Human Behavior in the Social Environment: Interweaving the Inner and Outer Worlds / Edition 3

Human Behavior in the Social Environment: Interweaving the Inner and Outer Worlds / Edition 3

by Esther Urdang
Pub. Date:
Taylor & Francis
Pub. Date:
Taylor & Francis
Human Behavior in the Social Environment: Interweaving the Inner and Outer Worlds / Edition 3

Human Behavior in the Social Environment: Interweaving the Inner and Outer Worlds / Edition 3

by Esther Urdang
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Human Behavior in the Social Environment: Interweaving the Inner and Outer Worlds is an essential human behavior textbook for social work students. The third edition emphasizes the biopsychosocial framework within a psychodynamic, developmental and life-course perspective and includes a brand new chapter on the psychosocial complexities of technological advances.

Written by an experienced classroom teacher, faculty advisor and clinician, the text approaches development through the life cycle, discussing the challenges, tasks, and problems of each stage. Presenting complex concepts in a clear and understandable way, Human Behavior in the Social Environment:

  • Includes 16 chapters which cover the diverse nature of the circumstances that practicing social workers will be exposed to, including cultural differences, mental health issues, and disability;

    Analyses several different theories, including psychoanalytic, ego psychology, cognitive-behavioral, and postmodern theories in a manner that enables students to engage critically with the subject matter;
  • Includes case vignettes and material from literary works, biographies and newspapers, intertwined with learning exercises and suggestions for additional readings, forming an engaging and practical volume.

Written specifically for social work students undertaking courses and modules on human behavior in the social environment, this book is also a valuable resource for beginning and advanced readers in human services, including nursing, medicine, public health, clinical psychology and counseling.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781138018907
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Publication date: 10/15/2015
Edition description: Revised
Pages: 488
Product dimensions: 6.88(w) x 9.69(h) x (d)

About the Author

Esther Urdang has practiced for many years in mental health and family agencies, hospitals, and private practice. At Boston College Graduate School of Social Work, USA, for twenty-seven years, she taught clinical courses as Adjunct Associate Professor and was Assistant Director of Field Education. She was Research Thesis Advisor at Smith College School for Social Work, USA, for ten years. Her book, Parallels Between Writing Biographies and Clinical Practice, was recently published by NASW Press. Her published papers include "In Defense of Process Recording," "The Discipline of Faculty Advising," "The Video Lab: Mirroring Reflections of Self and the Other," "Becoming a Field Instructor: A Key Experience in Professional Development," and "Awareness of Self – a Critical Tool."

Table of Contents

Part 1: The Biopsychosocial Perspective 1. Overview 2. Psychoanalytic and Ego Psychology Theories 3. Object Relations, Self Psychology, and Cognitive-Behavioral Theories 4. Postmodern Theories: Constructivism, Relational Therapy, Narrative Therapy, and Resilience 5. Social Systems and the Community 6. Culture and Diversity 7. The Family: Forms and Organization 8. The Family: Internal Structures and Special Family Problems Part 2: The Life Cycle 9. Reproductive Issues, Infancy and Early Childhood Development 10. Middle Childhood and Adolescence 11. Adult Development Part 3: Special Issues 12. Life Transitions, Turning Points, Crises and Loss 13. Illness and Disability 14. Mental Health Problems 15. Psychosocial Complexities of Technological Advances Part 4: Integration 16. Conclusion

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