When it comes to things no one really wants to talk about, death and grieving are often at the top of the list. Very few people want to sit in the uncomfortable realization of our own mortality, especially with kids who are supposed to have a long life ahead of them and shouldn’t have to […]
Ignoring the stark reality of paper cuts and pointy-book-corner bruises, we’re tempted to just roll around in the awesomeness of March’s new YA releases. Let’s bring in spring on a tide of oddball heroes and heroines, long-awaited fantasies, and contemporary so cute you’ll want to cuddle it (and others so heartbreaking you’ll…want to cuddle them). […]
In Jeff Zentner’s sophomore novel, Goodbye Days, Carver lives each day under the weight of unbearable guilt: that, with a text message sent to someone he knew was driving, he doomed a car carrying his three best friends to crash. Now, with his friends dead and what feels like his entire hometown calling for his head, Carver navigates heartbreak and […]
Loss and grieving have no age floor or ceiling; the death of a loved one, be they friend or family or the rare person who manages to straddle that line, hits all of us hard. But the ways we deal with loss vary greatly, especially since all relationships have their own complexities, and one of […]