Life Resumed: After a Catastrophic Event or Other Loss

Do you feel like your world

is spinning in circles

going nowhere?

Are you consumed with the questions-

How will I get my life back?

Can this happen again?

Tragedy and disasters create enormous disruption, panic and dismay. Not only has our normal routine been shattered, the aftermath of the catastrophe, whether it's a flood, a fire or a pandemic, needs to be contained and redirected.

Life Resumed: After a Catastrophic Event and Other Loss, has received great reviews as a powerful faith-based interactive book that addresses the issues we're currently facing due to COVID-19 and various other losses inherent in everyday life. The reader is empowered to move past the anguish and embrace the future with strength and confidence through hands-on participation and step-by-step guidance. Two sections are devoted to helping children understand their fears, with tools for parents/caregivers to address their anxieties, guidelines to initiate conversation and warning signs to determine if professional counseling is needed.

The author is well acquainted with devastating pain and loss as well as the joy that healing brings. God, always present in her life, became her anchor through her personal experiences with various tragedies including the loss of several family members and more recently her sister's death due to COVID-19.

Life Resumed: After a Catastrophic Event or Other Loss

Do you feel like your world

is spinning in circles

going nowhere?

Are you consumed with the questions-

How will I get my life back?

Can this happen again?

Tragedy and disasters create enormous disruption, panic and dismay. Not only has our normal routine been shattered, the aftermath of the catastrophe, whether it's a flood, a fire or a pandemic, needs to be contained and redirected.

Life Resumed: After a Catastrophic Event and Other Loss, has received great reviews as a powerful faith-based interactive book that addresses the issues we're currently facing due to COVID-19 and various other losses inherent in everyday life. The reader is empowered to move past the anguish and embrace the future with strength and confidence through hands-on participation and step-by-step guidance. Two sections are devoted to helping children understand their fears, with tools for parents/caregivers to address their anxieties, guidelines to initiate conversation and warning signs to determine if professional counseling is needed.

The author is well acquainted with devastating pain and loss as well as the joy that healing brings. God, always present in her life, became her anchor through her personal experiences with various tragedies including the loss of several family members and more recently her sister's death due to COVID-19.

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Life Resumed: After a Catastrophic Event or Other Loss

Life Resumed: After a Catastrophic Event or Other Loss

by Paulina Rael Jaramillo
Life Resumed: After a Catastrophic Event or Other Loss

Life Resumed: After a Catastrophic Event or Other Loss

by Paulina Rael Jaramillo


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Do you feel like your world

is spinning in circles

going nowhere?

Are you consumed with the questions-

How will I get my life back?

Can this happen again?

Tragedy and disasters create enormous disruption, panic and dismay. Not only has our normal routine been shattered, the aftermath of the catastrophe, whether it's a flood, a fire or a pandemic, needs to be contained and redirected.

Life Resumed: After a Catastrophic Event and Other Loss, has received great reviews as a powerful faith-based interactive book that addresses the issues we're currently facing due to COVID-19 and various other losses inherent in everyday life. The reader is empowered to move past the anguish and embrace the future with strength and confidence through hands-on participation and step-by-step guidance. Two sections are devoted to helping children understand their fears, with tools for parents/caregivers to address their anxieties, guidelines to initiate conversation and warning signs to determine if professional counseling is needed.

The author is well acquainted with devastating pain and loss as well as the joy that healing brings. God, always present in her life, became her anchor through her personal experiences with various tragedies including the loss of several family members and more recently her sister's death due to COVID-19.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780578678740
Publisher: Pauline Jaramillo
Publication date: 06/22/2020
Pages: 254
Product dimensions: 7.00(w) x 10.00(h) x 0.53(d)

About the Author

Rael Jaramillo has a Master of Arts degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from CSUSB. She has worked with families and youth in various capacities, including crisis intervention. Her hands-on experience has given her valuable insight into the damaging effects of trauma resulting from loss, and the importance of dealing with negative emotions in order to move forward.

Table of Contents


Purpose and Intent, 13

Preparing to Write, 15

Life After Lockdown

Introduction, 19

The Impact, 23

Regroup and Recover, 27

Helping Your Children Recover, 53

Could It Happen Again? 65

Life After Loss

Introduction, 73

Beyond Denial, 79

Feel the Feeling, 87

Conquering Fear, 97

Defusing Anger, 107

Expressing Hurt, 117

Releasing Guilt, 127

Defeating Depression, 141

Letting Go, 151

A Final Farewell, 161

In Remembrance, 169


Introduction, 177

Looking Ahead, 181

Living in the Present, 183

Discovering My Passion, 189

Planning For My Future, 197

Holidays and Special Events, 205


Introduction, 215

Connecting With Others, 217

Expressing Sympathy, 225

Children and Bereavement, 227

Helping Children Adjust to Change, 233


About the Author, 243

Resource Guide, 245

Works Cited, 247

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