There are few things I like more than a tale where the characters know that they’re in a story. Whether it’s the characters from Scream quoting the rules of slasher movies to one another to figure out how to survive or the expendable ensigns in Redshirts realizing that they’re in a science fiction story, I […]
Every month, we bring you Barnes & Noble’s bestsellers in sci-fi and fantasy over the prior 30-day period. But which books had staying power throughout the year? Below, we take a look at the books that sold, and sold, and sold throughout 2015. Hardcovers
For over a decade, Jim Killen has served as the science fiction and fantasy book buyer for Barnes & Noble. Every month on The B&N Sci-Fi & Fantasy Blog and, Jim shares his curated list of the month’s can’t-miss new SF/F releases.
There’s reason to hope we’re entering a new era in mainstream superhero comics, one in which women headline books that aren’t marketed only to girls. Wonder Woman is wrapping up an iconic run this week, and Ms. Marvel has become a pop-culture phenomenon. The new Thor (she who is worthy) is a hit, there’s a new all-female Avengers […]
For over a decade, Jim Killen has served as the science fiction and fantasy book buyer for Barnes & Noble. At the end of each month, he’ll be sharing the lists of B&N’s bestsellers in the genre, from new hardbacks, to trade paperbacks, to mass markets and media tie-ins, to graphic novels and manga. These are the […]