Table of Contents
Preface Acknowledgments
Chapter 1:
Electrical System Overview: Introduction to Automotive Ignition Operation
System Sides
The Coil
Trigger Device
Spark Plug Wires
Spark Plugs
Ignition Controls
Battery and Charging System
The Sum of the Parts
Chapter 2:
Distributor Basics: Triggers, Timing Advance and Delivery
Distributing the Spark
Triggering the Ignition
Mechanical Advance
Vacuum Advance
Caps and Rotors
Chapter 3:
Distributors and Timing: Dialing in Centrifugal Advance
Choosing a Distributor
Timing Changes
Centrifugal Advance
Removal and Installation
Adjusting Ignition Timing
Proper Gears and Mesh
Chapter 4:
Performance Ignition Controls: Choosing an Ignition for Your Engine
Inductive System
Capacitive Discharge System
RPM Limiters
Boost Retard
Programming Performance
Chapter 5:
Coils, Wires and Plugs: Take a Look at the Secondary Side
Spark Plug Wires
Spark Plugs
Chapter 6:
Electronic Accessories: RPM and Timing Controls
RPM Limiters
RPM Switches
Shift Lights
Timing Control
Boost Retard
Locked-Out Timing
Step Retard
Crank Trigger
Rotor Phasing
Chapter 7:
Advanced Ignition Tuning: Performance from a PC
Mechanical Cylinder Timing
Electronic Cylinder Timing
Programmable Ignitions
Timing Retards
Gear Curves
Gear Maps
Boost Timing Map
Step Retard
RPM Function
Slew Limit
Chapter 8:
Going DIS: Where’s the Distributor?
Technological Advances
Coil Pack Ignition Upgrades
Late-Model Muscle
Retrofit Ignitions
Chapter 9:
Batteries, Charging and Wiring: Fuel for the Fire
Charging System
Chapter 10:
Definitions and Diagrams: Useful Info and Wiring Schematics
Troubleshooting Your CD Ignition
Wiring an Ignition Control to an HEI
Source Guide