Read an Excerpt
Hazardous To Our Health?
FDA Regulation Of Health Care Products
By Robert Higgs The Independent Institute
Copyright © 1995 The Independent Institute
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 978-1-59813-284-7
Robert Higgs
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is one of the most powerful federal regulatory agencies, if not the most powerful. It routinely makes decisions that seal the fates of millions of people in the United States and around the world. Although the general public, which knows little about the agency's actual operations, gives it a high approval rating, independent experts have a quite different opinion of it. Recently, Dr. Joel J. Nobel, perhaps the world's leading authority on medical technology, told a conference audience,
"This country has a new public health problem — Congress and the FDA." James O. Page, publisher and editor in chief of JEMS (Journal of Emergency Medical Services), recently wrote, "We will surely live to regret the day we gave the FDA the kind of arbitrary power it is now exercising" (Page 1992, 91). Many other authorities, cited in the studies below, share these opinions. Indeed, some experts hold the FDA responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths that, absent its regulations, might have been avoided.
We have here a paradox, a government agency created and maintained to protect the public health, yet one whose actual operations have the opposite effect, causing enormous harm to the public health — not to speak of its other pernicious effects, including a far-reaching suppression of liberty.
Before proceeding to detailed studies, let us consider briefly three important questions: (1) How has the FDA acquired its vast powers? Because it is an agency created by politicians and operated by bureaucrats, this question relates to the political process. (2) Why is the FDA bound to fail to achieve its ostensible goals? This question pertains to the limitations of any attempt at social central planning, of which the agency is an example. (3) How does the FDA defend itself against criticism? This question has to do with the ability of a government agency simply to refuse to undertake a serious defense of its actions, relying instead on propaganda and raw coercive power to sustain itself in the face of telling criticism.
Political Dynamics of the FDA
There is a large literature on the FDA's regulation of the drug industry. How the agency has gained and exercised greater authority is well known, although controversy continues with respect to the consequences of its drug regulation. Regulation of medical devices has attracted much less attention from scholars. I maintain that one can usefully employ the same analytical framework to study the political dynamics of both FDA drug regulation and FDA device regulation.
I view the enlargement of the FDA's powers as a process of "punctuated politics." Ordinarily the main actors — the FDA itself, certain members of Congress, organized interest groups (including self-appointed consumer advocacy groups as well as trade groups), the news media, and the public — conduct their affairs in a more or less stable situation: the FDA has fixed statutory authority, it conducts its regulation in a certain manner, and its actions have somewhat predictable consequences for others involved in the process, including the general public, which normally plays a passive role. From time to time, however, this Normal Condition changes dramatically as Congress gives the agency sweeping new authority or, less frequently, as the agency markedly alters the conduct of its regulation, including, perhaps, the way it enforces long-standing rules.
A Normal Condition is not static. At any given time, the agency is restrained ("enveloped") by limitations inherent in existing enabling legislation and court decisions. The envelope, however, has a somewhat indefinite locus, and the agency takes enforcement actions or drafts new regulations that "push the envelope." Like any normal government bureaucracy, the FDA prefers more power to less, larger budgets to smaller, more employees to fewer. In jockeying to enhance its power and resources in a particular Normal Condition, the agency works with members of Congress, especially the chairmen and ranking minority members of pertinent committees, and their staffs; with lobbyists and representatives of organized interest groups, including "consumer advocates"; and with the news media. In the familiar phrase of political science, this activity constitutes "iron triangle politics" (or iron quadrilateral politics or iron pentagon politics as the case may be). FDA officials argue for new regulations in informal discussions with interested parties, in formal hearings, in press conferences and in news releases. The fruits of these activities appear first in the Federal Register and ultimately in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Title 21 of the current CFR (revised April 1, 1992) contains eight large, densely printed volumes pertaining to the FDA. In addition, the FDA produces many letters, announcements, manuals, guidance documents, and so forth that elaborate and dilate its regulatory regime. Thus, a Normal Condition is one of creeping regulatory augmentation, as the FDA pushes its current envelope.
Occasionally the news media bring forth a shocking revelation about the danger or, less often, the ineffectiveness of a medical product. In the history of drug regulation, the classic revelations were the descriptions of unsanitary meatpacking plants in Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle, which catalyzed passage of the Pure Food and Drugs Act of 1906; the Elixir Sulfanilamide tragedy, which provoked passage of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938; and the thalidomide tragedy, which gave rise to the Kefauver-Harris drug amendments of 1962. In the history of device regulation, the most important shocking revelations were those related to faulty intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUDs) and cardiac pacemakers in the early 1970s, which stimulated passage of the Medical Device Amendments of 1976; fractures of the Bjork-Shiley convexo-concave heart valve, which hastened enactment of the Safe Medical Devices Act of 1990; and diseases and injuries allegedly caused by leaking silicone gel-filled breast implants, which prompted the FDA to undertake a hyperaggressive enforcement campaign in the early 1990s. A major shocking revelation produces public clamor that stimulates Congress to create new statutory authority or leads the FDA to undertake more stringent enforcement of existing regulations. This kind of change episodically creates a new Normal Condition, a bigger envelope against which the FDA pushes as before.
Figure 1 provides a schematic representation of what I have just described. The process as it occurs within a given Normal Condition is shown by the broad arrows of influence along the top and the right side of the figure. The narrow arrows of influence come into play when an episodic shocking revelation causes public clamor and thereby catalyzes the creation of broad new statutory authority or dramatically heightened enforcement activity.
The upshot of the process, so far as patients, doctors, purchasers, and providers of medical goods are concerned, is a diminished scope of discretionary individual action: what one previously could choose to do, one no longer can do; what one previously did not have to do, one now must do; and everyone must act in the same way. In short, the tendency is for varied and decentralized decision making to give way to uniform and centralized decision making, either by Congress directly or, under broad congressional authority, by the FDA in its rule making and enforcement capacities.
When the government deprives people of the ability to make choices affecting their own health and safety, treating them as if they were children or mental incompetents, there must exist either a deliberate official inclination to harm them or a set of strong presumptions. For purposes of debate, let us put aside the possibility of deliberate government malevolence and consider the scenario in which government officials have good intentions. The presumptions there are (1) that a government agency knows better than the people do what actions will promote their well-being and (2) that it will use this knowledge to guide its own actions so as actually to promote the people's well-being. The former is a strong assumption about the knowledge of the government agency's personnel, the latter a strong assumption about their incentives.
Central Planning
Those familiar with the long debate about socialist central planning will recognize the similarity between these assumptions and the assumptions made by those who believed socialism would promote people's economic well-being better than the free market system. The debate about socialism has been settled both in theory, as articulated by Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek, and in history, as demonstrated by the miserable experiences of the Soviet Union and the other socialist countries (see Boettke 1991). Central planning, as the saying goes, does not work. Compelled by overwhelming facts, almost everyone now recognizes this truth, and many people also understand the logic of the unworkability.
Yet, when it comes to FDA regulation, one encounters claims for what amounts to a variant of central planning that are virtually identical to the claims now recognized as discredited in relation to socialist central planning of the whole economy. But central planning does not work any better for the large sector of the U.S. economy subject to FDA regulation — about 25 percent of all consumer goods, by value — than it works for an entire economy. To succeed in making people better off, the FDA would have to solve the knowledge problem and overcome the problem of perverse incentives. The former is impossible and the latter is so unlikely as to be virtually impossible.
The major reason why FDA regulation must fail is that the people subject to it have preferences, social circumstances, and physiological attributes that vary tremendously among persons and over time and that no central planner can possibly know or deal with rationally. For the FDA, one ruling applies to all cases. Products are declared "safe and effective" or not. A product is permitted to be sold to everybody or to nobody. These dichotomies mock the heterogeneities of actual life. In reality, a product that is too risky for one person is acceptable to another; only the users can say (see Eraker and Sox 1981). In reality, a drug or device that is not effective for one person is quite effective for another; individuals vary widely, for example, in their responses to drugs. In reality, a product's adverse side effects may differ enormously from one user to another. But in the FDA's world, everything is black or white. The FDA makes the old Soviet Gosplan look like a dealer in nuance.
Even if the FDA could know the infinitely varied and changeable information it would require to promote the public interest, one would be naive to suppose that it would act on the basis of that information. What incentive would its personnel have to do so? Do people become angels simply by signing on with the agency? Do officials put aside their interest in job security when they work for the FDA? Do we have any reason to suppose that the people who work for the FDA are any more public spirited than those who work for the Bureau of Land Management, the Export Import Bank, or the Postal Service?
Sad to say, the consequence of empowering the FDA to rule over people in matters of drugs, devices, and other medical goods is, within the affected domain, the same as the consequence of adopting socialist central planning for the whole economy: people in general are made worse off; the only ones who systematically benefit are those who wield the powers — in this case, selected members of Congress and the bureaucrats themselves, along with a handful of lawyers, consultants, "consumerists," and others who feed off the regulatory regime regardless of its overall effects on the public. As one commentator on FDA drug regulation has put it, "The result is impressive: expensive drugs, lack of innovation, and no improvement in drug safety" (Beckner 1993). Thanks to the FDA, hundreds of thousands of Americans have died prematurely and far more have suffered unnecessarily. Multitudes have been denied opportunities to assume a risk they considered worth bearing, given the expected benefits. With a paternalistic "father" like the FDA, orphanhood would be a blessing.
In actuality the whole apparatus — the drug and device laws and the operations of the agency authorized to enforce them — is a sham, a cruel hoax. Yet many Americans are startled by this observation and refuse to accept even the possibility of its truth. In opinion polls, the FDA "seems generally perceived as not only performing an important function but as doing it well." Among those who have investigated the relevant evidence carefully and in detail, however, acceptance of the truth comes far more readily. The problem for most citizens is that they simply have taken for granted that the FDA can and does protect them from harm and improve their well- being. They accept this notion because they have been told repeatedly by the authorities that it is so, and no one has ever given them good reasons to doubt it.
The Official Rationale
When criticized, the FDA typically employs one of two tactics: most often it just ignores the criticism; less often it simply denies the critic's claims. The denials are customarily not reasoned and documented but broad and sweeping denials: take it or leave it. For example, in testimony before a congressional committee (quoted in Seidman 1977) an FDA official said:
The allegation has been made that the cost to our society to prevent a thalidomide-type tragedy far exceeds the benefits of a regulatory system developed to prevent such a tragedy. We disagree. We believe that benefits which accrue to society because of our regulatory system are worth the cost and far outweigh any risks.
This statement, which expresses the agency's standard line, is remarkable in at least five ways.
First, it cites the most notorious medical tragedy of modern times to illustrate what, presumably, FDA regulation routinely prevents. The presumption is indefensible. Except in a freakishly unlikely case, one may not reasonably assume that an unregulated manufacturer would sell a medical good giving rise to a "thalidomide-type tragedy." Besides their ethics, manufacturers have good financial reasons, including product liability judgments and loss of consumer confidence, to be careful about what they place on the market. Moreover, manufacturers have learned a great deal about potential problems and how to avoid them since a German company began selling thalidomide in the 1950s. Science and technology have come a long way in the past 40 years.
Second, the statement stands alone, without any attempt to demonstrate that the lives saved and the suffering prevented exceed the lives lost and the suffering endured as a result of FDA regulation. It is merely a naked declaration, which the audience presumably should accept because it emanates from the official "experts." But it is almost certainly the case that whatever the scientific issue, greater expertise always exists outside the agency. Indeed, part of the problem at the FDA — though it is not a fundamental part of the problem — is that its personnel often lack state-of-the-art understanding of the scientific and technological matters subject to their regulation.
Third, the statement refers to the benefits and costs of the regulation as if they were experienced by society at large rather than by specific individuals, who differ enormously in their personal valuation of costs and benefits and in their willingness to bear risk. It rests on the unspoken assumption that a single rule should apply in all cases, disregarding the actual heterogeneity of people's preferences, social circumstances, and medical conditions.
Fourth, the statement confidently declares "we disagree" and "we believe" while describing the balance of benefits and costs experienced by others. But only specific individuals can possibly know whether the benefits to them outweigh the costs to them. Neither the benefits nor the costs can be objectively assessed by third parties; nor can the benefits and costs experienced by many individuals be aggregated into total or "social" valuations and thereby be made comparable. There is no common unit of account in which the aggregation may be made. Who knows how to measure the depth of one person's fear, the breadth of another's relief?
Finally, the statement presumes an answer — the wrong answer — to the question posed by AIDS activist and FDA critic Martin Delaney: "Who should decide which risks are acceptable — the bureaucracy in Washington or the patient whose life is on the line?" At bottom, this is a moral question, and it must be said that in matters of morals, the FDA deserves a failing grade, because it presumes to exercise control over people's lives that cannot possibly be justified unless one views people as having no more rights than the sheep in a flock (see Machan 1994).
Excerpted from Hazardous To Our Health? by Robert Higgs. Copyright © 1995 The Independent Institute. Excerpted by permission of The Independent Institute.
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