- Rulers of the peoples / They laid a lawless charge / Let us bring our senses, Antiphon 1 in Mode Plagal 4
- Today he who hung the earth upon the waters is hung upon a Tree / Your Cross, lord, Antiphon 15 in Mode Plagal 2
- The Paradise in Eden, Processional Sticheron in Mode Plagal 4
- Three-Ode Kanon (Triodion) in Mode Plagal 2, Ode 5
- Kontakion on the Passion of the Lord, Mode Plagal 4~Syllabic melody
- Kontakion on the Passion of the Lord, Mode Plagal 4~Psaltikon melody
- Kontakion on the Passion of the Lord, Mode Plagal 4~Ode 8
- Kontakion on the Passion of the Lord, Mode Plagal 4~Ode 9
- O Lord, who on that very day, Exaposteilarion automelon in Mode 3
- Lauds (Psalms 148 - 50, selected verses) in Mode 4
- When all creation saw you crucified, Sticheron prosomoion in Mode 4 (to the melody You have given us a sign)
- All creation was changed, Mode 1
- Impious and lawless people, Mode 2
- When she saw you (hanging on a cross), Sticheron idiomelon in Mode 2
- Israel my firstborn son, Sticheron idiomelon in Mode 3
- Each member of your holy flesh, Doxastikon in the same mode by a Stoudite
- May you, Lord, guard us, Prokeimenon in Mode Plagal 1

Good Friday in Jerusalem

Good Friday in Jerusalem
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Product Details
Release Date: | 02/10/2015 |
Label: | Cappella Romana |
UPC: | 0888295187985 |
Rank: | 136431 |
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