"In Finding Peace, One Piece at a Time, Rachel brings her compassionate, experienced and honest insight to the difficult problem of what to do with the possessions of a loved one who has passed on. Finding Peace provides badly needed help for those left with an often-daunting task of sorting through possessions and the resulting sometimes difficult emotions. With a step-by-step process that acknowledges the complexities of grief, possessions, memories and history, Rachel guides those who need to sort, store and dispose of possessions." —Sara Wilson, Executive Director, Feminine Power
"As a financial advisor, I so often see the struggle and stress that comes before a parent passes—'How can I convince my parents that all that stuff needs a place when they are gone? How will we get through it all?' And then after a loved one passes—'This has taken over my life.' or 'I can’t do this.' And I too have that same dilemma—my own father is a hoarder and we can see the end of his life in the not too distant future. I can help with the money part. That’s within my skillset. But I can’t help with the 'stuff.' Rachel can, though. Finding Peace, One Piece at at Time helps us to wrap our arms around the emotional and the physical difficulties that we face when we are left with the belongings of those we love and guides us through it all, at our own pace. Thank you for helping me to provide the answers to the questions I couldn’t answer before." —Ora DeMorrow, Senior Financial Advisor, Vice President Merrill Lynch
"Finding herself suddenly widowed with a young child at just 31 years old, Rachel Kodanaz was ambivalent about what to do with her deceased husband’s possessions. As a result of her own struggles she has written a must have guide for all of us who grapple with similar questions after loss.
As a psychologist, one of the most important questions I get after a loss, is what to do with valued possessions. This book tackles this topic in a sensitive way, offering tips and practical advice. This is a must read for anyone who has ever had a loss, I wish I had read this book after my teenage brother died, as we impulsively gave away all his possessions, and later had regrets. Rachel delivers her promise, as you really will find peace one piece at a time, as you sort through, thin out, and redistribute the valued possessions that hold so many cherished memories for you." —Dr. Gloria Horsley, President and Founder of Open to Hope; Dr. Heidi Horsley, Dr. Heidi Horsley Psychological Services, LLC, Executive Director, Open to Hope Foundation
"What do you do when 'stuff' becomes 'keepsakes?' When a loved one dies, material things suddenly become reminders of our loved one and special treasures. How do you decide what to keep and what to give away to family members? In her book, Finding Peace, One Piece at a Time, Rachel Blythe Kodanaz shares her personal experience as she guides readers lovingly through the sorting process of our loved one’s material possessions. A truly helpful and practical book for sorting through 'stuff' and grief." —Janet Roberts, Executive Director, Centering Corporation, and Editor, Grief Digest Magazine
"The practical advice and gentle guidance available in Finding Peace, One Piece at a Time can provide hope to those who are facing the reality of what to do after a death. This book serves as a resource that can benefit anyone who has experienced a loss, has aging parents or contemplated how to be more thoughtful about what ‘things' are meaningful and how to communicate that to those we love now and after we are gone. As a Funeral Director for over 20 years, I have wondered what advice or information would benefit the bereaved after the funeral, after the friends and extended family go back to their daily lives. Now, I can confidently recommend this book to client families. I can see someone picking it up and going right to the topic that is most relevant at the time and picking it back up to address one chapter at a time, in time whatever time works for the individual." —Shannon R. Martin, Funeral Home Manager, Olinger Crown Hill Mortuary & Cemetery (Dignity Memorial)
"In Finding Peace, One Piece at a Time, Rachel brings her compassionate, experienced and honest insight to the difficult problem of what to do with the possessions of a loved one who has passed on. I’ve recommended her book Living With Loss, One Day at a Time to hundreds of people I’ve coached privately, supported through grief workshops as a practitioner for Centers for Spiritual Living, or as a friend. Finding Peace provides badly needed help for those left with an often-daunting task of sorting through possessions and the resulting sometimes difficult emotions. With a step-by-step process that acknowledges the complexities of grief, possessions, memories and history, Rachel guides those who need to sort, store and dispose of possessions in a practical, compassionate and frank manner. I’m delighted to recommend Finding Peace to all who face the challenge of dealing with possessions of another—it’s also great as a guide for downsizing or managing possessions through transitions of all kinds." —Sara Wilson, Executive Director, Feminine Power MBA, PCC
"Rachel is a compassionate coach who breaks down the seemingly insurmountable task of organizing one's life into a game plan for success. She speaks from the heart with practical, manageable tips and suggestions to help readers overcome the obstacles on their path to peace. If we could all effectively deal with the 'stuff' in our lives according to this guidebook, there would be much less stress and much more harmony in the world. Thank you, Rachel!" —Cindy Bramble, TAPS Institute for Hope and Healing®
"Rachel Kodanaz has written an easy-to-read, step-by-step manual for managing the items in our lives that hold both meaning and memory. This practical little handbook will assist you in making your way through the often-difficult task of re-purposing and de-cluttering during and after a variety of life transitions. Grab this book, gather your team, and begin the journey of peaceful discovery using Rachel's relevant process." —Michele Neff Hernandez, President and Founder Soaring Spirits International