living for God through Christ 98
XXXVII It is confirmed by reasons 99
XXXVIII That it is termed doctrine, and why 100
XXXIX The object of theology is "living" 101
XL Living for God 101
XLI Different kinds of life 101
XLII Living for God through Christ 102
XLIII The first deduction, concerning the end of theology 103
XLIV Its object 104
XLV Its excellence 104
The Elenctic Part
XLVI Problems: 1. Is theology wisdom or prudence? 104
XLVII 2. What is its object? 105
XLVIII 3. Is it a theoretical or a practical habit? 106
The Practical Part
XLIX The first use, reproof 107
L The second use, examination 108
LI The third use, exhortation, that we live for God 109
LII Living for God demands specifically: 1. The threefold aim 109
LIII 2. The threefold norm 110
LIV 3. The order 110
LV Nine motives to live for God 111
LVI The manner of living for God, in three things 112
LVII Finally six means 112
Chapter 2 Holy Scripture 113
I Introduction 113
The Exegetical Part
II Exegesis of 2 Timothy 3:16-17 113
The Dogmatic Part
III Scripture is the perfect rule of living for God 117
IV It is confirmed by reasons: The first reason, from hypotheses 117
V The second reason, from the five requirements of a rule 118
VI Holy Scripture is explained: 1. The term Scripture 119
VII Synonyms of Scripture 120
VIII 2. The canonical parts of Scripture 120
IX The apocryphal books are rejected 121
X The authentic edition of Scripture 123
XI Editions in the vernacular 124
XII 3. The origin of Scripture 125
XIII The method of composing Holy Scripture 126
XIV 4. The properties of Scripture: (1) Authority 126
XV (2) Truth 127
XVI (3) Integrity 127
XVII (4) Sanctity 127
XVIII (5) Perspicuity 128
XIX (6) Perfection 128
XX (7) Necessity 129
XXI (8) Efficacy 130
The Elenctic Part
XXII 1. Is there any written Word of God? 131
XXIII The divine authority of Scripture is demonstrated by testimonies and seven reasons 133
XXIV 2. Has our Scripture been so corrupted that it was necessary to substitute the Quran for it? (1) Scripture has not been corrupted 137
XXV (2) Muhammad is not a true prophet 139
XXVI (3) The Quran is not a divine writing 140
XXVII With the Jews it is asked: 1. Has the oral law been given in addition to the written law? 141
XXVIII 2. Does the Talmud have divine authority? 144
XXIX 3. Does the kabbalah have divine authority? 146
XXX 4. Does the New Testament have divine authority? 147
XXXI Our eleven arguments for the divine authority of the New Testament 149
XXXII Other objections 152
XXXIII Do believers possess inspirations from the Holy Spirit? 153
XXXIV Is human reason the infallible norm of interpreting Scripture? 155
XXXV Is the Old Testament now abrogated or less necessary to read than the New Testament? 157
XXXVI Objections 158
XXXVII With the papists it is disputed: Does the authority of Scripture depend on the church? 159
XXXVIII Objections 160
XXXIX Should the books that we call the Apocrypha be numbered with the canonical books? 161
XL Are any non-original editions authentic? 162
XLI Are the Hebrew and Greek sources corrupted? 164
XLII Objections 165
XLIII Should Scripture be translated into the vernacular languages? 166
XLIV The reasons of the papists 166
XLV Should Scripture be read by the common people? 167
XLVI Is Scripture obscure? 167
XLVII Does Scripture allow more than one sense? 168
XLVIII Objections 169
XLIX Is there, besides and beyond Scripture, any infallible norm for interpreting it? 170
L The affirmative position 171
LI Is there some infallible judge of controversies on earth? 172
LII What the papists claim 173
LIII Should the judgment of controversies be relinquished to some sort of private judgment? 174
LV Is Scripture the perfect norm of faith and life? 175
LVI Are sacred traditions besides Scripture necessary? 177
LVII What the papists claim 177
LVIII Is Scripture necessary now for the church? 178
LIX Did Scripture arise only by fortuitous circumstances, and not by divine command? 180
LX Is Scripture not so much the perfect rule of believing and living as it is a useful kind of reminder? 181
The Practical Part
LXI The first use, impressing the authority of Scripture upon its hearers 182
LXII The way to assert and urge the divine authority of Scripture 183
LXIII The second use, the love of the divine Word 1. The parts of this love 185
LXIV 2. Seven motives for loving Scripture 185
LXV 3. The manner of loving Scripture 187
LXVI 4. The means to kindle love for Scripture 188
LXVII The third use, concerning contempt or hatred of the divine Word 188
LXVIII The fourth use, the study of the divine Word 188
LXIX The fifth use, the reading of the divine Word 190
LXX The sixth use, the hearing of the Word 191
LXXI The seventh use, the interpretation of Scripture 193
LXXII The means of interpreting Scripture: For those educated in letters 193
LXXIII The means of interpreting for everyone 194
LXXIV The eighth use, meditation: 1. What is meditation? 195
LXXV 2. That we should meditate 196
LXXVI 3. Why should we meditate? 197
LXXVII 4. How must we meditate? 197
LXXVIII The ninth use, conversations about the Scriptures 199
LXXIX Motives 199
LXXX Those obliged to this duty 199
LXXXI Impediments 200
LXXXII Aids 200
LXXXIII The manner 200
LXXXIV The tenth use, the observance or practice of the Word 201
Chapter 3 The Distribution of Theology 203
I Introduction 203
The Exegetical Part
II Exegesis of 2 Timothy 1:13 203
The Dogmatic Part
III The parts of theology are faith and love 204
IV It is confirmed by four reasons 206
V It is explained in three parts 206
The Elenctic Part
VI Theologians' contrary or different distributions are examined 207
VII It is asked whether the Socinian and Arminian distributions are genuine 207
The Practical Part
VIII The first use, rebuke 208
IX The second use, exhortation 209
X The delineation of this whole theology text 210
Board of the Dutch Reformed Theological Society 213
Scripture Index 215
Subject Index 229