Hymns For Kids

Hymns For Kids

by EvoKids
Hymns For Kids

Hymns For Kids

by EvoKids


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Product Details

Release Date: 03/15/2019
Label: Evolution / Evosound / Music Video Distribution
UPC: 4897012123317
Rank: 99669


Disc 1

  1. Oh Happy Day  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  2. Give Me Oil in My Lamp  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  3. He's Got the Whole World in His Hands  -  Concino Children's Chorus  -  Traditional
  4. Amazing Grace  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  5. God is So Good  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  6. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  7. Michael Row Your Boat Ashore  -  Concino Children's Chorus  -  Traditional
  8. Kumbaya  -  Concino Children's Chorus  -  Traditional
  9. To God Be the Glory  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  10. Holy Holy Holy  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  11. What A Mighty God We Serve  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  12. Hallelu, Hallelu  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  13. Ho Ho Ho Hosanna  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  14. All Things Bright and Beautiful  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  15. Jesus Loves Me  -  Concino Children's Chorus  -  Traditional
  16. Simple Gift  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  17. Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  18. I've Got That Joy, Joy, Joy  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  19. This Little Light of Mine  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  20. Whisper a Prayer  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  21. Behold Behold  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  22. All Through the Night  -  Concino Children's Chorus  -  Traditional
  23. Jesus Loves the Little Children  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  24. Praise the Lord Together  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  25. Standing in the Need of Prayer  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  26. Wise Man, Foolish Man  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  27. Deep and Wide  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  28. Go Tell It on the Mountain  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional

Disc 2

  1. Father Abraham  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  2. When the Saints Go Marching In  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  3. Praise Him, Praise Him  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  4. A Mighty Fortress is Our God  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  5. All Creatures of Our God and King  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  6. The Lord is My Shepherd  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  7. The Lord's Prayer  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  8. Crown Him With Many Crowns  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  9. This Is My Father's World  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  10. Come and Go With Me  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  11. All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  12. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  13. Onward Christian Soldiers  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  14. Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  15. What a Friend We Have in Jesus  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  16. And Can It Be  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  17. It Is Well With My Soul  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  18. Dry Bones  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  19. Be Careful Little Eyes  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  20. Climb Up Sunshine Mountain  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  21. Do Lord  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  22. Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  23. Zaccheus  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  24. My Gos Is So Big, Our God Is So Big  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  25. Rocka My Soul  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional
  26. Joyful, Joyful  -  Island Choral Experience  -  Traditional

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