
Magia! is the adventure a young boy named Ryan undertakes when he learns of a prophecy - about himself. He learns that his destiny includes overthrowing the dark wizard who has taken over the magical lands, ruling as a tyrant. Without any choice in the matter, Ryan must train for the day. Will he be prepared in time?


Magia! is the adventure a young boy named Ryan undertakes when he learns of a prophecy - about himself. He learns that his destiny includes overthrowing the dark wizard who has taken over the magical lands, ruling as a tyrant. Without any choice in the matter, Ryan must train for the day. Will he be prepared in time?

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by Emily Cooper

Narrated by Nate Barham

Unabridged — 10 hours, 34 minutes



by Emily Cooper

Narrated by Nate Barham

Unabridged — 10 hours, 34 minutes

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Magia! is the adventure a young boy named Ryan undertakes when he learns of a prophecy - about himself. He learns that his destiny includes overthrowing the dark wizard who has taken over the magical lands, ruling as a tyrant. Without any choice in the matter, Ryan must train for the day. Will he be prepared in time?

Product Details

BN ID: 2940159192271
Publisher: Inspired Productions
Publication date: 06/27/2023
Edition description: Unabridged
Age Range: 10 - 13 Years
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