In Search of Paradise
Struggling to find Paradise, three friends embark on a miraculous journey. One member of the trio, Henry Shepherd, is missing. His fiancée, Dr. Kathleen McGregor, solicits the legendary Dr. Andrew Rogers to help her find their mutual friend. While meeting for the first time, these two struggle to remain faithful to Henry while enduring the hardships caused by their journey through the Middle East.

Thought to be somewhere between Iraq and Kuwait, The Garden of Eden is believed to contain Paradise. Once that spot is located, they are certain Henry will be there. But, insurmountable obstacles lay in the way. Some of those impasses are from this earth, others are not. You will be moved with compassion as the power of friendship leads to acts of kindness, faithfulness, determination, and finally the ultimate of all sacrifices.

The Garden of Eden is one of the most sought after locations in the world. According to Genesis, this Garden was created during the first six days of the creation of the earth. In it was what many people refer to as Paradise. Why? Because it had everything.

Two trees in the middle of the garden had enormous powers. The fruit of one, the Tree of Life, would allow a human to live forever. The fruit of the other, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, was forbidden. Eating of that fruit brought death into the world. And, to keep man from eating of the Tree of Life after that sin, he was expelled from the garden.

The entrance was then guarded by cherubims with a flaming sword. Those angelic creatures, while innocent in appearance, could become vicious if necessary in order to perform their duty of protecting the Tree of Life. Once expelled from the Garden of Eden, man has never returned.

Just where is the physical location of the Garden of Eden? There is a lot of evidence to support its location being near Iraq – more specifically the southern border near Kuwait. The location of the four rivers mentioned in Genesis 2:10-14 points to a specific spot. The river running out of the Garden of Eden broke off into four different rivers. The first is Pison where there is gold and precious stones. The second is Gihon in the land of Ethiopia. The third is Hiddekel which is eastward of Assyria, and the fourth is the Euphrates.

Two of these rivers can be easily located while one is thought to be an underground dry riverbed. That river is the Pison where gold and precious stones can be found. The characters of "In Search of Paradise" find this river. Buried two miles below the surface of the ground lay gold, precious stones, and a maze of caves filled with dark eyes watching their every move.

Risking everything, two of the characters – Dr. Kathleen McGregor and Dr. Andrew Rogers – are determined to find Dr. Henry Shepherd who they believe to be lost in Paradise.
In Search of Paradise
Struggling to find Paradise, three friends embark on a miraculous journey. One member of the trio, Henry Shepherd, is missing. His fiancée, Dr. Kathleen McGregor, solicits the legendary Dr. Andrew Rogers to help her find their mutual friend. While meeting for the first time, these two struggle to remain faithful to Henry while enduring the hardships caused by their journey through the Middle East.

Thought to be somewhere between Iraq and Kuwait, The Garden of Eden is believed to contain Paradise. Once that spot is located, they are certain Henry will be there. But, insurmountable obstacles lay in the way. Some of those impasses are from this earth, others are not. You will be moved with compassion as the power of friendship leads to acts of kindness, faithfulness, determination, and finally the ultimate of all sacrifices.

The Garden of Eden is one of the most sought after locations in the world. According to Genesis, this Garden was created during the first six days of the creation of the earth. In it was what many people refer to as Paradise. Why? Because it had everything.

Two trees in the middle of the garden had enormous powers. The fruit of one, the Tree of Life, would allow a human to live forever. The fruit of the other, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, was forbidden. Eating of that fruit brought death into the world. And, to keep man from eating of the Tree of Life after that sin, he was expelled from the garden.

The entrance was then guarded by cherubims with a flaming sword. Those angelic creatures, while innocent in appearance, could become vicious if necessary in order to perform their duty of protecting the Tree of Life. Once expelled from the Garden of Eden, man has never returned.

Just where is the physical location of the Garden of Eden? There is a lot of evidence to support its location being near Iraq – more specifically the southern border near Kuwait. The location of the four rivers mentioned in Genesis 2:10-14 points to a specific spot. The river running out of the Garden of Eden broke off into four different rivers. The first is Pison where there is gold and precious stones. The second is Gihon in the land of Ethiopia. The third is Hiddekel which is eastward of Assyria, and the fourth is the Euphrates.

Two of these rivers can be easily located while one is thought to be an underground dry riverbed. That river is the Pison where gold and precious stones can be found. The characters of "In Search of Paradise" find this river. Buried two miles below the surface of the ground lay gold, precious stones, and a maze of caves filled with dark eyes watching their every move.

Risking everything, two of the characters – Dr. Kathleen McGregor and Dr. Andrew Rogers – are determined to find Dr. Henry Shepherd who they believe to be lost in Paradise.
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In Search of Paradise

In Search of Paradise

In Search of Paradise

In Search of Paradise



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Struggling to find Paradise, three friends embark on a miraculous journey. One member of the trio, Henry Shepherd, is missing. His fiancée, Dr. Kathleen McGregor, solicits the legendary Dr. Andrew Rogers to help her find their mutual friend. While meeting for the first time, these two struggle to remain faithful to Henry while enduring the hardships caused by their journey through the Middle East.

Thought to be somewhere between Iraq and Kuwait, The Garden of Eden is believed to contain Paradise. Once that spot is located, they are certain Henry will be there. But, insurmountable obstacles lay in the way. Some of those impasses are from this earth, others are not. You will be moved with compassion as the power of friendship leads to acts of kindness, faithfulness, determination, and finally the ultimate of all sacrifices.

The Garden of Eden is one of the most sought after locations in the world. According to Genesis, this Garden was created during the first six days of the creation of the earth. In it was what many people refer to as Paradise. Why? Because it had everything.

Two trees in the middle of the garden had enormous powers. The fruit of one, the Tree of Life, would allow a human to live forever. The fruit of the other, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, was forbidden. Eating of that fruit brought death into the world. And, to keep man from eating of the Tree of Life after that sin, he was expelled from the garden.

The entrance was then guarded by cherubims with a flaming sword. Those angelic creatures, while innocent in appearance, could become vicious if necessary in order to perform their duty of protecting the Tree of Life. Once expelled from the Garden of Eden, man has never returned.

Just where is the physical location of the Garden of Eden? There is a lot of evidence to support its location being near Iraq – more specifically the southern border near Kuwait. The location of the four rivers mentioned in Genesis 2:10-14 points to a specific spot. The river running out of the Garden of Eden broke off into four different rivers. The first is Pison where there is gold and precious stones. The second is Gihon in the land of Ethiopia. The third is Hiddekel which is eastward of Assyria, and the fourth is the Euphrates.

Two of these rivers can be easily located while one is thought to be an underground dry riverbed. That river is the Pison where gold and precious stones can be found. The characters of "In Search of Paradise" find this river. Buried two miles below the surface of the ground lay gold, precious stones, and a maze of caves filled with dark eyes watching their every move.

Risking everything, two of the characters – Dr. Kathleen McGregor and Dr. Andrew Rogers – are determined to find Dr. Henry Shepherd who they believe to be lost in Paradise.

Product Details

BN ID: 2940011888687
Publisher: Roger D Grubbs
Publication date: 08/01/2009
Series: Adventure Series , #1
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
File size: 2 MB

About the Author

Roger Grubbs has written more than 60 books in many genres which includes a series in action/adventure, mystery and suspense, and thrillers. He has adapted 54 of those books to screenplays for movies, many of which are being considered for feature films. When asked what motivates him to write novels, he is quick to answer. "I like great stories that keep our attention until the very end and that is the kind of books I love to write".

Reading his books is like watching a good movie which is exactly what he intends when creating the story. Roger feels his fans will love this approach and enjoy the images this creates for them. After all, he has already watched the movie in his own mind and now, he wants to share this experience with others. (Available as ebook, audiobook, and print).
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