Mais Oui! / Edition 5

Mais Oui! / Edition 5

by Chantal Thompson
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Cengage Learning
Mais Oui! / Edition 5

Mais Oui! / Edition 5

by Chantal Thompson
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This text offers a unique, motivating approach to discovering the French language and the French-speaking world. A series of carefully crafted tasks help students develop their critical-thinking skills and take control of their own learning.

There are 12 chapters, plus one Chapitre complémentaire that includes a listening passage and a reading. The Culture et réflexion section, included in each chapter, presents information about the parts of the French-speaking world that relate to the chapter's theme.

  • Vocabulaire actif boxes throughout the text help students learn the new vocabulary introduced in each section. End-of-chapter vocabulary lists include English definitions.
  • En général activities have been placed before reading selections to increase student comprehension.
  • A text-specific web site includes task-based search activities, an extensive syllabus with chapter-by-chapter teaching suggestions, links to authentic French sites, maps, and downloadable transparencies.

Product Details

ISBN-13: 2901111352034
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Publication date: 01/01/2012
Series: World Languages
Edition description: NE
Pages: 544
Product dimensions: 6.50(w) x 1.50(h) x 9.50(d)

About the Author

Chantal Peron Thompson is a native of Quimper, France. She graduated valedictorian from one of the largest high schools in France (le Lycee de Kerichen a Brest) and developed a love of writing under the spell of the wind-swept coast of Brittany. At age sixteen, she was National Champion of France in the long jump. She went on to attend the University of Rennes and came to the United States to perfect her English and attend graduate school. She ended up getting married and staying! She has been on the faculty at Brigham Young University since 1973 and has earned many teaching awards. The latest is a distinguished University Professorship (1998-2008). She founded the African Studies Program at Brigham Young University and has taken several groups of students to Senegal. She currently directs first-year French courses and trains and supervises a team of fifteen to eighteen student instructors each semester. Thompson is a certified ACTFL Tester and Trainer and conducts workshops worldwide on teaching and testing for proficiency. Her speaking engagements have included keynote addresses at major conferences from Salem, Oregon, to Bangkok, Thailand. She has also presented a series of ACTFL webinars (March-April 2011). Thompson is the primary author of MAIS OUI! a first-year French text (Houghton Mifflin/Cengage Learning 1996, 2000, 2004, 2009, 2012); ENSUITE, a second-year text (McGraw-Hill, 1989, 1993, 1998, 2003); and MOMENTS LITT RAIRES, a literary anthology for intermediate-level courses (Heinle/Cengage Learning, 1992, 2006).

Elaine M. Phillips has an M.A. in French literature and a Ph.D. in Foreign Language Education from the University of Texas at Austin. Her career in foreign language education spans more than thirty years including teaching French in an American high school in Germany and in college and junior college in Texas. She also supervised and taught methods courses for student teachers and graduate courses in Foreign Language Education at UT Austin. Her previous experience as director of the LOTE Center for Educator Development focused on foreign language standards implementation and professional development for in-service teachers. She served as Project Director for the 2007 Texas Language Summit, which assessed economic, social, and cultural imperatives for language competency in Texas for the National Security Education Program, co-authoring LANGUAGE ROADMAP FOR THE 21ST CENTURY: TEXAS. Phillips is currently a language education and evaluation consultant.

Table of Contents

Scope and Sequence. To the Student. CHAPITRE PR LIMINAIRE: BONJOUR! l'ecoute: Votre attention! l'ecoute: Votre nom? Notes culturelles: Bonjour, madame. ; Salutations et gestes. ; Au revoir?; Merci et la politesse. Strategies de communication: Greetings and Introductions. Note culturelle: Tu ou vous? Strategies de communication: Spelling in French. Culture et reflexion: Les salutations et les gestes; Le sourire. l'ecoute: La salle de classe. Structures: Identifying people and things; Qu'est-ce que c'est?; Qui est-ce?; C'est/Ce sont..; Les articles indefinis et definis. Vocabulaire: Expressions pour la classe; Les nombres de 0 a 100. Synth se culturelle: Understanding Cultural Perspectives. CHAPITRE 1: QUI TES-VOUS? tape 1. l'ecoute: Qui suis-je? Prononciation: Les consonnes finales et la liaison. Structure: Introducing yourself; Le verbe tre et les pronoms sujets. Structure: Stating nationality and profession; Le genre et le nombre. Notes culturelles: Le feminin des professions Professions qui font r ver Celebrites. tape 2. l'ecoute: Tu connais ? Prononciation: Le rythme et l'accentuation. Structure: Describing personality traits; L'accord des adjectifs. Structure: Specifying people and things; Les expressions C'est / Il (Elle) est. Structure: Pointing out people and things; Les adjectifs demonstratifs. Culture et reflexion: Nationalites et immigration; L'identite quebecoise. tape 3. Lecture: Le petit Nicolas est malade. Structure: Asking yes/no questions; L'interrogation. Structure: Answering negatively; La negation ne pas. Strategie de communication: Responding to questions and comments. tape 4: Integration. Litterature: L'accent grave (Jacques Prevert). Par ecrit: Celebrities in town! Strategies: Keeping purpose in mind; Avoiding repetition. Synth se culturelle: Identite et image de soi. CHAPITRE 2: LA FAMILLE. tape 1. l'ecoute: Une photo de famille. Prononciation: Le son r. Vocabulaire: La famille. Structure: Expressing ownership; Les adjectifs possessifs. Note culturelle: Des questions personnelles. Strategies de communication: Hesitating and stalling for time. tape 2. Lecture: Les loisirs et la famille. Structure: Talking about leisure activities; Les verbes en -er. Structure: Requesting; L'imperatif. Structure: Asking about people and things; Les pronoms interrogatifs. Culture et reflexion: Le mariage et la famille; Les allocations familiales; Des enfants bien eleves . tape 3. l'ecoute: Quel ge avez-vous? Prononciation: L'intonation. Structures: Discussing age and appearance; Le verbe avoir; L'adjectif interrogatif quel. tape 4: Integration. Litterature: L'homme qui te ressemble. Par ecrit: To be or not to be the same. Strategies: Visualizing relationships; Contrasting. Synth se culturelle: La famille. CHAPITRE 3: LA MAISON ET LA VILLE. tape 1. l'ecoute: All ? Notes culturelles: Les W.C.; Les logements etudiants. Prononciation: Les voyelles nasales. Strategie de communication: Telephone courtesy. Note culturelle: Les telecommunications; Les appareils electroniques. Vocabulaire: Les meubles et les objets personnels. Structure: Asking information questions; Les adverbes interrogatifs. tape 2. Lecture: Ma maison, mon paradis. Note culturelle: Le logement et la ville; Les banlieues. Structures: Describing people and things; La place des adjectifs; Quelques adjectifs irreguliers. Vocabulaire: Les nombres. Culture et reflexion: Fen tres, portes et murs; Communaute et vie privee au Senegal. tape 3. l'ecoute: Je cherche la rue . Prononciation: Les sons [u] et [y]. Structure: Getting around town; Le verbe aller et les contractions. Vocabulaire: La ville et les prepositions de lieu. Structure: Saying what you're going to do; Le futur proche. tape 4: Integration. Litterature: Un N gre a Paris (Bernard Dadie). Par ecrit: Well worth the money! Strategies: Listing Adding variety. Synth se culturelle: Chez moi; Chez eux. CHAPITRE 4: L' COLE. tape 1. l'ecoute: Un emploi du temps charge. Note culturelle: Les grandes ecoles. Prononciation: Les sons [e] et [?]. Structure: Talking about course schedules; L'heure. Strategie de communication: Reacting to news and information. Note culturelle: L'art de la conversation. tape 2. Lecture: Amenager le temps scolaire. Note culturelle: L'ecole en France. Structure: Talking about days and dates; Articles et prepositions avec le jour et la date. Structure: Talking about activities; Le verbe faire. Culture et reflexion: La maternelle; Le bac; ducation et sacrifices. tape 3. l'ecoute: La fac. Note culturelle: L'enseignement superieur. Prononciation: Les sons [ ] et [oe]. Structure: Saying what you can and want to do; Les verbes pouvoir et vouloir. Structure: Discussing your classes; Les verbes prendre, apprendre et comprendre. tape 4: Integration. Litterature: Ils vont lui faire eclater le cerveau (Marcel Pagnol). Par ecrit: I like school but I'm so busy! Strategies: Brainstorming Writing to a friend. Synth se culturelle: Souvenirs d'ecole. CHAPITRE 5: TABLE! tape 1. l'ecoute: Vous desirez? Notes culturelles: Les boissons; Les repas. Prononciation: Le e caduc. Vocabulaire: Pour commander au restaurant. Vocabulaire: L'alimentation: Ce qu'on ach te au magasin. Notes culturelles: Les magasins alimentaires; Le marche en plein air. Structures: Discussing food and drink; Le verbe boire; Les articles partitifs. tape 2. Lecture: Snacking ou neorestauration? Note culturelle: Le grignotage. Structure: Describing eating and drinking preferences; Les expressions ne plus; ne jamais; ne que. Vocabulaire: Les expressions de quantite. Structure: Comparing eating and drinking habits; Le comparatif. Culture et reflexion: L'art de manger; Les repas; Les boulettes; Des revelations . tape 3. l'ecoute: Les courses. Prononciation: Les articles et l'articulation. Structure: Saying what happened; Le passe compose. Strategie de communication: Asking for clarification; Explaining. tape 4: Integration. Litterature: Du camembert, cheri (Guillaume Oy n Mbia). Par ecrit: Eat, drink, and be merry! Strategies: Anticipating readers' questions; Organizing a narrative. Synth se culturelle: Tabous et coutumes alimentaires. CHAPITRE 6: LE TEMPS ET LES PASSE-TEMPS. tape 1. l'ecoute: Le bulletin meteo. Prononciation: Les sons [o] et [ ]. Vocabulaire: Le temps et les saisons. Note culturelle: Festivals quebecois. Structure: Narrating past actions; Le passe compose avec tre. Vocabulaire: Pour parler du passe, du futur et de la ponctualite. tape 2. Lecture: La television. Note culturelle: La television en France. Structure: Talking about favorite pastimes; Les verbes lire, dire, voir et ecrire. Note culturelle: Passe-temps contemporains. Structure: Avoiding repetition; Les pronoms d'objet direct. Culture et reflexion: Les conges payes; Les loisirs et l'ecole; Sports individuels ou collectifs. L'influence du temps. tape 3. l'ecoute: Sport et culture. Prononciation: Les consonnes s et c. Note culturelle: Zinedine Zidane; Justine Henin. Structure: Talking about choices; Les verbes comme choisir. Strategie de communication: Inviting and responding to invitations. tape 4: Integration. Litterature: M. Bordenave n'aime pas le soleil (Jean-Jacques Sempe et Rene Goscinny). Par ecrit: It depends on your point of view . . .. Strategies: Taking a point of view; Expressing time. Synth se culturelle: Les activites extra-curriculaires. CHAPITRE 7: VOYAGES ET TRANSPORTS. tape 1. l'ecoute: l'h tel. Note culturelle: Le logement des vacances. Prononciation: Les semi-voyelles [w] et [ ]. Structure: Talking about coming and going; Les verbes comme sortir. Structure: Situating events in time; Depuis / Il y a / Pendant. tape 2. Lecture: Un voyage en Afrique. Notes culturelles: La Tunisie; Le Senegal. Structures: Talking about travel; Le verbe (re)venir; Les prepositions avec les noms geographiques. Strategie de communication: Asking for information or help. Note culturelle: La politesse. Vocabulaire: Activites de vacances. Vocabulaire: Les pays. Culture et reflexion: Les vacances des Fran ais; Les Fran ais en voiture. tape 3. l'ecoute: la gare. Notes culturelles: Les trains en France; Renseignements utiles. Prononciation: La letter l. Structure: Traveling by train; Les verbes en -re. Structure: Referring to someone already mentioned; Les pronoms d'objet indirect. tape 4: Integration. Litterature: Le voyage du petit prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupery). Par ecrit: Wish you were here! Strategies: Taking audience into account; Using a telegraphic style. Synth se culturelle: Voyages et decouvertes. CHAPITRE 8: LES RELATIONS HUMAINES. tape 1. l'ecoute: L'amitie. Note culturelle: Ami? Copain? Prononciation: La letter g. Structure: Describing how things used to be; L'imparfait. Structure: Talking about friendships; Les verbes pronominaux. tape 2. Lecture: Il n'etait pas mon genre, et pourtant . Note culturelle: Le mariage et le PACS. Vocabulaire: Rencontres et relations. Vocabulaire: Les t ches domestiques. Structure: Linking ideas; Les pronoms relatifs qui et que (qu'). Structure: Describing relationships; Reprise: les pronoms d'objet direct et indirect: te, nous et vous. Culture et reflexion: L'amitie; Dating . tape 3. l'ecoute: Le Bonheur. Prononciation: Les consonnes finales (suite). Structure: Expressing obligation and necessity; Le verbe devoir. Strategie de communication: Making suggestions / Giving advice. tape 4: Integration. Litterature: Qu'est-ce que signifie apprivoiser? (Antoine de Saint-Exupery). Par ecrit: The way we were. Strategies: Using reporters' questions; Talking about the way things were. Synth se culturelle: Qu'est-ce qu'un(e) ami(e)? CHAPITRE 9: LES SOUVENIRS. tape 1. l'ecoute: Un souvenir d'ecole. Prononciation: [e] ou [?]?. Structure: Telling a story about the past; L'imparfait et le passe compose. tape 2. Lecture: F tes et traditions. Note culturelle: Le Ramadan. Strategie de communication: Expressing thanks, congratulations, and good wishes. Structure: Comparing traditions and holidays; Le superlatif. Culture et reflexion: Le souvenir a travers les griots Le souvenir a travers les devises Le souvenir a travers la langue. tape 3. l'ecoute: Un souvenir de voyage. Prononciation: C'est pur, c'est fran ais! . Structure: Saying you know someone or something; Les verbes savoir et conna tre. Structure: Using negative expressions; Les expressions ne rien, ne personne, ne pas encore. tape 4: Integration. Litterature: La concordance des temps (Tahar Ben Jelloun). Par ecrit: I had so much fun! Strategies: Using sentence cues; Organizing a story in the past. Synth se culturelle: L'influence du passe. CHAPITRE 10: LA VIE DE TOUS LES JOURS. tape 1. l'ecoute: La routine quotidienne. Prononciation: Le e caduc. Structure: Talking about daily routines; Les verbes reflechis. Structure: Saying what you did; Les verbes reflechis au passe compose. tape 2. Lecture: Denim, mode d'emploi. Notes culturelles: Les soldes; La bienseance. Vocabulaire: Les v tements. Structures: Saying what you wear and when; Le verbe mettre; Les pronoms avec l'imperatif. Note culturelle: Les compliments. Strategie de communication: Giving and responding to compliments. Culture et reflexion: La haute couture; Les costumes regionaux. tape 3. l'ecoute: La forme. Prononciation: Le e caduc (suite). Vocabulaire: Les traits du visage. Structure: Discussing health and exercise; Le pronom y. tape 4: Integration. Litterature: Une abominable feuille d'erable sur la glace (Roch Carrier). Par ecrit: Close encounters. Strategies: Viewing different facets of an object; Making descriptions vivid. Synth se culturelle: Apparence et impressions. CHAPITRE 11: PLANS ET PROJETS. tape 1. l'ecoute: Le monde du travail. Prononciation: Le s fran ais: [s] ou [z]? Vocabulaire: Pour parler du travail. Structure: Thinking about the future; L'infinitif. Structure: Planning for a career; Le futur simple. tape 2. Lecture: Le marche de l'emploi: les deux France. Structure: Identifying conditions and consequences; Le futur simple apr s certaines locutions. Structure: Adding emphasis; Les pronoms toniques. Vocabulaire: La reussite professionnelle. Culture et reflexion: Le monde des affaires; La femme au Senegal. tape 3. l'ecoute: Hommes et femmes— l'egalite. Note culturelle: Le gouvernement fran ais. Prononciation: Les nombres. Structure: Qualifying an action; Les adverbes. Strategie de communication: Taking part in a conversation Interrupting. Note culturelle: Culture et conversation. tape 4: Integration. Litterature: Une si longue lettre (Mariama B ). Par ecrit: In my crystal ball . . .. Strategies: Webbing Adding variety to sentence beginnings. Synth se culturelle: Reussir sa vie. CHAPITRE 12: SOUCIS ET R VES. tape 1. l'ecoute: Des questions de sante. Note culturelle: La medecine en France. Prononciation: Liaisons obligatoires et liaisons defendues. Structure: Discussing symptoms, remedies, and general health; Le pronom en. Structure: Saying what you would do; Le conditionnel. tape 2. Lecture: Les fantasmes des Fran ais. Structure: Hypothesizing; Le conditionnel (suite). Culture et reflexion: Soucis et r ves de l'Afrique (Aminata Sow Fall). tape 3. l'ecoute: La mondialisation. Prononciation: Rythme et intonation. Strategie de communication: Providing opinions. tape 4: Integration. Litterature: Les Choses (Georges Perec). Par ecrit: If only . Strategies: Looping Adding variety through analogy. Synth se culturelle: Voeux et inquietudes. CHAPITRE COMPL MENTAIRE: DES QUESTIONS D'ACTUALIT . Lecture: L'immigration. Structure: Expressing beliefs and desires, Le present du subjonctif. l'ecoute: L'appel de l'abbe Pierre. Vocabulaire: Pauvrete et mobilization. Structures: Expressing personal viewpoints; Subjonctif ou infinitive?; Le subjonctif irregulier. Litterature: Chemin-d'ecole (Patrick Chamoiseau). Appendice: Conjugaison des verbes. Lexique. Fran ais-Anglais. Anglais-Fran ais.
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