For nearly two decades, Jim Killen has served as the science fiction and fantasy book buyer for Barnes & Noble. At the end of each month, he’ll be sharing the lists of B&N’s bestsellers in the genre, from new hardbacks, to trade paperbacks, to mass markets and media tie-ins, to graphic novels and manga. These are the […]
For nearly two decades, Jim Killen has served as the science fiction and fantasy book buyer for Barnes & Noble. Every month on the B&N Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog and, Jim shares his curated list of the month’s best new science fiction and fantasy releases.
It’s a week of sad goodbyes—a farewell to Naomi Novik’s Temeraire series; the publication of Terry Pratchett’s final novel—welcome returns—the sequel to The Rook is here!—and happy hellos—fantastic debuts in cyberpunk, comedic SF, and more. Get reading!
Editor’s note: The Nebula Awards are often described as the Academy Awards of SF/F literature. Like the Oscar, the Nebula is voted on by the members of an industry trade organization who are the professional peers of the award nominees—the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. There are seven nominees in the best novel category this […]
We know how it is. You’ve got a lot going on this time of year. The last thing you want to think about is the fact that it’s almost over. But even as you scramble to close out 2015 in a somewhat orderly fashion, the new year is rapidly approaching. It’s time to start planning. […]