Leading a High Reliability School: (Use Data-Driven Instruction and Collaborative Teaching Strategies to Boost Academic Achievement)

How do educators build High Reliability Schools (HRS) and boost academic achievement? By implementing interdependent systems of operation and performance assessment for student-centered learning. A critical commitment to becoming an HRS is the PLC at Work™ process of collaborative learning and teaching. This user-friendly teaching resource focuses on: (1) a safe and collaborative culture, (2) effective teaching in every classroom, (3) a guaranteed and viable curriculum, (4) standards-referenced reporting of student progress (standards-based grading), and (5) a competency-based system.

Marzano, Warrick, Rains, and DuFour will help you:

  • Increase school effectiveness through a focus on student-centered learning and the implementation of research-based leading indicators of operation.
  • Monitor effective practices through the use of lagging indicators and quick data sources.
  • Explore the three big ideas associated with the PLC at Work™ process to implement student-centered learning, collaborative teaching strategies, and data-driven instruction.
  • Engage in periodic reflection on effective school leadership and instructional coaching practices.
  • Understand how to balance and achieve school and district goals using data to improve students' academic achievement and college- and career-readiness skills.

Chapter 1: High Reliability Organizations and School Leadership
Chapter 2: Safe and Collaborative Culture
Chapter 3: Effective Teaching in Every Classroom
Chapter 4: Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum
Chapter 5: Standards-Referenced Reporting
Chapter 6: Competency-Based Education
Chapter 7: District Leadership in High Reliability Schools
References and Resources

Leading a High Reliability School: (Use Data-Driven Instruction and Collaborative Teaching Strategies to Boost Academic Achievement)

How do educators build High Reliability Schools (HRS) and boost academic achievement? By implementing interdependent systems of operation and performance assessment for student-centered learning. A critical commitment to becoming an HRS is the PLC at Work™ process of collaborative learning and teaching. This user-friendly teaching resource focuses on: (1) a safe and collaborative culture, (2) effective teaching in every classroom, (3) a guaranteed and viable curriculum, (4) standards-referenced reporting of student progress (standards-based grading), and (5) a competency-based system.

Marzano, Warrick, Rains, and DuFour will help you:

  • Increase school effectiveness through a focus on student-centered learning and the implementation of research-based leading indicators of operation.
  • Monitor effective practices through the use of lagging indicators and quick data sources.
  • Explore the three big ideas associated with the PLC at Work™ process to implement student-centered learning, collaborative teaching strategies, and data-driven instruction.
  • Engage in periodic reflection on effective school leadership and instructional coaching practices.
  • Understand how to balance and achieve school and district goals using data to improve students' academic achievement and college- and career-readiness skills.

Chapter 1: High Reliability Organizations and School Leadership
Chapter 2: Safe and Collaborative Culture
Chapter 3: Effective Teaching in Every Classroom
Chapter 4: Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum
Chapter 5: Standards-Referenced Reporting
Chapter 6: Competency-Based Education
Chapter 7: District Leadership in High Reliability Schools
References and Resources

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Leading a High Reliability School: (Use Data-Driven Instruction and Collaborative Teaching Strategies to Boost Academic Achievement)

Leading a High Reliability School: (Use Data-Driven Instruction and Collaborative Teaching Strategies to Boost Academic Achievement)

Leading a High Reliability School: (Use Data-Driven Instruction and Collaborative Teaching Strategies to Boost Academic Achievement)

Leading a High Reliability School: (Use Data-Driven Instruction and Collaborative Teaching Strategies to Boost Academic Achievement)



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How do educators build High Reliability Schools (HRS) and boost academic achievement? By implementing interdependent systems of operation and performance assessment for student-centered learning. A critical commitment to becoming an HRS is the PLC at Work™ process of collaborative learning and teaching. This user-friendly teaching resource focuses on: (1) a safe and collaborative culture, (2) effective teaching in every classroom, (3) a guaranteed and viable curriculum, (4) standards-referenced reporting of student progress (standards-based grading), and (5) a competency-based system.

Marzano, Warrick, Rains, and DuFour will help you:

  • Increase school effectiveness through a focus on student-centered learning and the implementation of research-based leading indicators of operation.
  • Monitor effective practices through the use of lagging indicators and quick data sources.
  • Explore the three big ideas associated with the PLC at Work™ process to implement student-centered learning, collaborative teaching strategies, and data-driven instruction.
  • Engage in periodic reflection on effective school leadership and instructional coaching practices.
  • Understand how to balance and achieve school and district goals using data to improve students' academic achievement and college- and career-readiness skills.

Chapter 1: High Reliability Organizations and School Leadership
Chapter 2: Safe and Collaborative Culture
Chapter 3: Effective Teaching in Every Classroom
Chapter 4: Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum
Chapter 5: Standards-Referenced Reporting
Chapter 6: Competency-Based Education
Chapter 7: District Leadership in High Reliability Schools
References and Resources

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9781945349355
Publisher: Solution Tree Press
Publication date: 06/01/2018
Sold by: Barnes & Noble
Format: eBook
Pages: 216
File size: 5 MB

Table of Contents

About the Authors ix

Foreword xiii


The Primacy of the PLC Process 1

The PLC at Work Process as the Cornerstone of High Reliability Schools 2

The Importance of a Safe and Orderly Environment 2

Assumptions Driving the PLC Process 3

Critical Questions for Team and School Consideration 6

Reciprocal Accountability 16

In This Book 21

Chapter 1 High Reliability Organizations and School Leadership 23

Early Days of School Leadership and Effective Schools 24

Characteristics of Effective School Leaders 25

A High Reliability Perspective 27

Leading and Lagging Indicators 28

The Right Work 30

The Four Steps 33

Chapter 2 Safe, Supportive, and Collaborative Culture 37

Leading Indicator 1.1 38

Leading Indicator 1.2 48

Leading indicator 1.3 51

Leading Indicator 1.4 55

Leading Indicator 1.5 60

Leading Indicator 1.6 63

Leading Indicator 1.7 66

Leading Indicator 1.8 70

Level 1 Transformations 73

Conclusion 74

Chapter 3 Effective Teaching in Every Classroom 75

Leading Indicator 2.1 77

Leading Indicator 2.2 82

Leading Indicator 2.3 87

Leading Indicator 2.4 91

Leading Indicator 2.5 96

Leading Indicator 2.6 100

Level 2 Transformations 104

Conclusion 105

Chapter 4 Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum 107

Leading Indicator 3.1 108

Leading Indicator 3.2 112

Leading Indicator 3.3 116

Leading Indicator 3.4 122

Leading Indicator 3.5 124

Leading Indicator 3.6 128

Level 3 Transformations 134

Conclusion 136

Chapter 5 Standards-Referenced Reporting 137

Leading Indicator 4.1 138

Leading Indicator 4.2 145

Level 4 Transformations 148

Conclusion 151

Chapter 6 Competency-Based Education 153

Leading Indicator 5.1 155

Leading Indicator 5.2 159

Leading Indicator 5.3 163

Level 5 Transformations 167

Conclusion 167

Chapter 7 District Leadership in High Reliability Schools 169

Set Up Collaborative Teams for Building Leaders 170

Focus on Critical Commitments in the HRS Model 171

Establish District Roles for Each Level 173

Celebrate Successes 182

Conclusion 183

Closing Thoughts: Rick DuFour's Words 183


Principal Collaborative Team Agenda from Clark-Pleasant Community School Corporation 185

References and Resources 189

Index 195

What People are Saying About This

From the Publisher

"Leading a High Reliability School is a powerful and innovative new tool for instructional leaders. It is well grounded in relevant theory and high-quality research. But the book's real treasure is the wealth of guidance and practical, actionable steps leaders can take to improve the quality of classroom instruction and make a measurable and substantial difference in student learning."

Keith Gurley, associate professor of education leadership, University of Alabama at Birmingham

"In Leading a High Reliability School, the authors present a blueprint for school leaders to effect positive change in student achievement. This easy-to-read guide provides leading indicators to enable leaders to measure their progress toward this goal. I recommend this book to anyone interested in improving student learning and achievement."

Daniel H. Robinson, department chair, curriculum and instruction, College of Education, The University of Texas at Arlington

"Leading a High Reliability School is a powerful and practical guide for achieving the leading indicators of a vision for success for all students. Authors Marzano, Warrick, Rains, and DuFour leave no stone unturned in pursuing how to create high reliability schools. The potential of this resource to impact learners and leadership in US schools in phenomenal!"

Rynell Schock, senior consultant for Education Solutions

"Leading a High Reliability School builds on the school improvement framework provided in A Handbook for High Reliability Schools and helps leadership teams focus on the 'right work,' work that will improve student achievement. The book examines twenty-five research-based leading indicators in depth to help guide leaders in improving student achievement. In an easy-to-use format, it includes implementation steps and real examples from schools across the country, along with proficiency scales for every indicator. Marzano, Warrick, Rains, and DuFour identify the challenges leadership teams might face and specific strategies to address these challenges. It is a school leader's guide to school improvement."

Linda Marrs-Morford, director, Indiana Principal Leadership Institute

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